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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. So by this statement ...maybe i should delete my build thread(s)
  2. Maybe stupid question but.. are they 2 or 4 bolt SUs ??
  3. Nope..but i have a few mr2s and one of my brothers used to be way into X19s and those things were a bitch to get anything for ..But that was before the internet The ones i have seen on the internet seem to have been 240z racks into 510s,, but i think they have to switch the steering TC arms from front to back ( or vice versa ) and not sure how they did it..
  4. That`s cool i >>>assumed<<< the racks were to wide because they are only about 2 1/2 inch smaller track width than a 87-9? supra.
  5. MR2 is easier to get parts for..What are you thinking of using it on? ..MR2s are pretty wide
  6. No pictures cuz i aint started ..Bought me some of those Mklotz G20 front disc adapters, but here`s the part you may not dig..87 4AGE and 5speed probably corrola rear also.,,real frickin loud total beat looking hot rod.

    Might even put radiator in trunk Ah la rat rod style.

    Totally Bare bones..not nice like yours

  7. Technically ..Chevy didn`t make any of their bodies ..Fisher body designed and built them ..the body number on a chevy is a FISHER body number not chevrolet ,it only included GM numbers to designate certain options. Hence the body by Fisher on the door sill..
  8. bananahamuck

    Canby 2012

    Mostly those damn green lines......mostly Mostly
  9. Yeah, except the camera crew couldn`t get past all the trucks blocking the driveway..
  10. Theres so many awesome 521 builds on here !!You guys are blowing my mind

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jon521


      true story. makes me start wondering about doing more to mine.....

    3. tdaaj


      you should build that blue 521

    4. bananahamuck


      Securing my engine for the 411 tomorrows..

      now just need to figure out hw to fiance the twin 40s..

  11. I looked for the name of that thing for about a half an hour..My nephew uses two of those in his 89 buick and they seem to work really well..And he lives up in Forks so the rain patterns should be close..
  12. Maybe add one of these systems to a extra battery hybrid for some serious passing power. http://www.formula1....sport/8763.html AND, most newer hybrids are tanks ,,what if a person stripped all the needed technology off a wrecked prius and integrated it into a really light weight car like a B210 hatchback..That way your not re-inventing the wheel.. I bet 70 mpg would be more than achievable.. ..
  13. My old one was originally that sea foam blue also.. AND kamakazi ..some of us don`t have to search the interwbs for a clean straight example of the car ,,were talking about FYI ,,the mercury topaz in first oic was traded for a running driving 510..the one below Try that with yer honda YO!!
  14. Sorry if im being a party pooper it`s just broke down in the middle of the day is much easier than 11 or 12 at night.
  15. 9pm as in night?? doood?? Hey ,, Tice man ya made it over.. good... I wrote pics or ban........ but found you already posted some....
  16. My electric bill is over $430. a month now..I think i could run my house cheaper on gasoline.
  17. I am working on a wood gas generator for kicks ..and to freak the old retired neighbor dudes out. Kinda like this Sticking it to the man..
  18. If i could suggest one thing ...I would go to Harbor freight .OR welding store maybe , and get yourself an incline-o-meter thing. And after you get truck up on jackstands take the reading and write it down ,or take a picture of it ..Then when you put the new trans in you can cut / weld / whatever, this mount , until engine sits at the same angle as it did stock.. After you take reading you can`t raise or lower truck till done, ( just engine and trans ) or readings will be totally off..
  19. This weekend is a little to short of notice for me , be easier for me if you push it out another week. But don`t let me stop anybody from getting together..
  20. XXL 530-S .... 5 inch diagonal .... Was one of those early bird black Friday deals a few years back, way cheep. I originally bought it for my 55 ford pickup because good speedos for those are a couple hundred bucks .....and imma pretty low budget dude.
  21. A hardware store is more likely to have 0 ring than auto parts store Also a hydraulics repair shop or tractor repair, since they almost always repair the hydraulics also,, ...Even boat repair places those things live on rubber 0 rings. I have TomTom speedo also
  22. Man that scrapper really screwed up ..Those things are extreeeeeeeeeeemely rare , sold my 2 door back in the eighties and have never seen one in person since.
  23. RX 2 Now i come to bottom of page ( replied at top ) and see Qwik 510 has said it already..
  24. Tried looking Graffiti garage up but couldn`t come up with and address..Just a bunch of you tube videos describing it..
  25. Leacantrememberhowtospellit......That`s because your normal----ish. . Actually laughed out loud on that one..
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