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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Nope ,, It`s always better to keep people guessing.
  2. I was going to surprise you guys this morning at yer shed, but it was just to damn cold..

  3. Man, that`s a nice stocker.. Had one of my own at Littlerock Elem. today 80-81 510 woody
  4. , i just noticed the sentence about Albertsons in you earlier posting...we could probably do that also Was that sentence always on there, cuz i may be loooooosing my mind.. I have a cell phone....my brother that`s stuck in the stone age doesn`t..so finding him when he didn`t park in agreed upon spot is like, Where`s Waldo, if he was on acid.
  5. Not sure but i was thinking maybe in the parking lot of FOX`S because its right off the freeway and easy to find. (edit) I see now that it`s closed now so here`s an address....10707 Pacific S Ave, Tacoma, Washington 98444 Changed to easier freeway access spot,, just i tiny bit up the freeway.times should stay the same.. 11012 Canyon Road East, Puyallup, WA
  6. Ok im thinking im pulling outta Littlerock at just after 9:00am then stop in Spanaway area to meet-up with someone at 10:00-ish then head to Auburn and figure out where my brother is parked ( cause the dick head always says he`s parking in one spot then parks in another ,oh did i mention no cell phone BUT i digress ) LOL ..We should be in Issaquah by 11:30..and park on the street by the tripleXXX.. Not sure how long we will be there cuz it kinda depends how many funky Swedish mobiles are there to look at. Maybe an hour and a half,,, maybe,,,then off to Fall city and Snoqualmie falls.. Spell check is going nuts with all the weird names up there^^
  7. 4AGE forums has a million members but nobody ever answers anything .. Japanese nostalgic ...same thing .. FYI i was just trying to find info on changing a 4AGE into a carbed engine, and just wanted specific.. not general answers. And the 4bt forums and the H.A.M.B. but i dont really post at those just lurk and sell / buy stuff . BUT here ... http://blacksheepauto.com/forum2/index.php it`s pretty slow but very welcoming
  8. 4 years at ..Alek James Hidell University And an internship at,.. Howie Feltersnatch school of gynecology. And two teenage boys ,,,one that`s your age..
  9. My job is messing with your mind ...
  10. I was joking ................kids Was going to put $250. and add a poke at tow companies rates ,,but i didn`t ..
  11. spelling is hard I clicked away and i started doing this even harder ..
  12. Oooh, i was thinking it was all 720 naperz type trannies ..that were short . thanks again.. Im posting because trans seems sold, and i need another long tail 5speed like a hole in the head
  13. im not trying to be a smart ass i really want to know ...what does this mean, ( i get the free harness part ) it`s everything else..I am not on facebook nor will i ever be so try to explain completely ...i am very curious and it doesn`t have to be the OP that answers. and a free bump as well Most tags: Free engine harness For the person who tags us in the most photos.
  14. So the hell with the old regular guy, im thinking Tod might have just moved into that spot..
  15. At Tire Dogs today there was a 85 720 (i was the fat old handsome, debonair dude that talked to you )...and a silver 280z that had a hasp lock on rear hatch..but you weren`t to be seen..And a blue 620 rollin on really sparkly baby moon type wheels, about a block away Shit like that always happens when i intentionally leave my camera at home.
  16. I am not sure how these are used on a Datsun..but on a VW the bigger hose is Tee-d into the heater coil hose ..I could snap a video if you need later..I believe the cap on top lets the coolant expand up into tank then is gravity fed back into system when cold, it is very important that cap is the right one for system.. ..Also i have found that on the watercoolers ( i have )..the thermostats are 195 and the fan switch in the radiator is set at 203 degrees so they run pretty hot all the time.. But yours looks to be a newer model than the ones in my yard..it must be a 94 or newer ?
  17. What`s the overall length 27 or 31- ish ?
  18. Sounds like they are just going through the phone book phishing, because alot of people use paypal ..and all you have to hit is one.
  19. Yeah, i just got back from the morgue ..My friend that works there let me in so i could let her have her last ."rights",,,,,,so to speak.
  20. Aren`t Redline weber carburetors cheaper price wise than $380. ?? It seems like they are in the middle to high $200`s but i have never bought one from them.
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