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TY for all the kind words & John thats huge offering your truck & trailer. Ill call you if i need it. Soon i wont have to listen to 5 young kids downstairs going nuts all the damm time [were in a 2 story duplex]. The 1st time we went to look @ the new house we were there 45 minutes & ONE car drove by & it was quiet...yeah we can handle that :cool: BTW we'll be living in BHC AZ & once were settled in it'll be BBQ & boating time & you guys are invited ! Laughlin is just 15 minutes away & rooms are cheap :D

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great news, I am happy for you.


But hey, I pay 2k a month for my mortgage (just principal) and I live in TX. I retired at 34, I was making well over 100k in CA and I was living paycheck to paycheck as well, moved out to Texas and have saved month after month. I do miss CA for a few things like in-n-out but hell, were getting 6 of them this month so the only thing I left back in CA was my older sister and that is it.

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Right On! Congrats and a fresh start to you and the family! We hate to lose you here but most of us understand and envy you quite a bit!


Now we have a good reason to go to Arizona! Old School Meet at Havasu! Don't be a stranger and you have quite a few friends here in SoCal! :)



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That is so great, Mark. I'm happy for you and your family. I've been out of Cali since '94 and have never regretted it. I go back for friends, the beach and JCCS. Having a garage with a house attached to it is the best thing ever. And we all keep in touch on ratsun anyway. Best of luck!

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Hey Mark, I'm happy for you on the move up... That's what life is all about... Enjoy the new Casa and home ownership, it's a great feeling. Hopefully you will still come down for a show or two every now and again. Wishing you the Best, Lawrence.

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Well after a drama filled 2 days we finally got moved into our new house.The person who i thought was my friend decided to turn around & head back to San diego when we were 10 minutes from the new house & he had 75% of my garage stuff in his truck & to boot my 720 & Hardbody were in his garage in SD. Dude has a physchotic episode & hauls ass back home & decides not to answer his cell. Steroid Tony & myself head back to SD early the next day to retrieve my 620, 720 & HB. We arrive at his house...he's home but wont answer the door & has unloaded my stuff in his garage. I call the cops & after a 3 hour wait they assist us retrieve my trucks & belongings. So in 2 days i got 4 hours sleep because of this asshole !! Lesson to all...pick your friends carefully :angry:

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Hey Mark, I just now see this thread, wth? Congrats on the house amigo! Huge garage...score! Now you'll have room for your toys and all the other 'childish' things you couln't store in your old place. I'm definatly miss having you in CA, especially in SD where it gave me yet another reason to visit...if I could I'd move to sunny SD in a heartbeat, I've been there many times and I love it there, but for now I'll stay up here and hopefully soon I'll be posting about our move to Santa Cruz where I'll finally have a garage to tool around in as well. All I have to do is get off my butt and sell my place so I don't have to rent it out, and then pick a home to go into serious debt and bam, we'll be happy like you and your family are! Hell now I may just have to come visit you out there...just as long as it's not scorched earth hot ok?


Sorry to hear about your 'friend' bailing out on you like that when you were so close to getting to your new place. That blows and the drama that followed I'm sure wasn't helping the already high stress of moving your family and stuff out there. I am glad to read that you are close to real friends that you know you can rely on to back you up, as I'm sure they know, you'd do the same at a drop of a hat, that's the kind of cool guy you are. Lucky for me I've learned that first hand. Keep me posted on FB or give me a call. Enjoy the new surroundings and the water/boat!!!


Tell the fam (& Sprout) I said congrats!

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