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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. When?? and what are you trying to post?? Were here for ya bro..dont give up im an old dude to and i learned ( most ) of it from people on here.
  2. You both seem to think us older guys didn`t work our asses off in minimum wage jobs for bosses that didn`t give a flying crap whether you were sick or not .And live in the worst dives know to human habitation ( My shampoo actually froze in the bathroom of my first apt ) Just about every thing you younger guys do is hand fed to you and yet you still complain about how hard it is when you are asked to actually do something for yourselves ..Try working on your cars /trucks without using the internets TRY IT I DARE YOU....We had to go to the library ( on our own time) and write the shit down because the copier never worked right..Two clicks and your answers are right in your face and you can save it in your favorites so you dont have to even look it up again.. And on the parenting thing... my kids are total dumbshits but im not so sure it`s all my fault And i thought my oldest son was being a spoiled butt by not selling Elmerfudpucker his spare parts ...I stand corrected
  3. Get the brakes figured out and vote for the DatDougs meets to be in Port Orchard you`ll be grinning all the way there.. The thing that most people don`t like about these old trucks.. doesn`t even come into play where you live cuz you would have to drive 45 minutes in either direction to even get to road that is over 55 mph..
  4. Not sure what thisismatt is writing but preparing to + it
  5. Why part it out if it runs and drives ..change parts onto yours and hang your crappy parts on truck then resale at a small profit to someone that needs a beater driver..
  6. Bet those wires are gonna be fun to trace someday..
  7. bananahamuck

    Road Trip

    Please keep the pictures coming ..i do love random touristy pictures with cars in them..
  8. Round trip Atlanta Georgia to Portland ore $451. per person ........Travelocity Thought i would add , if you choose the Idaho guys route ,,just beware if they ask you to hold onto the sheep skin seat cover " for a sec "...
  9. You did dual exhaust all the way from manifold out the back?? what kinda muffler(s) curious because i was thinking of doing this.. and i figured this for sale ad went off track a while ago..
  10. After all the other crap last week our septic overflow tank pump stopped working,, so i guess we were both up to our armpits in shit today..
  11. Did it break off flush ? Do you have acetylene torch? Oh, your paint is really nice and you have the fender badge most ive seen are dissolved and gone.. What does the interior look like,, as clean as the outside??
  12. Trick is to look as sketchy as the people at the house that`s my angle anyways.. You might be surprised by the people in the sketchy houses ..they seem to be easier to talk to and WAY less paranoid to actually talk with you , than people with immaculate yards.... A perfectly kept yard is not a sign of how nice people are...
  13. It`s my parents .. It does have a few weird spots , where you should be able to see out mirrors but in reality you have to crane your neck pretty hard. Or look around to see out the front corners , like you mention.. But it might be me trying to be careful, because im way to old to have " wrecked moms car ".. ( disclaimer ) My parents are so old ....really old people ask how their holding up , and they bought a prius because they ( my parents) are so cheap... They could give a crap about the environment. But it is lower to the ground than my 510 though
  14. Definitely different ...that`s for sure
  15. My brother found one at a yard sale a while ago in your area , and thought maybe you picked it up.. $1400. aint that much for a little slice of heaven ..
  16. Did you buy this out of an old dudes backyard for $150. ?? Not joking.. ..
  17. So since this has speeds of 5 will this be joining the caravan of many, so us northerners can get to see it in person?? Say early June?
  18. And if you leave the windows down they`ll paint the inside for free.. But seriously take a look at the contract on those 300 jobs ...it`s you bought it you got it..even if they totally screw it up ..and most times they dont even sand car first. The trade schools might be cheaper and they might do some body work also
  19. you do mean 510 wagon right??

  20. i cant find my long distance number to call ..i might let you have wiper arm if you come and get it.

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