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Horrible evening!

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I know this has nothing to do with datsun's, But last night was one of the scariest and sad nights i've ever had to deal with. Around 10:30 pm me and my wife were in are living room just talking when we heard all our neighbors dogs including ours violently barking..shortly after we heard our pygmy's(goats) screaming i got up and ran to my backyard and looked over into their pen and all i saw was a cloud of dust from the dirt so i call out to my wife for a flashlight and my son runs to bring it to me..i start banging on the fence cause all i can hear is graspimg for breath! as i open the fence all i see is this huge shadow of an animal running towards the back fence and it was gone..as the dust clears i see one of my pygmys barely walking, full of blood with one of his ears missing,the other ear half gone, bite wounds around his body and he has a broken leg. he lays down beside me gasping for breath and then i see my other pygmy and he is hyperventalating but not harmed. I take both pygmys to our back porch to see what has happened and it doesn't look good for the one that was attacked he couldn't walk and he had lost alot of blood...I rushed him to the emergency vet. and sadly he did not make it...i hand raised this pygmy and had her over 5 yrs. as a family pet. I asked the vet. could this have been a dog attack and all he says was most likely not..so i'm thinking now maybe a coyote. as i get home my wife is with the other pygmy and we put her in an area near our dogs that our tied up. it's now after midnight and we go to bed, at about 12:30 am the dogs start going wild again i look out the window towards the goat pen and i see this long low slow moving shadow creeping into my backyard i run outside, get my dog and start walking toward the pen and i see what appears to be a mountain lion just glaring over at me, i start shouting at it and it takes off and jumps my 5' tall fence into my neighbors yard , my dog takes off but will not get near my neighbors yard and now im in the wide open thats when i realize hes steal close and probably looking at me! i stand their for about 5 minutes and my dogs are growling viciously but not moving...at this point my wife starts yelling at me get inside, thats not a dog, thats when my neighbors light turn on, so i slowly start backing up grab my other pygmy and get him into my garage, i tell my wife i know its out there and i get into my car and start driving around my block looking for this animal...my wife calls me on my cell and says the neighbor saw it to and it looked like a mountain lion but me and my neighbor could not find it. this morning me and my neighbor notice the big paw tracks in his backyard as well as mine. Anyways, i just thought i'd share my late night with you guy's...it's sad cause my pets are like family and last night was a horrible evening for us, i had "spooky" for over 5 yrs. and now is very concerned for my other pygmy.

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That is scary. They could haul off a small horse. It is frightening to think of them lurking around small children in your own backyard. I usually have a .45 on my hip for just such an occasion. At one of the remodel jobs I was working on a couple years back, the owner mentioned that a Mountain Lion and her little one (Is it kit or cub?) had been lurking around the gully next to the house of late. I have a pic of one taken off mount Si here near Northbend by a former co-workers friend. I'll have Ice post it.

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we are starting to get mountain lions in our area now and it scares me to death. about 30 minutes from my house, one took a deer up into a tree to eat on it. they are killers and i won't hesitate a minute to shoot one since they are a threat to humans. we have bob cats here too, and we like them, they are pretty good animals to have around. good luck, hope you catch/kill this thing before it does any more damage.

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I'm unsure what point you're trying to make with the original poster, but this seems pretty callous. He's upset because he lost a pet; I fail to see anything wrong with that. I have to wonder about your motives when this is your first post, and under the name "cougar."

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Jason that sux ass! Glad you & the kids are safe though. In general i believe they only go to populated areas because of lack of food where they usually live. Thomas-ban this "cougar" a** hole..BTW the post was in bad taste & not funny...:mad:

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Jason that sux ass! Glad you & the kids are safe though. In general i believe they only go to populated areas because of lack of food where they usually live. Thomas-ban this "cougar" a** hole..BTW the post was in bad taste & not funny...:mad:


I second that one PC. I think we should find this cougar clown and shoot him in the ass.

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Thanks guy's, I happen to read that post at work and didn't see anything funny about at all. datrod, Pcd I think your right we live in an area where at times these kinda things can happen...especially right after the fires they almost dont have anywere else to go. I will start building a pen for my other pygmy closer to my house and to my dogs over the long holiday weekend.


Thomas, thank you!

'datsun Dreamer.

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Sorry to hear for your loss, but I'm glad it didn't end worse... We don't have mountain lions around here as far as I know, but there's been reports of bears coming onto properties on the North Shore to look for food... my friend lives about an hour north of me and she tells me she sees bears around quite a bit. Only animals I see around here are coyotes, but I'm in the city, so you'd expect less animals like that...

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Also sorry that you lost one of your babies. My friends in E. washington had to shoot two mountain lions. One had eaten all of their cats and was out in their driveway near the house, near where the young kids play. The other came up onto their porch to get their cattle dogs. The lions are getting much braver than they used to be. There are lots of deer near where they live too, but I guess cats, dogs and kids are easier prey. Please be careful. Lock your pets up at night. Glad you are safe...stay that way.

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Oh Man Jason..what a mess..Sorry to hear bout your goat...As everyone else has said, I would assume that they (the mountain lions and coyotes and such) are being forced to look for food in other areas...the fires have forced them into the lower regions....(also the drought isn't helping either..) Hope everything is alright with you and the family...stay well my friend....

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bump this post!

I live in Saskatoon Saskatchewan which is pretty much bald Prairie. but we have the south Saskatchewan river that run though and we have had a couple cougars. one of which was in the center of the city. The police shot it in a yard a block from my sisters house.

the Souith Sask river starts in the Rocky Mountains and the cougars travel along it. Thats a long distance to travel.

Edited by datman
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i take it you dont have any guns?


my 10/22 is always loaded with hallow points in both the 25rd mags, and my shotgun has 15 rounds of slugs in the case with it, and my 30-06 has 6 rds of 180gr tracers on the side and another 12 rds of 185gr corelocs...


my dogs sleep inside but the second they bark im checking my window, i dont hesitate to shoot on site if someone is messing with my cars/animals..:mad:

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We have them here but rare on this side of the island. Gold River is another story. Little kids at bus stops and people walking their rat dogs have been attacked. The latest procedure if you encounter a cougar is:


Look as large to the cougar as you can, un zip your coat and hold open, wave arms, shout at it like your life depended on it. If possible wave a branch and throw rocks if that close. Cougars like small easy prey and branches and rocks distract and confuse them. Make eye contact and hold, walk backwards slowly. Cougars will more likely attack if they think their prey isn't looking at them. If attacked protect head and back of neck with arms, gouge eyes if possible, scream. Cougars try to incapacitate their prey by severing the spinal column or crushing the scull. This works on marmots and rabbits, their usual prey, and not likely on humans which are too big but they don't know this and will try anyway. Fight back! Keep fighting and don't give up. Successful survivors say that they fought back with everything they had, sticks, rocks, yelling, eye gouging even their teeth.

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