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Traffic Stop? Don't Get Combative

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I side with the cops on these issues unless shown otherwise. 99% of the time, some asshole brings it on themselves because they are indignant that they did nothing wrong. Hence, the don't listen to officer's commands, don't stop, etc. There are a few situations that have been deemed inappropriate action. One was the tasing of a retarded man here in Spokane. Sucks for him, he was combative because he didn't know what was going on. They should have seen that. There was a big lawsuit over it.


Either way you slice it, if the officer fears his life is in jeopardy, he's going to use force to prevent harm. And in some cases, people die from it. Sad either way.

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another taser incident that resulted in a guys death is still in courts, the guy didn't understand english became distraught so the cops tazed him to death. Not the first nor the most recent tazer death I have heard of. Tazers are just as dangerous if not more so that a gun.

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I got tazed once by a cop dropped me like a sack of potatoes.... it hurt bad real bad. not the hand held kind either the one that shoots. made my bones hurt awful just say yes sir no sir trust me one of my best friends is a cop. and they want a reason. but it was my fault so I can't complain

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another taser incident that resulted in a guys death is still in courts, the guy didn't understand english became distraught so the cops tazed him to death. Not the first nor the most recent tazer death I have heard of. Tazers are just as dangerous if not more so that a gun.



They're a "less lethal" option to just shooting you in the face. Alot of cops misuse the term and say "less than lethal". They can be lethal, but I'd rather that than just getting shot in the face.


Oh, and if you didn't do anything wrong.... just comply with the officers and explain your case to the judge.

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The denver p.d. is in a world of shit right now for excessive force. I guess the police don't even know where their traffic cameras are placed anymore. A guys buddy was getting arrested for public intoxication outside of a night club so to get a ride home he called his dad. Aparently the guy said something wrong about the officer on the phone and the cop drug him into the gutter and beat the hell out of him.

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I dont even bother calling the police :rolleyes:




I dont trust cops, not saying all are bad or worthless.

Iv met a few that are honest good dudes that take pride in being a good cop but unfortunately Iv met more that arnt

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I just really hate the lame ass reasons i get pulled over for in my stock honda accord. The last time was because my licence plate wasn't well lit enough for his liking. He flipped a bitch on a busy street to tell me that.

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The denver p.d. is in a world of shit right now for excessive force. I guess the police don't even know where their traffic cameras are placed anymore. A guys buddy was getting arrested for public intoxication outside of a night club so to get a ride home he called his dad. Aparently the guy said something wrong about the officer on the phone and the cop drug him into the gutter and beat the hell out of him.



If that's actually the case, then you need to file a lawsuit against the police department. That should never happen in today's society. I know enough cops to know they are scrutinized very heavily within their organization. There are investigations, and if cops are doing vigilante shit, the department will be more than happy to get rid of them. Keep in mind, as bad as some peoples' opinions of cops are, they are PUBLIC servants.

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It came from a news story here in denver. There was a huge investigation which led to the head guy resigning.


To clarify, not a personal experience.


I remember that going on, Its not so bad here in the springs I have only been pulled over once (I just got my Beetle running again and was hot rodding it from a light) I got a warning the guy was pretty nice but he did follow me about a block before he turned his lights on when I pulled in my driveway, which was kind of weird but oh well I got out of it with a warning he didn't even write me up for my tail light that was out. Otherwise the Police around here only really care about Street racing which is a pretty big problem, Supposedly they are going to adopt Cali's Law of Crushing the Street Racers car.




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people assume tazers are non-lethal or less-lethal even though there are mountains of evidence that say otherwise and that is what makes them more dangerous.


The guy that was tazered to death in Vancouver Airport was polish and didn't speak or understand english, the cops didn't even back off they kept yelling at the guy raiseing his anxiety, the cops decided to tazer him assuming the tazer was non-lethal.

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