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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Man, one thing time will never take away is these memories. I'm SO glad I got into a Datsun. I can honestly say that nothing else material like this has ever made me feel so great.
  2. The 32/36 is a little big for the A series motors. Especially a stock one. On my A15, the 32/36 barely made a difference at all, after porting the head a bit and a few other small goodies.
  3. I got in my truck tonight to go get gas and food for work in the AM, and couldn't shake the feeling that my Datsun didn't want to just keep on going. It was running so good, the cool air outside felt great, everything was working better then it ever has. I turned on some tunes and kept on cruising. For some reason I just couldn't bring myself to park the truck. I just HAD to keep driving. I turned a 15 minuet trip to a 1 hour cruise.... it's not often I do this, especially when I have to be at work in just a few hours early in the AM. I felt like the further away from home I drove, the better the truck seemed to run. Maybe I'm just a little crazy, or my datto is trying to tell me something. Maybe she's about ready for a cross country drive to Canby in June? Only time will tell.... well, bank account rather lol It got me realizing that around here, everything is so fast paced and crazy that you don't really get to take the time to slow down and enjoy life as it passes you by. People are in a rush to get everywhere and no one seems to pay attention to the little things anymore. Which I guess is why I like my Datsun. Cuz cool kids drive slow. And oh boy is my truck slow.
  4. Awesome to hear she's still rollin around Mike :thumbup:
  5. Warm outside. Bodywork starting soon!

  6. But its soooooooooo clean! Wish I was local.
  7. Willing to toss you some extra $$$ for the 6AL if you're interested
  8. Negative 12 volts? You mean positive? Negative is ground. Is your choke closing all the way?
  9. And just in case you missed the dyno thread...
  10. Been busy, and lazy, so here's all of my recent work in one update! I removed the gauges and got some stuff cleaned up and repaired. And de-dustified everything. It was NASTY. The bezel is destroyed, so that's my next step.... find a good bezel. My Z car 60 amp sits right next to the idler arm. Rattles when I start it up, had to grind the bracket to allow a tiny bit of adjustment. This is as good as it gets. Today's project involved wiring. I put in a new electric fan with adjustable temp control box. Nice fit if you ask me, and it's nearly silent. The temp gauge hit about half way at it's hottest now. I'm running a 192 degree t-stat, and it was about 75 today so it stayed pretty cool I guess. When the LZ goes in, I'll toss in a 180 degree. Now then the LZ is ready to go in, I can bolt it all together without having to do the fan at the same time. Just pop it all together. This is what happens when i drive around with no hood in GA.
  11. YUP. I know how much time/effort he's put into that thing. No way he'd ever scrap it.. unless by scrap yard he means home.
  12. I've heard of people bolting the front end together.
  13. your words say no. your datsun says yes yes YES
  14. DAMMIT GUYS this thread could have been amazing and you killed it!
  15. Jeebus is a bitch. My bitch <3
  16. LOL I wanna know what he did! I'm an ass and have 0. What does a guy have to do around here to get a warning point? Post a dick in post tits? Been there done that.... Necro a stupid thread? Done... I'm starting to think I'm super bieber
  17. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GTFO :ninja:
  18. Pretty freaking awesome. Watch the video and try it. https://www.google.com/search?q=Diaper&hl=en Click SMELL on the right size and follow the direction. Don't do it on diaper though... it faintly smells like shit.
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