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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Even the cars are used to having their arms in the air ...In beautiful down town White center..
  2. Have you told your girl friend yet.??
  3. I think the OP should post a link to this thread and ask that one be closed , IMO it seems to be causing confusion . ...AND im hoping to make it also and make it a whole weekend-a Datsun driving..and meet-en
  4. So what kinda cars does your friend (www.boss-innovations.com) work on ..Evo`s ? i dont need anything i was just curious and you cant really tell from the website..
  5. Nope ..first time seeing them, i did ask about a long tail 5speed with no bellhousing about a month ago though, maybe that`s what your thinking of.
  6. Are the rear springs from a sedan or wagon?? and are they cut or original-ish height.?
  7. You really should consider replacing all the rubber brake hoses they get brittle and can fail without notice..
  8. Sundays are quite a bit easier for me so, maybe. Those gravel ponds might be kinda cool there`s definitely enough parking, and picnic tables and such. ..And since it`s almost all backroads from here..i will see if i can get a few other Olympia area idiots to come also.
  9. Man,, wasn`t there a meet about 75 yards from your house a couple weeks ago and you didn`t show up..?? .
  10. The Ls1 weighs over 400 Lbs but dont forget about the trans that is way heavier than original one also.. At least it would be automatically lowered just by installing engine,,
  11. And they are pointed due north ,,to pay homage to the king of all parts horders... Sealik the magnificent...
  12. Old mcdonald had a farm ei-ei-oh........ ...I only planted it a couple of weeks ago and it already sprouted...
  13. Use a CIS outta an older VW simple and you can dump more than enough petrol through that sumbitch to have a Arab call you on the telephone to meet his daughter..
  14. Roll ,,half airplane,,tuck pointy end into itself ........Shapoopie AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnD IIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiii Wwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllll aaaaaaaaaalllllllllllwwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyss Toooooooooooooooooootttt saaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaack. 7 years clean and better for it....
  15. When you get really good you can roll a bill and keep it from unrolling origami style.. Sobriety ...it aint for everybody. OR Sobriety ...it never killed anyone..
  16. Tristin grind___Yeah, hop in and hop out where ever you would like.... 1Lo620_____We were kinda thinking Issaquah at about 11:30 am-ish just not sure how long it takes to get there ,,but my brother lives in Auburn so i should know by the end of the weekend or early next week..
  17. A few of us are headed to Issaquah to the Triple XXX on Sunday the 19th for the All Swedish car show then we are going to roll up to the falls for a quick view,,, loop around and go home. The XXX is kinda expense for fast food ( good but expensive ) so i am thinking we might do a Jack in the crack type joint in route also..Not sure exactly what the times are going to be yet but wanted to be back in Tacoma about 3:00pm..or earlier. Route were taking from Spanaway / Parkland and back......My link To check out this......http://www.triplexrootbeer.com/ Not really a meet and if someone lives local to Issaquah / Fall city chime in if there`s some twisties not far off our route. Was going to wait till 9:37 Sunday morning to post route but thought this would be easier... Here`s some old Swedish music to mull it over by..
  18. My son is pokey-ing around cleaning up parts with a hand held wire brush..I have a 10 inch grinder but i would have to change the wheels back and forth to grind something if needed.. So today i dug out this ancient bench grinder and an old electric 1/2hp motor from the pile-o-shit i call " the back of my garage " ,,and put them on a piece of scrap plywood nailed to a 4x6 and a 4x4 and made a dedicated wire wheeler for cleaning parts easier..hence faster. Bought a steel wire and brass wire wheels for it but haven`t mounted brass one in pictures.. ...Made the mount stick out so--- " we " which probably means " me " ---can get the bigger / weirder shaped stuff into it.. Total cost....$ 14. skins at Harbor Freight, for the two new wire wheels ,, The dog apparently was not that impressed ..
  19. I read the 5speed for sale want ad ...sold for $30.
  20. Here`s my 16 year old sons..The blue ones the one getting fixed, green one is smassssshed in the front.. Elmers wagon nearest camera not sure what Dave and my son were thinking with the frickin rags..Weirdos of a feather i guess Just say no to the square bulb..round eye wagon masters rule..
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