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Happy end of the world!

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HAHA! Now THAT'S funny! ^ :rofl: Attention viewers: NAPA will, I repeat, will be open tomorrow, rapture or not! And if it does happen, I imagine we ratsuners will have a lot more freeway space to play on. Rather a win-win, right? :cool:


But personally, I don't believe in heaven or Spokane, er, I mean, hell! :D Though I'll talk to God tonight and see if I can't get a job fixing his cars in exchange for being allowed to stay on earth with superhuman strength. ;)

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Well mods. Are you guys hypocrites . I myself am no part of this religion. But I do believe thIs qualifies as "religion" bashing. So I am publicly complaining.


I see no religion bashing here. If there is any bashing it's that old fool Harold Camping that's getting the brunt of it for his 'prediction part II' about the rapture.

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Well I do . No respect ! Pictures poking fun at Jesus cmon now mike! It's a religion to someone. In my eyes/opinion it's very hypocrite of you guys. Who polices the police? You can't even abide by a fundamental rules. You so righteously quote all the time.

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Well I do . No respect ! Pictures poking fun at Jesus cmon now mike! It's a religion to someone. In my eyes/opinion it's very hypocrite of you guys. Who polices the police? You can't even abide by a fundamental rules. You so righteously quote all the time.


I must say I agree, not to say that I think we need to blow this out of proportion of get uptight. It is just a good thought on the other side of the fence. I myself have no religious or political affiliation. I do see alot of 'Majority rules' jokes/opinions/respect&disrespect... However its hard to leave religion/faith out of this when the topic is 'end of the world day!' I just have to back up the devils advocate position being a bastion of true equality :P

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Silly fanatics! there is no escape!!!


They must not read their bibles at all, Mark 13:32 "But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."


And people wonder why there are so many religious wack jobs, religion is way overdue for retirement. Why trust a bible or a koran or whatever text? the #1 problem they fail to realize is a human wrote it!

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I sent an email to the parents just in case. I told the dog the plan, if the rapture does start at 3pm, then I'm leaving NAPA early, getting my guns, and taking the dog and myself up to the parents house to fight demons. Just sayin'. Gotta be prepared!

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I cant find my birth certificate right now but....

Matthew Pxxxxxxx, born May 21, 1988. 6:06PM. Singlehandedly brought about the end bitches! :fu:


But seriously, one of the articles I was reading about this said something along the lines of "...by using an equation of his own creation..." OK, done, stopped reading from there.



happy birthday better make it a good one! hahah

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No respect ! Pictures poking fun at Jesus

are you offended if the picture was changed to some other icon, mohammad perhaps??? could you even use "god's" pic? busey???

thats whats great about this country, freedom of the press. should we be concerned the pope has put a hit on the OP for blasphemy?


respect? <_< none for them! its a financial scam/scare to fleece the sheep.

i highly doubt they have any respect for the non-believers. ask them what they think of steve hawkings claim.



'fun' is :poke: at the engineer clown who professes to use math (a science) to predict the end. both of which are against the bible.

so far this is not against the religion he professes to espouse.

no one has said it cant happen, bible bashed... just that his group has no fucking clue.

as do most who cant/wont think for themselves.



there is purple kool-aid and nike hi-tops if you're willing to follow.

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