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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I refuse on the the grounds this may become a legitimate and / or coherent debate..
  2. Does it come with donkey dick windshield wipers??..Why yes it does..
  3. Thanks........your right that is a little steep.
  4. You going to hang longer shackles or put rear end under springs? Or not that far along..
  5. The reason Fords suck is because they are mostly made in Canada....Yes Canada .A country that can`t even hydraulically lift three posts at one time.
  6. there`s an early ZX long one on craigs.........http://seattle.craig...2779736354.html It seems to me i read ( a long time ago ) Logical1 had a few short 5speeds but im probably mistaken,..
  7. DARIN510...It`s not out of line if it`s true .. Datsunsocal.... I had problems with your seal not fitting right at all ....I installed an NOS one 8 hours before yours and stainless fit perfect..We installed Datsunsocal seal and stainless never did fit right ...And the rubber was severely cracking within 4 months of installing ...zhiguli510 gave us your e-mail address and i e-mailed that address multiple times..With absolutely no answer ,,,,,,,,EVER,,,,,,,,, I have no question why people should not buy from you.. .Anyone that needs more proof PM me and i will send you pictures of the crap seals Datsunsocaland sold me .
  8. I like this idea..i was thinking doing this to my sons 79 but he wants moar lower... more ideas for you
  9. I think i have one you could have laying on the ground in front of my garage..If you think it would work and need pics of it let me know . .. It`s a square hole manifold with a dual hole outlet........... Had air injection tubes..
  10. They even have a thread were you can request a chop on your car.. http://www.carchops.com/
  11. Rollin around the internets today and came across this photoshop site...And i think this done on a real wagon would be totally unexpected and awesome..As 70s as it gets]
  12. Is that the one by Purdy? How tall is tall example ...
  13. Get better soon ...Your a young thinker and that always makes recovery faster.
  14. Good call on the thread name change..

  15. Dude don`t worry about it ...and as you can see don`t bring it up.LoL Kind of a hazing thing i was at +20 something ..then down to somewhere -45 and not from arguing..they just thought was funny and...and i kinda egged it on in insomniacs.. No rep at all means nobody gives a crap what you say...
  16. Flare nut wrenches are one of the few things i only use Snap -on..on but not all nuts respect the fact they are the best.. . Where could a guy get a quality pair of those ?? Welding store?
  17. You should take the craigslist ad info and just paste it in the first post..then nobody can delete .and it would be easier for us to check it out.
  18. Having identical 10 year old twins with epilepsy ...Alot of times seizures are brought on by a lack of sleep, something common place with truck drivers. And just because a person seems to have out grown them they could still be triggered again...But this time in a 10 ton vehicle going 65 down the highway.. If she does send a letter like that ..they ( there lawyers ) will laugh at it.. Send the doctors note and if they still baulk then there`s your answer
  19. I like your bed trick.. Got any pictures of whats holding wood up.??
  20. Company doctors are there to protect the companies liability period.. If she ever had a seizure , it would be all on the companies insurance , so why would they take the chance? ..And having the name " Caitlin " i find it highly improbable they didn`t know she was a woman when they offered her the job..
  21. DTP..... well it has to make it to Federal Way to the Planet of the Datsuns first and that seems pretty far away at the moment ....... HEY Ted!! Good tah hear from ya . ...The spot we cleared at the end of garage is cleaner now and he can store his Lincoln , Bronco II and the green goon all next to the work area..We were going to buy one of those 5speed 620s that were for sale on craigslist , but it`s a good thing we didn`t because we needed the pedal assembly ,or ol` dad would have been a upside down under the dash , fabbing fool. Got some shots of the elusive teen Donovan feesh wuurking on is mootour.....( in Jacques- Cousteau voice ) He disassembled engine last night and cataloged the parts into ziplock bags..The rings must have been getting pretty worn by the looks of the piston tops. It had quite a bit of air pumping out the vent in cam cover but i was in denial as to why..Oh well he needs to spend some more cash at Rockauto anyways. But this engine ( at least initially ) measures out as not over bored , or mis-matched .. I know boring for most but im posting because if any of you have teenagers just the fact he`s doing something besides Xbox is something that should be captured on film.. And the slinger that came out...I actually offered some guy one of these ( and the pulley ) the other day on here for free ..but he wouldn`t PM me his address ..So i will use HIS..
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