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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Plugs are a light golden brownish when I had them out last ( a few weeks ago) and you can see in the video it's not really burning oil even under full throttle at heavy load. They offered for an extra few bucks to stick an 02 in the exhaust and map that out on the dyno, but I don't think it's necessary since the motors coming out for a larger one, so I can do it at that time. I've played with timing advance, and I've advanced it up to 20 degrees static with no ping, but I lost a TON of power. I just don't understand WHY if it's running so well, it's so low on power. Timing would make sense, but at the same time I drive around with a 10mm wrench so I can make adjustments anywhere I go, and I never make any more power then I am now. It just runs so damn good and consistent. At least you're lighter :P haha it's pretty terrible man! It's slow, but now I know it's actually REALLY slow! Dyno was only $45 for 3 pulls :thumbup:
  2. It was FLAT out the whole way. The other guy was asking me about gear choice, i said I wanted to go easier on it. it's been making noise in a few gears and I didn't want to blow up my 5 speed
  3. Well I'd say YOU sir are not opening your throttle enough :poke:
  4. The torque was what i was really happy with, but the HP was somewhat of a shocker. So far it is 150PSI compression (Average +- about 5 between cylinders) Stock U67 Head Matchbox dizzy with aftermarket coil 13 degree's timing EGR free intake Shorty header Fresh Weber 32/36 I've always suspected that I'm losing power somewhere and this confirms it. Thanks! It will be even better with the LZ :P
  5. :yawn: Kinda sucked, but it was a great experience! I'll go back in a month-2 when the stroker is in. :thumbup: Kinda confirms my suspicion that I'm losing a LOT of power somewhere. We only ran to 5300 since they were a little concerned about running it any higher, and I didn't want to risk it hurting anything, even though i'm sure it's fine. No biggie. I've been getting more transmission noise out of it, so I didn't want to break that either. It wouldn't have continued building power past that I don't think, so it's not hurting anything really. I'm happy to see it's consistent, but it sucks that it's so down on power. No matter, the LZ will make a LOT more power I imagine.
  6. dyno made me laugh so hard. literally lulz for dayssss

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. metalmonkey47
    3. Stupid_fast
    4. Phixius



  7. Nice idea! I was gonna just cut the tabs off on the transmission, and make taller tabs and lengthen the shifter at the same time, but that seems like a pretty good idea :P
  8. A quick test fit. They aren't going to be hard to work with on the rails, and the stock belts fit around them in the same position. They are VERY comfy too. I may be able to have them mounted by Saturday afternoon. I'm off for the next few days, I'm also FINALLY getting to the dyno tomorrow at 3pm. They've been busy, so I got an appointment for that time tomorrow. Then I'll go back in a month-ish and do it all over again.
  9. Get movin man! I'd offer to help, but Macon is more then just a cruise across town :(
  10. :rofl: :rofl: Haven't heard that song in a while... NOW this one is a real classic ;)
  11. FINALLY got my appointment at the dyno for tomorrow. Dang these shops are busy this time of year.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE



      Also bring extra wheels w/tires mounted ,,,, and 6 or so lug-nuts


      ;) haha


      I kid .. I kid


      VTEC-attick !!!

    3. Kirden


      Haha, Bring the slicks man. Show them how that vtac pwns their dyno!

    4. MicroMachinery


      Keep your foot off the brake pedal.

  12. http://www.ebay.com/ctg/Dorman-05199-Spindle-Lock-Nut-Kit-/75156782?_tab=1&_trksid=p2047675.l2644 http://www.theautopartsshop.com/spindle-lock-nut-kit/dor05199.html http://www.sears.com/search=DORMAN%20Dorman%2005199%20Spindle%20Lock%20Nut%20Kit?catalogId=12605&autoRedirect=false&storeId=10153&yikes_prod=true http://www.finditparts.com/t/610/manufacturer/dorman/products/590021/dorman-05199
  13. Hmmmm, that's interesting. Call Dorman and give them the part number. I know at AZ those only come in a single set per spindle, and that's the identical P/N that we list. It would be weird for them to sell 2 to a kit, under the same P/N. Dorman is pretty much a common name in most Autoparts stores (or at least the ones that know what they stock) so if you present that P/N locally, they may be able to shed some light and get it there.
  14. You need TWO. This kit is for ONE spindle. Reference: http://www.autozone.com/autozone/parts/_/N-8ijzm?itemIdentifier=219155_194064_5153_
  15. might be going to dyno today if i get there early enough. need to stop by and grab some coilovers off of one of their shop cars. and stare at the cobra some more

  16. I've got a nice LZ22 together. Hasn't run yet, gotta do the swap and dyno. Z20 block, Z22 crank, Z20 long rods, 86mm dished forged mahle pistons A87 peanut head with big Z valves Racer brown .475 cam For my initial dyno run I'm gonna have my Weber 32/36 on it, I'm hoping to see about 130hp at the wheels. Down the road I'm gonna have a set of twin weber 40's or single 45. Maybe 150?
  17. My Recaros are disgusting. They changed colors when I started cleaning them.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      Kirden, but they are sooooo comfy :P


      Sick--they were free ;)

    3. Kirden


      All the more reason to sell them to me. I need comfy seats for the 620, and nice buckets for the B210 :)

    4. 72240z
  18. Saw this at one of my accounts. 460 in a '60 Cobra kit car.
  19. I use a lot of lenses, but primarily I use the 18-55 kit lens, which does pretty great. It's got an overall good zoom range for what I use it on. I also use the 55-200 Nikkor lens, and some other random manual focus lenses but I don't often use them. Post processing is done in adobe Lightroom 4.3. I shoot in all RAW format and export to JPEG via Lightroom for sharper pictures.
  20. Wow... I bet that sucker would spool quick on an L20B :P What model/brand turbo is it?
  21. Grease is important! lol I hate the ones with the sealed joints, they're useless. Thanks man!! Got some new-ish seats! Some stock Recaro's from a Suzuki Swift GTI
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