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So really things have been going well for me. I am on vacation for the entire month of August, nice reward for not taking any time off for 4 years. Got the KA swap all done in the 620, and even got paid today. I drove the truck from here in Bonners to Spokane, where I found an automatic ECU for my truck to take care of the rev limiter issue. Had a great day cruising around, hollerin at girls, perv cruising the mall etc....on my way back home I stopped for fuel, and my debit card (visa bankcard linked to my checking acct) was declined at the pump.....not a huge deal, it does not work everywhere.....Used my credit card instead.


Well got back to Bonners and have been gearing up for a trip to Baker City to see Jayden71 and have a good time. Went to Safeway to buy a few things for the trip and once again my card was declined. Got home checked on my account and it is wiped fucking clean......


4 debits for 500$ each and a 5th for 380$. Cleaned my account down to zero. I called my banks 24 hour number, and the person there shut off my account (lot of good it does now, since its empty) and filed a fraud notice. They are a third party company that handles after hour emergencies, like lost cards etc. I have to go see my bank tomorrow to see where/how the hell this happened. I am so beyond pissed right now I haven't the words. I do not steal, I work hard for what I have, I even started out with nothing and still have most of it left.


I pray my bank has fraud protection and can get my $$ back.


So yea I have a sweet ka620, but no money........no trip to oregon, no fair, no nothing....Dammit



I could at least see this being why LOL

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fuck man i hate thieves! i know its way less money, but i just had a stereo i was trying to sell stolen right out of my because they 8 guys around me said i stole it from their buddies car, so they stole it from me. like you said, i dont steal shit, i work for it. ill be prayin you get your funds back, that bullshit man.

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That happened to me as well, I was credited all of it back from my bank as soon as I reported it. Then I had to print out my statement and highlight the fraudulent charges and fax it to them. They handled it from there, I believe all banks have to have insurance for this kind of thing, I know USAA and B of A does.

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Sucks man! Some people are just lazy fuckers. I wish they'de get off their ass and work for their money and earn it on their own, instead of stealing money from someone that works for it. angry.gif



I had an issue with an ATM in Indiana not give me money at a gas station a few years back. Wasn't much, but the people at the counter couldn't do anything, so I went to my bank when I got home and filed a fraud and gave them all the info the ATM spitted up, and it was all credited to my account same day.






What bank do you have?

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You should be good but you are going to have to pay 50 buxs... Everything should be returned but those fifty dollars. you have to cancel everything and re-fix everything.


From my Law class...



If a customer's ATM card is lost or stolen, the customer must notify the bank within ___2__ days and if that is done, the customer is then liable for only the first __50___ stolen.


C. 2 days / $50

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Damn man, that is cock gobbling slut material there! Sucks, be nice to know how it happened, if online or someone took a picture of your phone while you had your card out in the check out line.


Do you shred your bills/sensitive mail? I shred everything living in Spokane. Anything with my address or anything else. Minus the stuff kept in the file cabinet for records of course.


I'll bet you'll get it ironed out tomorrow though. Banks are usually fairly forgiving as long as there's no red flags.

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Here is to the rotten mofos who ripped me off.............


I know I shouldn't laugh, but that gif is fucking hilarious.


Did you happen to use the card in a place that was crowded over the past few days? There are guys out there that have electronics that will read your card if they can get close enough to it.

I like how all these credit card makers are adding all sorts of shit that increased the readable range of a card, and yet they're using absolutely nothing that secures said card.


"Oh, the RFID cards are secure because someone would have to literally be right next to you to scan it, and you'd notice that they're too close."


... ya, because each and every one of the people here is completely aware of just who's a little "too close" to them. :/


Thanks Father Wild. This reminds me that I'll want to be keeping most of my paychecks in a separate, non-linked account.


What absolutely amazes me is how banks completely ignore "rapid raid charges". Because, you know, it's completely normal for you to swipe your card for $500 4 times in under a second.


I knew a guy who tried to log into his business account on his bank's website only to get an error that he entered the wrong data. He tried a few more times, knowing the credentials were correct and still couldn't get in.


He tried again when he got home and it went through just fine. That's when he found the dozens of pages worth of $50 charges against his business account to the tune of over $40k. The mind numbing thing was that all of these charges, all several hundred of them, happened in less than five minutes.


A virus on his computer was directing him from BofA's real site to a phishing site. Then BofA told him that because it was a business account, it didn't have the same fraud protection as personal accounts do.


I've been telling all of my small business owner friends to convert their business accounts to personal accounts.

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Thanks for the helpful words guys. The lady at the bank (well the 3rd party emergency people) said they were fraudulent because they were a cascade of charges........She said after the 5th 500$ charge was declined they rapidly lowered the amount until they hit the mark with whatever I had in my account.

I bank with a local chain here, IMCB, they are all over idaho and oregon, some in wash. They have always been great with me, and I am sure if past experiences on a few minor fraudulent charges and how they were handled is any indicator of how this will get fixed, I am certain it should be no problem.


Funny thing you talk about crowded places etc....as I just spent all of last weekend in Seattle, used my card numerous places, but never an atm or anything. These charges seemed to originate from an online source, so probably someone raped my account info somehow. I am diligent about shredding sensitive garbage, most all of my statements are e-mailed to me etc.



I am glad you laughed at that, because thats about all i can do, I had my middle finger up for about an hour tonight. That is some BULLSHIT about business accounts......fraud is fucking fraud. Argh. Fuck those fucking fuckers.......



As of right now I am cancelling the oregon trip. How tomorrow pans out will dictate if I decide to head out of town. I really wanna have a beer with you, and talk to Alicia about some ink.


Alright well I did go out to blow off some steam, so I opened up the KA for all she had for the first time. took er to 100mph. wow. So enjoy, a little happy in this sad thread!



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RFID can be scanned from like 25 feet with powerful scanners. Usually connected to a laptop in a car. Smack your credit card a few times with hammer, breaks the chip.


Lately people have been skimming cards. They put this device in a slot of the ATM. you put your card into the slot, but really into the device, Your card works like normal in the ATM, but they just got your card number and your pin number. Then they zero your account. Of course if your card is about to expire, they can steal the new one from the mail.

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You ABSOLUTELY MUST pay close attention to card reading machines. One of the big bars in Portland found one on their ATM. Instead of removing it, they broke it, then paid real close attention to people who started looking closely at the ATM. The bastard they caught was some sand castle fence jumper (i.e. middle eastern illegal alien; that's different). Best part was, numb nuts had a Facebook and Foursquare account on his phone and would "check in" to "منزل" which translates into "home" in Arabic.



All the lovely presents and people they found in his house!



Snopes has some examples of the skimmers: http://www.snopes.com/fraud/atm/atmcamera.asp

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