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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I was on here ( what`s the chances lol ) last night after Craig Ferguson getting a 411 fix , and there was only about 10 or less members, saw the name and kept thinking why does that call sign ring a bell so much..Funny thing is i normally check out general-shenanigans first .. And probably the first time my screen name has been mentioned with out " will you shut the hell up " attached.. So all you midwest east coast guys that say i want a ( insert style ) Datsun but they are all to far away.. this crazy bastard bought that wagon and drove the damn thing home from " your side " ..It`s a great story Welcome , to you man....
  2. This was in the same magazine as Pumpkinheaddaves new candy apple truck..
  3. x3 on the video , i use my Canon point and shoot set to video...instant gratification FTW i am posting this even though your problem might be fixed it`s still a good quickie tip..
  4. To whom it may concern.... because deleting is cheating.
  5. ^^^^ YUP And it will have so much more trade value when the next the right the perfect 6 cylinder road monster comes along.
  6. bananahamuck


    Sorry Rick-Rat but i will be attending Canby but i understand what your position is , I am in year six of my personal boycott of Starbucks (makes me wanna puke ) because of that prick selling the Supersonics..to some other rich prick.. no fucking joke..
  7. If they are on a rusted out purple turbo ,,then yes ,,the yard is gouging you.. but they say you`ve got to pay to play right.? If it`s the same yard ...you notice theshort 5speed trans still in 4x4 is still there also..
  8. I didn`t mean it like that ...i just saw it on the front page as new and clicked , the discovery of where it takes you ( like this ) is the fun of clicking. And to answer the picture question ..every one and then take some more.
  9. Garage size for me..then i started day dreaming of drooling over this on E-bay... Welcome to you and your new-to-you wagon Please , even if you don`t change much ..dont just post once then disappear .I personally want to see alot more pictures of this wagon And to be honest because of the name, i thought this was a old Ford build when i clicked on it..
  10. I called Autozone today ( AZ )......hello , how can i help you... Hi, could you tell me how tight my Datsun lug nuts should be in order to keep my wheel from falling off ?? ( AZ )......Im sorry but i have no idea Yeah,,,i thought so..
  11. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/19394-bmw-projector-head-lamp-installation/ http://community.ratsun.net/topic/9323-install-bmw-ellipsoids-in-a-510/
  12. I am sure it`s on the 18th . Look at Datwiper`s reply and know that`s the reaction i was going for.. really nice car .by the way
  13. Are you going to the meet in Tacoma on the 18th?? The stalling thing sounds like a bad accelerator pump in the carb to me.
  14. Aaaand thank you , ill be here all week , try the veal.
  15. That show looks to be something that definitely needs to be checked out...
  16. I think these may be it..got them from another post he made. http://www.facebook....=1&l=9e1b84faa5
  17. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/18773-fix-510-door-hinges/
  18. H2.. Capital forest has a strict policy of not admitting weirdos ..so you might want to chickity-check the website first...
  19. Now how is it even possible to double post on a home PC..?
  20. I see now it doesn`t say he has trans on Z24 ....Mr assumption i am.
  21. Nice truck man!! And welcome .. I am of no help to you on info, but i sure do admire this style of pick-up .
  22. is trans on z24 31" or 27" -ish long? The longer one seems to be a almost drop in but if shorter trans you will need longer driveline.. I think Roy ,,,,as in by Yelm ...Roy??
  23. Right before it blows or after.?
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