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Dis-functional family? ON VIDEO!

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Yes I have MetalMonkey47 is Majorly enthusiastic about Datsuns and the knowledge base surrounding Datsuns. OH BTW I joined on the 10'th of June 09' and Monkey joined the 9'th of march 10' Not that IT MATTERS AT ALL!


thumbup1.gif I learned everything I know about Datsuns from Ratsun. Including you in some cases. I use the search feature poke.gif

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Good on ya for looking after your mom. Sucks that you had to fight in front of her, but if she has raised 2 boys, I'm sure she'll be fine.


and sure this is a Datsun board, its also a place to talk to people that have become friends through a shared interest. Sometimes you're pissed and need the input of people you respect. I get it. The people here are the most real, down to earth, and sometimes flawed I've seen on any board, and that's what makes this place so welcoming, and comfortable. It's all good, man.


That said, if you start any threads about how you got in trouble at school last week, I will find a way to slap you. :blink:

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I think as you get older you are less likely to be so open about personal family matters. Perhaps with age there is added wisdom/experience and you deal with or settle it differently. I don't know. Perhaps this is a way to draw attention to something that he, (MM) is having trouble dealing with. In a way a shout for help by someone who is having trouble understanding the irrationality of it all. Who hasn't been there? Talking about a problem with a friend doesn't always fix it but often you just need to unload to feel better. Perhaps it's a search to find you are not alone in this. :console:

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I didn't watch it but I did read your account of the events. I can only guess the Jerry Springer-ness of the moment given the comments. :P I have enough drama at NAPA and we've been getting our asses kicked with people being on vacation.


Seriously though, you should think about moving elsewhere, and having an intervention with your bro. Pushing mom AT ALL is not a good thing. That will carry over to all sorts of relationships.

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Reminds me of a phase my brother went through after my parents divorced. He would try to intimidate and shove my mom and shit. I stomped that shit out quick. You can't just go break his nose tho, your mom will try and defend him and it gets worse. I put an end to it tho I found a way. He does what he's told when I'm around but still has a little temper. My mom let's me know if he ever fucks up too.

But yeah your brother is a fucking pussy

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my brothers like that.



then I put him threw a door.



hes still like that.... but now he keeps his fucking mouth shut. :mellow:




some kids learn things the hard way.

Yeah the kid needs to know he's not the boss. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do man

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Holy hell dude. And did I read joker on his windshield? Y'all don't look Mexican. And no disrespect to any Mexicans/other Hispanics on here, I knew a few Jokers back in Cali.



only Jokers I know




(my buddies grandpa was OR pres.)

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how old are you and your brother? did you grow up without a father? My oldest son is 11 and every once in a while he ignores my wife and she gets pissed and then comes to me with the issue and all I have to do is look at him and he knows he better start listening to her. Does your brother play a lot of video games?

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how old are you and your brother? did you grow up without a father? My oldest son is 11 and every once in a while he ignores my wife and she gets pissed and then comes to me with the issue and all I have to do is look at him and he knows he better start listening to her. Does your brother play a lot of video games?



lol your kids nowhere near the level of fuckery if thsts what she comes to you for

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Guest DatsuNoob

FUCK for no sound here @ work! :lol: Serious, if I had a little shit who pushed my mom or my woman around, I'd come unfuckinghinged. I have the propensity to rage and have been known to, so I'm by no means perfect, but for shit's sake, I'd never shove the woman who gave me life, washed my clothes, and fed my face for 18+ yrs into a pile of goddamn feathers much less a pile of car parts. I'd be making arrangements for him to move out, or join the gawddamn military and see if they can teach him a little humility. What about suggesting to your mother she look into some kind of scared straight program? Often times tough love is the only way to wake up a young man, and make him see the error of his ways. Sometimes it's only after we lose something of value like freedom, priveleges, or even respect or relationships with people we've wronged that we truly realize how good things really were.

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"its begginning to look a lot like christmas" lol



my lil bro/fam is just like that.



litte word of advice:


stop getting into fights with him, walk away, if he flips out let him do it by himself. defend ONLY if he comes at you and you have to.


start calling the cops. seriously, ya i know it sucks to rat out anyone like that, but a night in jail or handcuffed to a table in a psych ward (happened to my lil bro) will set him straight for a lil bit.


he goes at your mom again say "stop now, or im calling the cops" then do it, and let him do his thing. once your talking to the operator, tell em your addy and say "ya he's attacking my mom i gotta go" dont hang up but go stop him using words until he comes at you.




this shit will snowball as long as you let him. show him this is the real world and that he at least looks like and can be punished like a adult.

