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ratsun pets, we know you got-em, now show-em

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Guest DatsuNoob

Here's me and Ozzie, a couple weeks ago, pre-op


Here's one post-op. Hadta get the boy clipped, I know I know.. mean right? But I heard someone say once, better to go your whole life not wanting a piece, than going your whole life wanting it so bad and never being able to get any. Atleast now, he doenst hump everything :lol::lol:


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Guest DatsuNoob

:D I know, he was pretty bummed. He didnt look at me the same way for a few days after figuring out he was as seedless as a bunch of grapes. I think he was mad at me. He used to hump my dads foot when we'd go visit my folks, he doenst do that any more. As funny as it was at first, try meeting your gf's dad for the first time and keep a horny teenage pup from trying to relentlessly violate his 2 girl dogs, while trying to hold a pleasant conversation at the same time. Awkward.

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This is Pepper (AKA Galute/Cookie Monster/Powting Pepper) She loves here cookies and will guard them till death!!! She is a Cookie Junky!! I have worked with this dog since we got here at 7 weeks. Her word understanding is so good that we have to becareful what we say to the point that we have to spell words to keep from allerting her. She loves McDonald's Doulbe Cheeseburgers plain(these are a special treat). We have tried other cheeseburgers like the Burger King Double Cheese Burgers plain but she spits them out. any back to he word understanding and spelling recognition. If were are talking about cheeseburgers we cannot say or even spell the words, we have to spell them backwards to get it past the dog! She is really good at laying out the guilt trip on you with her powting. Yes this dog powts to get her way!




This is Princess Buttercup (AKA The Cup) This Lizard eats as much as a small horse and loves the outdoors. I let here out in the back yard loose, turn on her mister and she wanders around eating various plants and climbing anything around trees, house, fence. It has taken some time but Buttercup has learned her boundries and knows if she goes where she is not supposed to be she is taken in the house before night. When the sun starts to go down she comes up on the patio and climbs up on the table and goes to sleep where I pick her up after our dinner and take her in and put her to bed on the cat tree. This is in the summer time when it is cooler she has a cage that supplies her with all the heat, humidity and light spectrum that an iguana needs. I like to keep her free as much as possible.



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  • 1 month later...

Sooo... I've always loved reptiles and wanted a snake since I was about 6 years old, used to run around in the feild across from my house and catch little gardener snakes. I've never been able to have a snake living at my parents house and my last few landlords weren't a fan. I also didnt want to commit to a snake and have to move states. Since I moved up here I've been really wanting one and after seeing the pics of Tim's snake I e mailed this girl I've been talking to for the last month, and picked up my baby corn snake today :)


Say hello to Marvin! He is 4 months old :D and already has his own Z ;) :lol: :fu:







Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics, still haven't found the camera cord, and I've been too forgetful to pick up a new one.

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Sooo... I've always loved reptiles and wanted a snake since I was about 6 years old, used to run around in the feild across from my house and catch little gardener snakes. I've never been able to have a snake living at my parents house and my last few landlords weren't a fan. I also didnt want to commit to a snake and have to move states. Since I moved up here I've been really wanting one and after seeing the pics of Tim's snake I e mailed this girl I've been talking to for the last month, and picked up my baby corn snake today :)


Say hello to Marvin! He is 4 months old :D and already has his own Z ;) :lol: :fu:



Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics, still haven't found the camera cord, and I've been too forgetful to pick up a new one.



my snake could kick your snakes ass

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I used to have one of those! Size of a soccer ball! Such an awesome fish.


I had one of those Paku's too! He loved eating cherry tomatoes.


Megan, I've never seen a snake with those colored markings. How big is he gonna get? Can he drive a stick (Datsun 4-speed)? :D

Edited by hughdogz
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Heres mine.





















































When dry.




Full pom named magnimus supreme or mag/maggie. Couple more months she'll be 2 years old.

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lol reuger again, told you he's gangster.. (holy crap was he pissed off when my mom put that on him!)



Lol does this not remind you of the movie anaconda!?




oh and megan, marvin is SO cute and sooooo little... i remember when engel was almost that little..:) watch over him closely tho, dont want him turning into a young punk and speeding in that hotrod of his getting tickets and driving drunk... :lol::P

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Oh btw... did I mention he drives a Z? this is day 2, less than 24 hours of being home ;) Guess it was meant to be. He is under the Z right now :cool:




When I came home after the first day, I looked all through the tank and thought he had gotten out since i Only had a box for the lid.... my room mate lift the hood and hes wrenchin away... silly little gear head :lol:

Edited by Z_Rac3r
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I used to have one of those! Size of a soccer ball! Such an awesome fish.


very awsome fish, but he has a gaint anger temper, he like freeks out and trys to ram though the glass and splashes at every body who walks by. and it takes so much work to clean and take care of him. but i do love him and i gotta say he is the coolest pet i have ever had

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That is my cat, Shiloh. He has several alias's, but only one full name. The story behind that huge brat is, well. I got him when he could fit in the palm of my hands. Keep in mind I don't have huge hands either. Had to bottle feed him for a little bit, the poor little guy was... SO STINKIN' CUTE! My father and I named him , although around the house we began to call him other things. Little Cat, L.C, Shy, etc.. The only problem was that he did not STOP growing. He is bigger than my Jack Russel, he is huge. and now we call him Big Cat from time to time. My cat is a true and total bad ass. WagDatto can vouch. He is always outside in summer, which is good when you're outside working on your car. He catches birds, squirrels, bugs, anything he can. Although his "real" full name makes him less of a bad ass. [[ Shiloh Demetrius Weatherbee. don't ask....]] At any rate. here's the first of my pets.

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That is my cat, Shiloh. He has several alias's, but only one full name. The story behind that huge brat is, well. I got him when he could fit in the palm of my hands. Keep in mind I don't have huge hands either. Had to bottle feed him for a little bit, the poor little guy was... SO STINKIN' CUTE! My father and I named him , although around the house we began to call him other things. Little Cat, L.C, Shy, etc.. The only problem was that he did not STOP growing. He is bigger than my Jack Russel, he is huge. and now we call him Big Cat from time to time. My cat is a true and total bad ass. WagDatto can vouch. He is always outside in summer, which is good when you're outside working on your car. He catches birds, squirrels, bugs, anything he can. Although his "real" full name makes him less of a bad ass. [[ Shiloh Demetrius Weatherbee. don't ask....]] At any rate. here's the first of my pets.



That cat looks like he's from Ethiopia compared to my Mother-in-law's cat. Last time he was weighed, he weighed 35lbs. Now we have a new heavy weight champion of the feline division. :w00t: To put it in a nutshell, he :poop: s bigger than your cat. :lol:



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