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road hypnosis

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I don't get the hypnosis, more so I get distracted and/or just forget. But I know what you're talking about. Long, flat, empty freeways that really deserve to be driven at 100+, but instead you're driving them at 60mph because some bored ass cop is hiding in a shrub somewhere with a ticket gun and an urge to ejaculate citations for bonuses all over you.

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100+ is safe on the open road. For a DRIVER. Ever heard of the autobahn? Maybe you don't deserve a datsun, lol, Jk, jk. I did "H" in my 620 that I jumped regularly with completely blown shocks and loose shaky suspension. correcting the wheel about 4 times a second, pie eyed as a motherfucker, a light buzz on, and still in just my own lane. I'd guess that was about 135mph. the passenger was screaming, "OH MY GOD, WERE GONNA' DIE!!!!!!!!!!!" and I broke into the original star trek scotty accent saying "CAPTAIN, she can't take much more of this, she's breaking up!" laughing with foot pressed hard to the floor.

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Done it....

What's 'worse' you ask?????

Getting to your destination (let's say a drive thru) and have a patron from inside the restaurant come out and inform you that there is a black electrical cord stuck on the bumper.

I as ponder this news with some feigned shock and disbelief...I can't help but wonder WTF happened to that cast iron miter saw it was firmly attached to when I left.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I agree with King Bee. Perhaps you're not an excellent driver Raymond? Seriously, take a nap on lunch. Four times missing an exit is not good.


Oh, and .sunlover, don't you drive anywhere near me!

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When I drove my Datsun pickup home from L.A., as I was driving through Centralia I estimated that I would need to fill the tank in Olympia. Next thing I remember the truck coasted to a stop in Renton - out of gas. Driving at 3am is not recommended, it's too easy to zone out...

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H of mph, like my speed..... never done H, like the drug. And I was fucking crazy back in the day. I take it easy, and drive sober now for fear of tickets.


I liked that story better the first way. Next time, just go with it.

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When I was about 20 I used to drive about 30 miles to work on boring double lane with grassy center divider between me and the oncoming traffic. Many is the time I would zone out and if a car came up behind me I guess I would subconsciously 'see' the movement in the rear mirror when it got to within a few hundred yards. I would freak out and mentally yell at myself for not being alert and paying attention. The same would happen if I started overtaking another car. Suddenly I would become aware (even though it was several hundred yards ahead) and there was no danger, just that It wasn't there and suddenly it was. It happened all the time and slowly I began to realize that my subconscious was watching out even if I didn't seem to be. It was like having radar and if anything in front or behind got within my 'bubble' it would tell me and I would become more aware. Surface street driving was different, and the alertness level was always fine but out on the freeway with no oncoming traffic and everyone going in my direction, I would daydream. There's just no way you can stay constantly at full alert, maybe alert isn't the word and mentally you would 'stand down', a reduced level of awareness, mental cruise control perhaps to match the lowered risk level. All I know is that I will snap to full aware if there was anything.

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140 feels awesome.


My Dart had a 'sweet spot' at 120 where the exhaust, wind, engine noise mellowed out and combined into a trio. Where the stiff suspension seemed to be just comfortably 'right' for the pavement, vibrations cancelled each other out and handling was exactly right where it was only good at half that speed. You could coax another 30 MPH out of it but it was all business and work.

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I have a friend who does this. He is the least fun person to ride with. Everything is so lax that he cant even know where to turn. You have to be a co-pilot, for everything.


Only time I have missed an exit (besides when you are following directions) was my first time driving on the highway at night, I didnt recognize the road at night, luckily the next exit also goes to my house.

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I used to drive from lewiston idaho to winchester idaho every morning at 4:30 am. A was rocking ab a10 wagon abd it did great in the snow, never a problem at all. One icy morning I got about half way i looked over to grab my smokes , and when I looked back I saw the trees moving from left to right thu my windshiel as I was flying sideways down the road.

My first experience with black ice , it came full circle and I ended up in my lane going the right direction.

I passed my exits several times.

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When I first drove thru portland, looking for a hospital, tired , stressed, lost, I came upon the 405 bridge.

I dont know how, but i went across that bridge a half dozen times. In a real wobbley ford toreass with a brocken collum and shattered windshield, in heavy rain. I was lulling at my self hard , almost lost it.

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