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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. We smashed my brothers 510 by lifting trans to high installing engine ..and we took some ends off another Datsun ( which was 620 ) and he took those in .And did basically the same thing as creepy did.. But being able to cut tube just back from nut makes it easier to use 6 point wrench and not mess it up..
  2. If you wait long enough into the early summer when you cut it it wont be able to grow and it will die back till just before middle of August then once more and ................It`s dead.. Winning
  3. Because your band is still on Myspace.......... What`s up with that?????????????????????? Thought id add ..never have facebooked ....
  4. 4 door 510s are the shiz man..in any other type car maybe not , but 4 door 510s just got a little sum-um sum-um. .and you could stand as far back as you wanted , my car wouldn`t look that nice
  5. Want me to see if that old blue has one on it ?? It should..which side .both?? And that headlight ring ...........well im working on it my shipping dept has been letting me down lately..
  6. Could you have pulled loose or cut wire that goes to clutch pedal or transmission ( if it`s automatic ) that keeps it from starting in gear??
  7. Posted that here cuz your inbox is full..delete after you read if you want

  8. The guy isn`t around he`s deployed by the military somewhere..Call this number..(253)-320-6517..You will get his wife,

    ,I was thinking of trading him stuff and cash for it a few weeks ago but , Having been married for 17 years i knew that dealing with a wife wasn`t going to get me very far...So i didn`t even try

    Car is in the vicinity of ......College street and Yelm hwy Lacey ...

  9. Just trying to get your chonies in a bunch ......bro..
  10. Actually that up there should read ....Because poser.. Real le Mans racecars notice anything different eurotrash first.. How bout some J-fiber And some crazy asshole that entered the 1950 Lemans........... Big wings don`t make a car fast.....Fast cars make big wings look good
  11. combo magnifico or Bacon Bacon Bacon Ill take both Oink OInk

    1. izzo


      bitches love bacon!

  12. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/17444-electronic-ignitions-for-l-motors-4-cyl/
  13. First off....... welcome Normally?.....Being a 78 it`s not really the same as most 510s on here.. We are working on a 79 and have the radiator out right now , so the best i could do is compare to other radiators i have laying around..and guess. You could take your radiator to the junkyard and test fit it in every car that looks somewhat the right size .. Not to many late model 510s on here, so lets see pictures of this thing.. Our car.....http://community.ratsun.net/topic/36659-doodies-new-datsun/
  14. So im sensing you may like chocolate.. .Remember when you used to be able to buy those giant broken pieces of chocolate wrapped in cellophane in a pile at the supermarket?
  15. Wanted a drivers side front fender for a 70-73 Datsun 510 ,,It needs to be straight ,,Pumpkin orange is a big plus. I am located in Washington state south of Olympia ....Can pick-up as far south as Salem ..as far north as Everett .. Thanks..
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/...3#ht_500wt_1064
  17. If it isn`t over heating and the oil pressure is up..like many have said ..let it run. A half hour in humid ..sub freezing weather isn`t very long
  18. There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order. lib·er·ty/ˈlibərtē/ Noun: The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life. AND (quote) .................. pardon my french, fuck it! .............put your dicks back in your pants Do you talk like that in church or just a thread about how holy we should treat this day of Christs birth?? It just seems kinda hypocritical to complain about scantily clad females and refer to it as an affront to all that is holy, and then use one of the most offensive words in the English language in a thread about moral values ...Don`t ya think Just my .02 Merry Christmas
  19. Wanna do something really cool?? Put your finger between gears and have your older brother slowly turn in-put shaft to check for wear..It`s weird how you can re-grow finger prints.. I said slowly !!
  20. That Pontiac color shown above is a very close match, it`s got a slight hint of green to it. VintageRice....That purple super clean then brake cleaner,,The good stuff in the red can NOT the environmentally safe green one ..but i have found that engine paint ( labeled as such ) is less likely to fish-eye than most normal paint.
  21. Zack man....thanks , i am still on the fence about it`s looks but my son loves the way it looks ...........so We were hoping to get this safe enough so it will eventually be a pack mule when we go to Bonneville speed week at the end of summer..We are taking my or my brothers 4 door 510... but the wagoon ( with air shocks ) should be able to pack so much extra.
  22. Just kinda wandered across this ......man i thought it was getting a little colder lately. . I think the chevro soleil guys don`t like the saganaw because the gears are sometimes pretty far apart..and shifting is like rowing a boat. Which makes it perfect for a Datsun ...well going off what my Datsuns shift like anyways..
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