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Steve Jobs died today

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What a sad day and an amazing man. I especially like this quote:


"Jobs' climb to the top was complete in summer 2011, when Apple listed more cash reserves than the U.S. Treasury and even briefly surpassed Exxon Mobil as the world's most valuable company."


Talk about creating something from nothing.

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"No one wants to die, even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true." - Steve Jobs




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Guest 510kamikazifreak

There are few things that all in the world have in common.

1st is life :cool:


2nd is death..

Its inevitable :(

When I go,damn well better be in a 510 :cool: :lol:

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Well played sir, well played in the most fucked up manner.


I guess all of the Starbuck's around the world had patrons mourning today. They were all wearing more black than usual and being extra emo. Some were seen pouring a portion of their lattes and caramel macchiatos on the bricks outside.

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Wether you know it or not, like it or not, Jobs changed the world and all of our lives.


I think about what I was doing in the late '70s. I lived in Mt. View, my brother lived a couple of miles away in Sunnyvale, and was an engineer for National Semiconductor. I met a bunch of really smart engineering type guys that worked with him, who rode motorcycles, and we all went on rides together. A friend of ours was renting a house on Mary Ave. a couple doors down from (I think I remember Steve Woz's parents's house. That was where they made the first prototypes, the kits and first "Apple" computers.


I remember our buddy had a Moto Guzzi 750 Le Mans that was fairly exotic for the time. We used to go over there and hang out in his garage and driveway, bench racing and drinking beer. I saw Jobs and Woz a few times but we had no idea what they were up to.


I had a client who worked on the operating system for the first Macintosh when there were like 250 employees at the first little building Apple had in Cupertino. She got laid off in '84 when the project was finished because they had no idea the the Mac would take off like it did. I met her a few years later when she was building a software company that wrote engineering and scientific spread sheet type apps to run on Macs. Mostly in the Japanese market, but later across the rest of the world. She was just a yuppie millionaire when I first met her and in ten years, she was a billionaire. In hindsight she thought it was funny that she felt so bad when she got laid off from Apple, but really it forced her to launch her own thing and be wildly successful.


When jobs got bounced from Apple, he didn't really miss a beat. He bought Pixar from Lucas Films. He chunked in about ten mill and the company struggled but they came up with ground breaking technology, so that in a few years he sold Pixar to Disney in 2006 at a valuation of $7.4 billion; the transaction made Jobs the largest shareholder in Disney.


What most people don't remember was NeXT computer. He really struggled to get that venture up and running and it wasn't a commercial success like the Macs, but those high-end work stations were the first web servers and the first internet browsers.


During Cilton's first run for President, I had a client who owned an upscale Jewelry store in Downtown Palo Alto. She shared the building with a crazy Argentine guy named Gus who ran a four star French Restaurant. I had done the tenant improvement when she moved in a few years before and now I was moving a door and building Mahogany display cases for her shop. I had met Gus working there the first time around. He got broken into to and called me to replace the door and through that I worked for him building a huge wine cellar and remodeling the bar.


So I'm working away in the little store in front and I start noticing all these guys that looked like the Mafia walking up and down the street and into the lobby of the restaurant. I was starting to nail casing on this new back door from her shop into the shared lobby where there were restrooms. Crazy Gus comes running out and is yelling at me in a broken accent, "MY FRIEND, MY FRIEND... NO HAMMERING DURING THE LUNCH HOUR!!!" I'm going Gus calm down man, I have three pieces to nail and I'll be done. He is freaking out and tries to tell me that a big private party was coming at the stroke of noon, so I had to be quiet and even better, take a hike and go away.


I pissed him off and kept on nailing away for a few minutes, so I could be done then go back into the shop and work. I see all these big black limos drive up and realize the Mafioso types were all body guards. It was a fund raiser for Clinton. All the movers and shakers in Silicon Valley were there. I saw Larry Ellison of Oracle, Gil Amelio CEO of National Semiconductor, Jerry Sanders from AMD and then Bill Gates and Steve Jobs come walking in together.


My little brush with greatness. People can take pot shots at Jobs but only time will show the real impact he had on the world.

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