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$5 a gallon predicted by news


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I've always worked towards maximum performance and power. How about a thread where we look at maximum fuel economy. I'd love to explore and hear from everyone with an opinion on which engine is most efficient, and what rebuild would achieve the best fuel economy. Can we improve on Datsun's high mileage versions of their cars, or did they accomplish the max from the factory. This is ratsun, so what about innovative ways of reducing weight and aero for old boxy cars? I started with skinny tires on the woody, but is weight reduction possible and keep it as a daily driver? Could high gas prices increase the value of older economy cars? Modern cars, even mini vans now come with big wheels and low profile wide tires, is that really the direction we want to go if gas goes to $5 bucks again? I had the chance to purchase a three cylinder Geo Metro awhile back with low mileage. Perhaps I should have jumped on it. I've never been a fan of the weber conversion on L series, always killed gas mileage on my Datsuns, but improved driveability, is there a way to set them up for mileage? My late father told me that Europeans spend their weekends back in the day tuning their cars. Said it was because of the high cost of fuel. We Ratsuners probably do the same thing, but with performance in mind, what if we pursued economy? What would be our results.

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Someone on ratsun has a B-210 in a mileage run. Covered the bottom to make it aerodynamic and reduce drag, rock hard tires, low ratio rear end, 5 speed, stripped out any useless weight... Can't remember all that was done but 80mpg??? Anyone remember this?

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Guest kamakazi620

(what a couple of reach around homos)

Just GO man Just go.................Thats WARM!!! Here have my extra gloves,WHAT you've had extra gloves the WHOLE TIME?!?!?!! Harry your hands are FREEZING!!!!!!!

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:blink: 5 bucks?! we need to make this applicable to all types of cars that way guys like me with many diffrent types of cars can apply it across the garage.


as far as economy goes i think a board member has a manual to tune carbs so that might be useful probably the easiest way is to not drive like an idiot but hey wheres the fun in that right? :lol:



also can i get a link for the original source of this news?






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And to think they want to fix the economy. Sorry gas goes up, people go out less, they spend less money going out, and stay home more. Therefore layoffs begin, and as layoffs begin people have to sell their cars and take public transportation. Dont they see, raising gas fucks the economy even more. But if they lowered gas more people would go out, and SPEND MORE MONEY ON SHIT. you think the government would do something about it, but there to busy fighting about healthcare and tax cuts. Idiots.



I definatly think of this shit happens, we are getting the leaf from nissan. Id rather have the electric car and pay the payment on that and save on gas money. Because at 5 bucks a gallon, i could pay that car payement in my gas money from what the wife drives to work every day.

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$=gallons is a bad equation IMO. $=miles is much better. It's all about BTU's and how efficient the engine is then the vehicles weight. Those 12 MPG SUV's are paying more than 5 bucks a gallon if you compare that to what my S13 or 510 gets. S13=26 average and the 510 from what I can tell is about the same (more tunning needed at highway speeds, a lower 5th gear wouldn't hurt)


I hope they do raise the prices, get the SUV's off the roads! It would be nice to see what's in front of me while I drive down the freeway....

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In general, think this over on your car.


For better city economy:

as much torque as you can get at low rpm with minimal throttle opening

light weight car

as small diameter as possible wheels, and light weight

narrow tire tread with up near max psi inflation


For better highway economy:

Same on the torque

aerodynamic as possible: remove unused tall antennas, smaller mirrors, add low profile spoilers where applicable, low to the ground, no roof rack

light weight wheels, narrow and properly inflated tires


Good luck out there! ;)


When gas hit its peak in 2008 I was paying about $4.85 for premium in the 350Z. California was over $5

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Im glad i bought back my old se-r. The way i had her set up when i drove without getting on her to much i can get like 30 mpg out of that stock sr20 with just a warm air intake and a g20 ecu. Hell driving her the last few days i had filled her up, i got like almost 100 miles on her and not even at 3/4 a tank yet. And that gauge is accurate lol. When i drove it right, i could get 30-35 mpg out of my v6 altima on the freeway.

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And to think they want to fix the economy. Sorry gas goes up, people go out less, they spend less money going out, and stay home more. Therefore layoffs begin, and as layoffs begin people have to sell their cars and take public transportation. Dont they see, raising gas fucks the economy even more. But if they lowered gas more people would go out, and SPEND MORE MONEY ON SHIT. you think the government would do something about it, but there to busy fighting about healthcare and tax cuts.



I don't think most people really get this whole thing. It's the ass hats in D.C. lining their pockets with $100 bills from the big oil companys.

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And to think they want to fix the economy. Sorry gas goes up, people go out less, they spend less money going out, and stay home more. Therefore layoffs begin, and as layoffs begin people have to sell their cars and take public transportation. Dont they see, raising gas fucks the economy even more. But if they lowered gas more people would go out, and SPEND MORE MONEY ON SHIT. you think the government would do something about it, but there to busy fighting about healthcare and tax cuts. Idiots.



I definatly think of this shit happens, we are getting the leaf from nissan. Id rather have the electric car and pay the payment on that and save on gas money. Because at 5 bucks a gallon, i could pay that car payement in my gas money from what the wife drives to work every day.



they also have their hands in oil, so wtf do they care if it goes up to 5 a gallon, that just means they get more $. probably trying to raise money to produce things we dont know about...

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