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Made a score for my sister in law today

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I am planning to take a few weeks off.............. but I'm kinda worried you guys would self destruct without constant lolz..... :lol:

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What the world need now

is lolz sweet lolz

It's the only thing

That there's just too little of



^^^ what he said x2 :D ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, need many of them ,,,, as many as we can !


My humble apologies to Burt Bacharach for my free license with his lyrics.

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Kids don't seem to be as into cars as they were when I was starting out. Back in the 70's your car was everything. Now days, they really don't care as long as it runs. If you think that tempo is bad, my 1st car was a power company brown, 1965 Ford Falcon, 4-door with ready kilowatt on the door. I worked my butt off to get something else asap. The falcon went through three more kids in my family, multiple wrecks, spring break trips to FL and never missed a beat. She is a lucky girl.


Yeah, well kids these days are stupid. laugh.gif


I fought for my Datsun. i didn't care what was wrong with it at the time. It was kinda like a "love at first sight" thing. I knew nothing of Datsuns, all I knew was that the car looked cool.


It kinda annoys me about how people just can't take care of their investments. But guess thats just how it is. I'll take care of my car and thats all that matters cool.gif

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Omg i need glasses i though this thread was about how you scored with your sister in law. The internet has turned my mind into a gutter.


Good score those little cars actually run real well and are pretty solid. I had a few over the years and the only real probs I had was p/s pump and rack and pinion problems. No biggie really though


Good job!!


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It wasnt indy. Indy is a good guy, it was he who has been banned. He no longer exists on this forum.


Yah the power steering sucks, its so loud lol. I dont know what the kid did with the steering wheel, but even goof off cant take the stickiness off of it. It has a awsome pioneer deck in it, but it doesnt power on, so im hoping its the fuse, if not ill pull the deck and check it out. Heck i might pull the deck anyway and put my alpine in that and take the pioneer if it works :)

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280zx2gay2 has been banned and every post has been removed,

he dosent exist here anymore so lets all forget he ever was here, cuz no one cares anyway :rofl:




back on topic, way to help her out :cool:


and Ill be in vancouver today I think dan, Ill bring the cluster with me in case I am ;)

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280zx2gay2 has been banned and every post has been removed,

he dosent exist here anymore so lets all forget he ever was here, cuz no one cares anyway :rofl:


Geez... that makes sense now.

I just read the thread from the beginning and couldn't figure out why danfiveten was arguing with himself.. :lol:


Congrats on picking up a car for your kid-sis though. Will open up a whole new world for her now!!

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Has anyone really shopped for a used car lately. The cash for clunkers took a huge bunch of decent cars completely out of the market. That pumped up the price of the junk the dealers are selling for $2500 plus and should have been crushed. You used to be able to get an ok driver for $500-$1000 and now those same crap cars are 2-3k. The salvage yards are crushing old cars so fast that it is difficult to even find 80's stuff any longer. Congrats on finding something for her, I tell everyone I know that I'm looking for a decent used car, but nothing ever comes up these days. Three or Four years ago, there was always someone trading in and moving up keeping the beater pipeline full. There is just nothing out there for sale without spending an arm and leg, and it usually needs so much work that there is really no value.

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^ I hated that freaking program. I saw a datsun 620 4x4 sitting on the back lot of the ford dealership, was brought in for cash for clunkers, it ran, beautiful body. And it was freaking crushed. If i would of seen a single 510 back there i would of broken in and taken it.

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I don't know you danfiveten and I'm pretty new to THIS forum, but buying your sister-in-law a very needed car is a real class act. Especially, when you know the family is in real need at the time. I'm pretty sure she will be overjoyed and will never forget what you have done for her. As a matter of fact, I'm sure your father-in-law (her dad) will be most appreciative as well and will not forget either. It's during the really hard times random acts of kindness really matter most. Whether you know it or not, you've changed her life for the better. Karma will come your way and hopefully your good deed will cause her to do the same someday with someone in dire need....




I know my post my sound mushy, but it’s thoughtful kindness like this that needs to be recognized. There’s not enough of it in the world….


*EDIT* sister-in-law NOT niece-in-law.... :)

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