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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Why a Diesel? Those things are literally gutless. I'm assuming for the MPG? You can get a good stock carb'd L20B, drive it easy, and get 30+MPG I'm sure. Plus it's easier to find, cheaper on parts, and more powerful. not to mention it's a straight bolt in engine.
  2. THIS. I thought my L20B was doing okay (never owning an L series before I had no idea) and thought it was making good power. Hit the dyno, 52HP. WAM And it's not a J/Y motor.
  3. Typically, you won't get a vacuum leak out of a booster unless your foot is on the brake, and the diaphragm is open (hence the leak.) Does it get worse when using the brake, even at idle? Is the truck new to you, and had this condition, or is this a new occurance after having it for a little while?
  4. What does it do when you push it?
  5. Think I found new rims!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeusimo
    3. bonvo


      the ones you posted on fb? i like um more then your current ones


    4. Kirden


      If you decide to sell the ones on your truck let me know. I loved those on the 620.

  6. Is it a factory switch? My switch looks to be factory, but actually is a universal from AZ. It has a fuse on top of the switch that I didn't see until I took it all apart.
  7. Hey Radim! You should sell it to me for my LZ ;)
  8. Nice man! It looks great for a starter. The cleaner the better. Also, the 620 part is the one to use ;) I think the technical name is the spring 'saddle' but I'm not 100%
  9. Spend the dough on a stage 1 Exedy/Daiken. GREAT reviews all around. Average is about $300 for the set. I got one for my LZ, but I haven't gotten the motor in yet, so I can't speak for it myself.
  10. I think it was to give the trolls a home :p
  11. It was just tight :P OH and I don't think Monkeygirl will be much help here, she's back down in FL for a few months again
  12. No biggie, got it Sick!! Took me about 30 seconds after responding to pop it out! Now just fighting the speedo cablie trying to unscrew the damn thing from the back :P PITA
  13. We don't get 620's at the junkyards here. Never seen one that wasn't on the road in person.
  14. I'm trying to get the bezel off on my 620, and I have all the screws out, but I can't figure out how to get the damn wiper knob off without breaking something :confused: Also can't manage to figure out how to get the damn cigarette lighter out of the front without further cracking the bezel. I got the cigarette lighter tabs in the inside pulled up that look like they're holding it to the dash, but not even a wiggle. Any insight??
  15. metalmonkey47

    Z car find.

    Is it just me, or does that tire seem to be toe'd in a ton??
  16. WTF people, quit working on Datsuns if you can't do it right!

    1. ArchetypeDatsun
    2. metalmonkey47


      I'm a little noobish, but at least I ask first!

    3. TENDRIL


      went to jalens?

  17. Mike! I think you may be close sir. Someone put the cam gear a total 180 on the indexing holes on the cam gear. I don't even see the bright link on the timing chain here either. This is @ TDC on the compression stroke. Now that I look at it, it seems like the cam is timed right, since both lobes are matched and closed, so maybe my issue is somewhere else? I dunno, feedback anyone?
  18. I've had 15x8's in the front, and they tucked pretty well with a rolled fender, but remember offset is everything. I have 10's all the way around and they aren't anywhere CLOSE to fitting. I like a little poke personally, and I'll flare mine at some point. They should sit under standard ZG flares with no issue.
  19. Back at the doctor for my asthma, he says i need to check my blood/glucose levels. He believes I may be pre-diabetic, which explains why my symptoms are food aggrivated. WTF where does it end?

    1. MikeRL411


      Diet and exercise. Low carbs especially if you want to avoid risky non insulin "helper" drugs, all of which have serious side effects.

    2. Monkeygirl47


      :(, i wish I could take all your pain away dear.

    3. Draker


      All about how you eat. You can control it. Especially if you are only in the "pre" stage. Good luck man!

  20. Congrats man! I know it can't be easy. Many try and fail, but it looks like you're on the right track. Keep it up!
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