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I hate people sometimes

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Someone on my dead end very very low traffic street called the 5/0 on out to ticket my parts truck for being parked in front of my house with no tags on it what freakin BS. I wish I saw the B who did it I'd rack em in the nutz right then and there.


Seriously why do cops waste there time doing this shit I could roll though my neighborhood and point out like 1232322 people who sell dope or are gang affiliated and they won't do more than slap their wrists.

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Plead not guilty and see if the pig shows up at court.


If he doesn't show it's normally thrown out, if he dies show plead for the lowest ticket price possible and tell them that it was just their for a small amour of time and never intended to stay their.


Or get it insured and registered and show prove of those in court and they will normally trow out the ticket.


NEVER plead guilty!!!!!'nnn

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It was parked on the street but the line between property and road is very very shady at best, and no cops don't just roll down my street issuing tickets it is hard enough to get them down here to crack down on the drug house on the end of the street I can assure you he was called. Are there any loopholes in what defines a vehicle?

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Hardly could be called illegal dumping first off, the area is kept clean the car is barely farther into the "street" than my mail box, its not like its parked next to a curb its half way into my yard.


Not to mention the ticket was not for "illegal dumping" it was for having no tags I know it doesn't have tags and now I know it can't be in the "street" w/o tags, I'm also not even that pissed about the ticket I'm pissed at the fact that once again vindictive neighbors want to harass people because they can.

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Wait, so did you get a ticket? Just explain to the cops, it's your parts truck, I was just going to move it to the backyard or something. Most won't hassle you. They got a call, they came out. It's simple. Complaint driven, they're not out there looking for that bullshit, trust me, they have better shit to do than look for rigs on the street. Maybe they had a stolen vehicle of the same make and model and were looking for it, etc. They saw your rig and there you go.


Anyway, yes neighbors suck, just get a chain and move the rig somewhere else on your property. Situation solved.

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Oh I know they are just responding to calls I know the BS they have to go through many cops just do what their told some do extracurricular activities once again it is just neighbors being pissy. Every time we get a newish neighbor they are usually weird and tend to harass people.


edit for terrible engrish skillzorz

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About an hours drive from where I live, just ouside the SMALL town of Winlaw BC there's a property on the side of the highway with a small parking lot type driveway. Several years ago now the person that lived there had aprox. 10 or so Renualt's (minni looking) that where in various states of part car and disrepair. After several years someone got pissy, called highways, and he was forced to clear the "garbage" pile off the sight plane of the public road. They complied (to bad I liked the look of all those old renaults)sad.gif Fast forward to 6months or a year after the "cleanup". There are now 10 or so Saab's filling up the driveway that haven't moved in (it must be) atleast 5 years nowbiggrin.giftongue.gif just thought I'd share.

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If it's on the street, it's illegal. Even just 1 wheel on the street.

Registered vehicles have paid to be on that tax-built road. Non-registered cars have not.


You should know better than to give the fuzz any reason to fuck with you. And no matter how close to not fully being on the street it is, this is still a reason for them to fuck with you.


Take a picture of it when you get it into your driveway, with a date stamp, and go to court with that. You've taken care of the problem. They'll either throw it out, or give you the county minimum.


You live in Clackamas County, right? Those judges don't want to do work they don't have to do. Conviction rate is not a priority in Clackamas County.

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About an hours drive from where I live, just ouside the SMALL town of Winlaw BC there's a property on the side of the highway with a small parking lot type driveway. Several years ago now the person that lived there had aprox. 10 or so Renualt's (minni looking) that where in various states of part car and disrepair. After several years someone got pissy, called highways, and he was forced to clear the "garbage" pile off the sight plane of the public road. They complied (to bad I liked the look of all those old renaults)sad.gif Fast forward to 6months or a year after the "cleanup". There are now 10 or so Saab's filling up the driveway that haven't moved in (it must be) atleast 5 years nowbiggrin.giftongue.gif just thought I'd share.



Too cool.

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If you think you can fight it just remember that the judges are payed by the same company as the code enforcement officer. And they probably know each other. That is why most honest lawyers wont take code enforcement cases like this. Impossible to winsad.gif


And if you dont believe me i will send you pictures of my 7 ft sheet metal fence...

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Crazy that it's come to this.. government employed agents, said to be in place to "protect and to serve", have become nothing more than paid goons that will not hesitate to hand out tickets for petty violations that aren't even real crimes. Most(not all) are there just to collect a paycheck, and have little interest in justice.

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I've had a 620 in my driveway for a year now with no plates. No problems. But with 'clunker' laws I worry sometimes.

My neighbors are pretty cool about it.As long as I don't put it on the street.

There's some housing additions where you can't leave your freakin' garage door open!How stupid is that?

Good luck!

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So a somewhat related question:


I had my car parked on my street for sometime as a shell and drivetrain only. Sometimes with a tarp over it. No I never got a ticket (cool neighbors, but the cops do come down my street alot). Anyways I didnt have any plates on it (plates with good tags in the garage). Though the car was registered, and it was insured. Is that still illegal? My guess is technically yes, as the whole point is to not have garbage on city streets.

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So a somewhat related question:


I had my car parked on my street for sometime as a shell and drivetrain only. Sometimes with a tarp over it. No I never got a ticket (cool neighbors, but the cops do come down my street alot). Anyways I didnt have any plates on it (plates with good tags in the garage). Though the car was registered, and it was insured. Is that still illegal? My guess is technically yes, as the whole point is to not have garbage on city streets.


Interpretation of the law says that your car is fine on the street.

If a car hits it-covered. You've got insurance.

And it's registered to be on the street.

No one can say anything, except, that it's an eyesore.


BUT-an abandoned clause could bite you in the ass at some point.

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So you broke the law and got in trouble for it?


Boo freaking hoo.


I'm not going to lie but I'm really fucking sick of smart asses like you making comments on forums, you don't have to read it which means you don't have to comment. If you have nothing constructive to say then troll some place else.


Not to mention this is just a stupid rant no reason to come in and say something that makes you sound like a condescending asshole.


It's kind of like reading a book, why would anyone who finished a book (minus paid critics) take the time to write a negative review when if they felt it was bad they could have put it down and started something else?

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