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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Seelick ,,,I must say your side notes are impeccable almost as if they were typed and I have now stole this picture for myself ....
  2. Wife just told me "Don`t even think about it.. i will kick you right in the nuts " FYI...the computer is next to the kitchen
  3. Thanks Dguy and Red. .... went out and checked on other car and that`s exactly what it was. Since he was alone he removed pedals from unit instead of just unbolting unit with pedals attached , and probably broke it off in the struggle. About the teaching thing, I think he`s working harder on it because i told him he has to go to POTD ... and i don`t think he wants to run the BBQ again because he drove his Toyota....
  4. Blackdeath... when i see your name as bumper of this thread i get so excited..And im sure im not alone..
  5. Since it`s Christmas vacation my son got a little done yesterday ..But for a 16 year old i am very happy how much got done.. The car we are getting going was an auto, but unlike the older 510s the pedal bracket does not include mount for clutch pedal. So he had to take the clutch master and piping AND the under dash unit for use in other car.. First pic shows a rubber snubber that son broke off but he doesn`t remember where.. DO YOU?? .......It`s made out of same type of stuff skate board wheels are made of. ANYONE??? Here`s what he did ...although not much in terms of EPIC .But he did it all his-self ( while i was in house ) and that`s a start.. He said he didn`t bend metal lines to get out ,,we will see
  6. That things so low it could take the paint stripes off the road..Damn .
  7. can it be driven around now??
  8. Saw this on craigslist ,, but still cant tell what color it is ...is it black or dark blue?? I can`t tell Don`t know how to put less blunt.......Sorry.......But in case parts start showing up.
  9. An L18 doesn`t do it for me either ..just to much uncontrollable power really..... so i kept my L16 .
  10. T5 this ............. T5 that................ It probably has a T18 or T19 trans not a T5 .... And that trans was put into trucks as large as F350s so a 150 with a 302 should not be a problem.. Also whats a later stock 302 put out 110 hp ....maybe
  11. Now that`s a Christmas present .. Some of you guys-es phones take better pictures than my camera..
  12. Slowing rolling down screen dreaming ....then WAP!....i almost had tuna salad coming out my nose..
  13. I could see what you were trying to explain to DAT510 but in my opinion he should always go top dead , and then if off fix ..If he does it always the same way , , he can eliminate human error . I have a youngster i am trying to teach engine timing to and consistency is everything.. Well that and not grabbing his throat for snide comments that seem to flow out his mouth.
  14. But it only has compression on one of then ..and that is TDC Or at least going up to it. Putting finger in / over sparkplug hole is a very reliable way of finding TDC
  15. If avatar re-size in photobucket..then send back to my pictures..then load it from there Sometimes loading picture off " my pictures " is easier for auto re-sizer to work..For me any ways.
  16. Strange reference... Voiced his options openly and loudly .. Walked around saying what every he thought,, about who ever he wanted.. Challenged the authority figures he came into contact with .. Was suspected on occasion of hanging out with prostitutes.. .....Was punished for these actions... ..Came back after the severest action that could be taken against him.. Keanu Reeves said it best.......................WHOA!
  17. I could have swore this was a bigger thread..is there another by the same name??
  18. It is broke, and just barely hanging on there , you just can`t tell from pictures..I think the license plate is bent enough to keep it from falling off.
  19. Maybe use some of the money, to rent a van and run over wife .. Use left over money to buy Datto...Win = Win
  20. Stopped reading because of use of nerdspeak..
  21. You guys are passing over the obvious ..i have 4 kids and have to make two trips to the bank just to cash all of our tax refund..
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