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I hate people sometimes

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I would think that to be on public property you would have to be plated and insured just like any vehicle on the road. If it isn't running it's just like any break down on the side of the road and a danger to others if not towed or fixed promptly. I would think there is a little more leniency if in town and in front of your house... BUT the town probably has it's own by-laws about this and overall the police have a blanket coverage to ticket it if they feel so inclined. They don't need a reason but a phone call from a concerned neighbor is a good one. Sometimes a by-law officer comes out and posts a warning. Plates in the garage is no good. Vehicle has to be running. I park on public property every night, well my wife does. My 710 goon parts car is five feet onto my property. I did keep in out front for most of the winter with no problems, the neighbors are cool.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I park where I want when I want..

isnt that what parking tickets are for to make sure I can park there :lol:

See I have the paper to prove I can park here :unsure: :lol:

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Ya usually mine are cool as well, but I have some weird neighbors the guy next door has drivien 3 owners off the street in the last 8 years. But like I said I didn't know about the whole not having tags on a car that obviously isn't going to be driven but it is a good thing to know. It just sucks that after 25 years of having random vehicles parked there My truck which I'm trying to get out of the way asap got ticketed.

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Up here they issue it as a civil infraction but they give you a non moving violation traffic type ticket, which does two things in their favor. If you ignore ticket and dont deal with it they have grounds to take your license away. And it takes it ( civil ) out of civil court and puts it i traffic ( criminal ) court, where the judgments are usually harsher but their level of proof ( for them ) is much lower because they are going off civil court discovery rules..




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Guest DatsuNoob

Someone on my dead end very very low traffic street called the 5/0 on out to ticket my parts truck for being parked in front of my house with no tags on it what freakin BS. I wish I saw the B who did it I'd rack em in the nutz right then and there.


Seriously why do cops waste there time doing this shit I could roll though my neighborhood and point out like 1232322 people who sell dope or are gang affiliated and they won't do more than slap their wrists.


Awww, c'mon... cops aren't THAT bad, they're almost people too ya know :lol: Cops write tickets because it generates revenue for their small town's survival. I've been to Milwaukie and am willing to bet that's where a nice little chunk of it comes from. An officer being proactive and putting forth the effort to shut down tweakers, gangs, and other assorted lowlives takes real time, energy, paperwork, and above all else DOES NOT MAKE THE TOWN ANY MONEY. Therefore you probably wont see any pigs walkin the beat looking for trouble to sort out. Instead they often prey on guys like us who barely have a pot to piss in, but are too stubborn to quit working and give up like everyone else and they just keep suckling off the teet. It's almost a badge of honor to be honest. Even though law enforcement officials can be total shitcocks they view you as the writer of paychecks, a true pillar of society. I once wiped my crack with a mail in ticket and check before sending it into the courthouse, then I had the upper hand :D Look for your small freedoms and smile in the face of adversity knowing it just got dookie on its hand. The person who phoned this in is mopst likey a crotchety old bag who had plenty of spare time and nothing else at that particular time to bitch about. You have anyone on your block like that? Scary cat lady perhaps? What about a car cover? I'm sure there's something you can do, some kind of loophole. From what Joey (kami) has told me, Milwaukie/OR City cops dont seem to be too into Datsuns :lol:

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I'm not going to get into the socio-economic status of Datsun owners in general, but one man's junk is another man's treasure. Even when it's a Datsun. Post a picture of your street and your house, and that will get a much better idea of if your place is within the norm, or you're the eyesore on the block. :) (I park all my cars in the yard...illegally I might add, since it's illegal to park a car in the yard.) No one gives me any crap. I even have a dead Honda out there now. But it's complete and looks like it would run. Plus my neighbor is very cool.

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Do not park it out in street!


I seen a guy on here had a beautiful 610 on the street and didnt move it. Got impounded and didnt have enought money to pull it out. He was a Moron!


Another guy came to may parents house wanting my beater 510. Said He had one back in the day. I said what happen to it. THe Same fucking thing!!!!!! I told him 3k$ for my car. Just so he would Leave as I knew he STILL had NO MONEY.


Do Not park in street esp a non running or dirty car

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Rule of thumb: Only licensed and insured vehicles should be on the public roads or right of ways. Any other vehicles will be seen as household trash at the curb and hauled away.


I remember that Hainz. Such a stupid waste, but it happens.

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2nd, lets see a pic of our house and your street.


If I parked my 510 on the street I would bet money that the cops would be here within an hour to try and ticket it. I think my neighbors would call the FBI if someone didnt mow their lawn. We have a facebook page and most of the people are on there complaining about one house that is in foreclosure and nobody is taking care of the lawn. It would be easier and more beneficial to just go take 5 min a go mow it. I would but I am not walking a 1/3 mile with my lawn mower.

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There area lot of laws on the books in various states (like here in AZ) that say you technically can't even have a car on your property that isn't registered. I'd bet Oregon is similar. Granted almost nobody ever gets in trouble because of the law..........and as stated earlier, the cops don't do anything unless someone complains. There are TONS of people around here with junkers, even in their front yards, you just risk it hoping that nobody ever says anything. They called on me once and I ended up having to get rid of a car quick because there was no way I was going to be able to register it in time for their inspection. But what can you do, that's the law, and it is what it is. I've since had other cars that aren't registered, but I'm still gambling on the hope that nobody cares.

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My buddy just got his Plymouth trailduster fixed so we're going riding on public roads. Not registered, no insurance, no back seats so we're using folding chairs. And the cooler's loaded. I'll let you know how it turns out.




And how is this page 3 and these are the first pics?

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In my wonderful little town i got a ticket for a non-operable vehicle that was in my driveway 40' from the curb and under a nice car cover.I called them on it.The only reason they wrote the ticket was because the tires werent touching the ground, the car was on jackstands while i worked on it and every time i was done playing with the car i covered it back up.There was no eyesore, it was just a community service officer who had nothing better to do.This car is registered and insured and driven at least once a week.I got it back on the ground,had the ticket signed off and immediately went back to working on my car.Screw em.

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This is someone elses car parked in front of my house but my truck was right up against that white fence (that subie can go over about 3 more feet over). I'd say my yard is 3rd or 4th best on my street, but has always had cars half torn apart parked around the place as my dad has never owned a new car in his 62 years on this earth.

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Bummer dood. I dont think they should have said shit, or done anything. Sucks someone called on you. Nosey cunt fucks. Have not shit better to do than be a busy body... My neighbors park all over the dam road, and where they shouldn't. I don't call on them tho. I just go around them and be on my way. Paid off doing so too, i parked the wagon in the street for a few days till i could get it in the driveway.


Funny thing is too, the ppl two houses down that always park fucked up, them and I don't get along... Long story, not getting into it. but we don't call bullshit on each other.

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