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Old school plates vs camera ticket

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Ok so long story short this guy who came by my dads shop last Saturday told me I should look into getting the old school period correct California license plates for my dime,because they can't be picked up by the street cameras and give you a ticket. So I'm curious if anyone else has heard this or can verify the legitimatecy of this claim.

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Ok so long story short this guy who came by my dads shop last Saturday told me I should look into getting the old school period correct California license plates for my dime,because they can't be picked up by the street cameras and give you a ticket. So I'm curious if anyone else has heard this or can verify the legitimatecy of this claim.


New plates are highly reflective. The flash highlights the plate. I have heard of super glossy clear coat on plates to make the whole plate illuminate on flash, and flat clears to make it so nothing gets illuminated.


But really 2 questions:

1) Are you going to be breaking the law in front of these cameras?

2) If they do happen to snag you do you feel a moral wrong by these?


I hate the cameras because you have a right to see the accuser, the camera is not going to come see me. There are so many loop holes and it is just a waste of the courts time. I wish every single person who has ever gotten a ticket from a camera took it to court, clog the system, get their tickets removed, and hopefully get the cameras removed. But at the end of the day, breaking the law is breaking the law.


On a side note, old plates look so much better on old cars!

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I was just curious if anyone else heard that about the plates, I'm extra careful around the street's with them. I've heard of sprays and lenses that supposedly work also, it just seemed interesting when the guy was talking to me about it. I agree old plates do look better on old cars, I'm going to hunt for some regardless if they work against cameras or not.

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It's illegal to cover or alter the plates but you could help the over exposure by using brighter illumination lamps and have them on in the daytime.


Speed cameras are just plain wrong. We had them for a while but the next provincial govt. kicked them. If you lend your car and it gets a ticket why should you pay?? If someone borrows your gun and robs a store should you go to jail??? It's total bull shit. Look at it as a driving tax. Don't speed... don't have to pay.

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The idea of ticketing the car and expecting the registered owner to pay sucks! It harks back to the old English Common Law that held inanimate objects guilty of infractions, Like, you climb a visibly sound ladder but the rung breaks, dumps you on your head and you die. Trial! Ladder is found guilty and burned at the stake. [This is not BS, it happened!] This has been illegal in the USA for centuries, yet the AHs try to invoke the shadow of this recinded English Common Law principle by holding the car guilty for the photo infraction and passing on the penalty to the registered owner,

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I've heard of sprays and lenses that supposedly work also, it just seemed interesting when the guy was talking to me about it.

he probably sells the useless shit that does absolutely nothing when you get your picture taken.



fight it!

ive beat both. 1 w/the blu/ylw CA plate.

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Traffic cameras.. very unsporting.


I heard that in Europe it was very common for people to attack them with baseball bats. They kept putting them back up, so they started wrapping saran wrap around them.. messed up the picture because the flash would reflect off the wrap.. Hmmm.. :angel:

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My lawyer friend said that if you cover your face, you could fight it. Saying that it whansen you, was a friend that never told you. They cant prove it was you, that why they always have pic face and plates.


So many times I have wanted to get a Nixon halloween mask, tape my plates and run the light with a friend in the car wearing a Clinton mask and have his bare butt out the window. Oh and I would be in a very generic car, good luck finding me lol.

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It's illegal to cover or alter the plates but you could help the over exposure by using brighter illumination lamps and have them on in the daytime.


Speed cameras are just plain wrong. We had them for a while but the next provincial govt. kicked them. If you lend your car and it gets a ticket why should you pay?? If someone borrows your gun and robs a store should you go to jail??? It's total bull shit. Look at it as a driving tax. Don't speed... don't have to pay.



I know its illegal to alter plates, butt who is really going to tell? My friend has been driving his VW bus for the last 4 years with a smoked clear cover over his only rear plate (no front), havent had a single issue with the law yet. I really doubt a spray is going to cause any issue.

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+1 for sunvisors,wink mirrors,and vinyl windshield headers!I always fold my plate under the bumper at 45-60 degrees so all it sees is california and a blur/shadow.


We had a case where a guy looked up as the flash went off,was night blinded and clipped a pedestrian..luckily it caused only minor injuries.I should look that up..forgot all about it and never pursued the outcome of that.

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I remember reading online a year or so ago about some guy who was wearing like a monkey mask or something, and ran through a whole street of red lights and got a ticket for each one. Went to court and said this isnt me and got out of them all. So many loop holes, its not worth it. Think of how much money each one of those cameras, and pressure plates in the ground cost.

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I know its illegal to alter plates, butt who is really going to tell? My friend has been driving his VW bus for the last 4 years with a smoked clear cover over his only rear plate (no front), havent had a single issue with the law yet. I really doubt a spray is going to cause any issue.


Beaverton police will pull you over. With my altima ser, i had no front plate, and smoked cover on the rear with a nismo plate frame. He pulled me over, for having the smoke cover, and then walked around my car and saw the no front plate. He luckily just gave me a warning, but i stopped driving in beaverton with the car. Only city to ever give me issues on that.

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Traffic cameras.. very unsporting.


I heard that in Europe it was very common for people to attack them with baseball bats. They kept putting them back up, so they started wrapping saran wrap around them.. messed up the picture because the flash would reflect off the wrap.. Hmmm.. :angel:




when i was in germany i would see speed cameras with stick stuffed into the lens all the time

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