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I'm turning 20 during Canby on June 11th. He's almost 22, and acts like an immature little bitch. I keep my cool while I can, and try to avoid the situations but when he starts with my mom, it's OVER.


I'd move out, but I wouldn't do that with my brother still around acting the way he does. I can't even afford it, so right now it's out of the question. I'm looking for other jobs right now, but right now nothings panning out.


He's threatened me before and my car, saying he was gonna run over it with his gay truck, and I called the cops. Problem is, they told me if the took him, they'd take me too because it was a mutual argument. Fucking cops dry.gif




More on that later. I got lots to say here, but no time to type it

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rolleyes.gif As a pre-curser to any of this, it is essential that you read the story before watching the video. Trust me, it's worth it.



Alright, this is for you guys at Ratsun and SoFresh. It's got a bit of a story behind it. My brother has an attitude problem, and he shows it, but this really tops it off. The little fucker pushed my mom into a pile of my engine parts so i decided to record the aftermath.


Here's the story:


It starts early this morning. I wake up at 6AM on the dot, ready to go to work and show up early. I always get there early, because I like to sit for a few minuets and eat my breakfast before clocking in and working. I got up this morning in particular, and my brothers shitty little Hyundai Tiburon (fail wheel drive) is parked like... 2 inches from my bumper. I could not get out. My mom went down stairs and asked him nicely 4 times to get up and move his car so I can get out. He starts yelling about how I shouldn't have parked my car there (I was working on the brakes last night) and how it was my fault that I hadn't put my car in the street. Fast forward 30 minuets, I'm late for work, and STILL haven't left yet. I'm caught in traffic behind school busses trying to get there. Fortunately, I don't get written up for being late.


Right before this video was recorded, he was complaining about how he broke the lip on his car and needed the garage so he could pull it off and fix it. I knew he didn't need the garage, but whatever. I have my L/Z20 parts laying around from mocking it up earlier. I move it over and make room for him to pull in. He goes flying into the garage like the ricer faggot he is. Opens his door into a jack stand. PISSED. And I'm secretly LOL'ing inside. He grabs the sheet metal I have on the floor near my engine that I scooped the oil dry onto and throws it into the driveway. Shit is EVERYWHERE. Grabs the jackstands, goes running to the closet with them and on the way there.....


FUCKING BAM! Smacks his freshly painted fender with the corner. Deep ass dent, and a major gash. He goes off. Louder then i've ever heard him yell and more pissed then I think he's ever been. He knocks my mom into a pile of my parts, screaming and I'm on the edge of knocking him sensless. he's throwing my parts around, I'm sure stuffs broken, but I will get my revenge. After my mom gets up, I started recording.....


Here is the video....


The video stops recording because my mom got ahold of it and stopped it. I went after my brother, he came after me with a tire iron, and you can guess what happened from there....






Sorry the videos so shitty, I was trying not to make it obvious I was recording unsure.gif



Easy with the those name callings........


I dont have audio here, but your borther looks like a tool...a lil pre madona... whats his username on NT so I can call him out.. =)

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I think lots of time growing up without a father figure kids dont know the boundaries,Growing up with a mother and a father they were set for me at an early age.If mom was upset,dad was upset,if dad was upset shit was gonna hit the fan,and me and my brother were the stuff that did'nt wanna hit the fan.

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Easy with the those name callings........


I dont have audio here, but your borther looks like a tool...a lil pre madona... whats his username on NT so I can call him out.. =)




I forgot! Your tib is cool, his tib is gay.


He's papercut47. Don't be too harsh, I think he actually feels bad laugh.gif

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Wait, your brother is almost 22 and having hissy fits like that? If this is the norm he should be used to having his face broken! Whata tool. I like that he mentioned you recording it and you say something about entertaining the people online. Maybe the guys in his forum would like to see what a punk he is.

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dude what the hell is wrong with you guys? you both need to go apologize to your mom!!! your bother needs the shit beat out of him, who talks to their mom like that? you both need your asses kicked out on the street. there is a special place in hell for people who treat their mom that way.

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