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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Yeah , ya don`t want to challenge the 610 /710 guys their kinda ... well....obsessed about those things..
  2. So that pretty much guarantees it is going to either snow or rain and gale force winds...
  3. Hey has anybody welcomed you yet ,,, Because you deserve one. Welcome...
  4. Alanwhitson. huh you look just like bobwhitson
  5. Help is only a PM away... http://community.rat...ic-desperately/
  6. Is the crossmember at the bottom of post 2 one of those from that company in Allyn WA ??( I cant remember name right this second ) ...Glad to see your bringing your huge bank of knowledge over here..I never signed up over " there " because i just never saw myself fitting in. So now that you big guns are signing up here , i might have to start cleaning up my act.. Not........
  7. ohmrchristopher ... are you in Vancover Wa or Canada ?? If your looking to spend that much maybe you should think about getting a later 620 with disc brakes and 5speed ..Didn`t DatDoug pull one out of a field a few weeks ago ?? Maybe see if he`s willing to work the bugs outta that and flip that for his profit.......win---win i am not sure what happened to my font but it sure is thick and dark,,
  8. Should have been Leery of dentist that sells ivory animal figurines at the reception desk.

  9. Oh i don`t think you would make enemies ,, i personally take a lowball offer as a challenge.... but if you go to low they wont bother letting give them another. The truck may be a bit high like i said BUT it`s already lowered it drives ( unlike a lot of cars bought and sold for less ) and every single thing you do to a truck costs something ...And you start adding that shit up and you will find that super cheeeep truck ends up costing more .. And for the record .....I have no idea about truck and im not real sure who owns it , in case you think im sellers friend trying to talk you into buying..
  10. I will keep my eye out for those escorts in the yards now.... Thanks 510antihero for the heads up... and thanks Pants for the install info..
  11. ^^ did the David at the dentist myself today. Just got 2 lower premolers pulled today at the rez .. i am so frickin excited to be able to eat hard or real sticky food again ..Haven`t been able to for about 3 months cuz i had one on each side busted off .. World peanut brittle supplies you are in trouble now....big trouble
  12. It`s a pretty cool looking truck maybe priced a bit high...but if you think lowballing the owner more than $1000. will get you the truck in your driveway, you guys should get i skype account so you could see me laughing in your faces... Anyways here`s a couple more pictures of it ,,not big shots but it`s all i got http://community.rat...on/page__st__40
  13. Yeah Ted i`ve got some 14" studded snows on zx wheels but i only drive the thing for funs so one of the mini vans can do the real snow bashing.. My sons engine is mostly cleaned and bottom end assembled, all parts cleaned painted and have the head soaking in diesel to clean the carbon so we can give it a valve job....... So having nothing to do, i finally broke down and hunted all through my crap-pile and found a single point distributor that didn`t have the thick ring at the top ..And installed my Pertronix unit i`ve had for quite awhile..The car does cold start much better now ..( my 5200 doesn`t have a choke ) but it is kinda sad because i really like the mechanical-ness of the points. .....It just seems weird but im not sure why.. Undying erge to change back to points , growing Old points distributor New Pertronix Dangly wires so i can hide them later but it started ...WHAT ...snowing..it was like 55 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday ..And earlier today i was wearing a light coat.. And a video of two 16 year old goofballs trying to get it to move in der snow. It`s weird to look at picture of me holding dizzy without cap because i assembled the unit yesterday, but all these pictures were taken today.
  14. Probably because he doesn`t want to look like a total nerd driving around in one of those..
  15. Saw this gem at the target in Lacey Wa yesterday...Texture of paint on body " kit " seemed to favor a brush and not a roller. You may need to use binoculars to see the picture
  16. Yup it`s Michigan.. Anyway....Kind of a sighting...My son Donovan was apparently shopping for a bagged fullsize truck () on craigslist and seen a orange wagon in the background..Not technically what this thread is about but in a way it kinda is.. http://seattle.craig...2872147754.html
  17. I think ya misunderstood.....i ment, are they the right size and have enough tread to use on your new wheels....because i am so cheap i would re-use them. I still might give you a ring , cuz if you and your friends ( club ?) ever go out and fly those helicopters in a few months when it gets nicer / warmer , i would love to check that out.. My 14 year old has one of those inside fliers a Blade MXC and i could watch that thing fly around for hours.. (edit)...... Ya bastard...
  18. Your posting these in the wrong section but..i will post your oics of these monsters .... What kinda rim were these on ?
  19. I think that`s what my brother used on his....cheap and works. Camper shell foam tape for me ... easy to get , cheap and works good and if not thick enough stick more on..
  20. Why..? ...is it going to be to dark to see very good?
  21. i don`t know what your mechanical skill level is but ,,,you should try soldering it up yourself . All you need is a small handheld propane torch, a wire brush, acid core flux and lead solder ,, Just heat spots up slightly and scrub with wire brush till clean in the spot to fix ,heat again then wipe /pour flux cleaner on surface, then heat just hot enough to melt solder with surface then add lead quickly flow then cool with rag around ( to keep from melting other joints ) ... The only hard part of learning to do it is not over heating it so hot that it melts other joints... You have to use acid flux and or acid core solder ,,,both if possible. You can do it ,,, and having a couple radiators laying around you have practice material.. sorry for the semi thread jack..but trust me you can do it..
  22. i thought remember you saying you liked it being a quiet car so you can haul ass without being harassed ,, is it still or is it growly-er.. And it looks like you got a helluva lotta tread left in the tires ,,will they fit the new rims..? .yes i am that cheeeeep..
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