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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Sweeeeeeet! I'm the one that took that picture
  2. It's a strange thing, so i'm gonna give you guys a little insight on what I'm dealing with... You'll have to read through it to really understand what i believe may be the cause... It started a few weeks back, when I was going for a little drive to get monkeygirl. Out of nowhere, the truck develops a strange misfire. It's pretty bad. I pull over and grab my tools. I keep a timing light and a ton of tools locked in my bed box. Everything was right, no vac leaks or nothing. I drive straight to her house with nothing more then a inconsistent misfire. I pulled apart the weber expecting to see some garbage in the float bowl, which was non-existant. I've literally replaced nearly every component on this truck that could be at fault. Plugs, wires, cap, rotor, points, condenser, fuel filter, etc. All have less then 2K miles on them. The trucks been okay for about a month. It hesitates sometimes, but its very rare that it does it. I got in the truck a week ago and turned the key to 'start' and nothing happened. All my lights went out until i turned the key back to "ign on," with a brand new Yellow top Optima, Cables, and starter. I reached under the dash and jiggled the wires around on the IGN switch and found the plate on the back that the contacts were mounted to was loose. The switch was replaced the day I drove the truck home. I had the same odd misfire when I drove the truck the other day, but it was worse then ever. I had no power and the truck wouldn't idle. I managed the make it to work and had an idea. Is it possible that the two problems are related to the switch? If the contact plate on the back of the IGN switch pulls away from the switch, then it IS possible for that to cause a misfire/no run situation if they have poor contact with each other?
  3. Banzai, the DGV is super easy to open and clean. After the air cleaner's off, it's literally held on by 6 screws and a C-clip on the choke butterflies where the shaft attaches. The float comes off with the top piece that has the power valve actuator in it. The lower section left below has both your Primary/secondary jets in the bowl with your air correcter jets next to the emulsion tube on top. Idle jets are on the barrels on the side of the carb. I used carb cleaner and a strand of speaker wire through the passages and got mine running better then it ever did. I bought a Weber for the 210 a while back and finally got the guts to break it open. I'm glad I did, because it was the easiest thing I've ever done on a car. I found the gasket to be in good shape too, so I re-used it. I put a Weber on my L20B and ended up breaking it open and making a new gasket out of gasket material. The old one tore, but I made a template.
  4. My 620 has factory A/C. Two arms and my right foot
  5. metalmonkey47

    74 260Z

    Nahhhh, we don't roll like that. You know what they say, first impressions are everything. Mechanic is such a played out word around GA. Seems like if you can change a distributor cap, you're a mechanic. I consider us enthusiasts. There aren't many serious Datsun owners in this area, so consider yourself a new breed! I'm 20 years old, and just picked up my second Datsun. I've been looking to score a Z car, but people around here either want to much, or the cars are devastated. You're a very lucky dude!
  6. Sweet! Lets race it around in the mud like a bunch of hairy drunkards
  7. Anyone got a Nissan P/N for a 620 ignition? I don't wanna start a thread if I don't have to..

    1. yello620


      Ignition switch? I dont have a part number, but do know that some(maybe all) of the aftermarket units fall apart really fast(days). The back comes loose in them and then they dont work.

  8. metalmonkey47

    74 260Z

    Welcome dude! Glad to have another local on the forums. You're actually just a 20 minuet (or so) drive from me. If you ever need a hand wrenching, let me know! By the way, you didn't by chance tow this car into an Autozone parking lot for some tow straps the night you got it did you? I saw one just like this a few months or so back...
  9. Farmer, you have awesome drawing skills +1reps
  10. Have you checked ign timing? Vacuum leak?
  11. "Hello this is Autozone how may I help you?" "Squeeze it 'till it turns purple!" *Click*

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. josh_t


      tell them you need 36 since its actually for two rx7's lol

    3. RedBanner


      Haha, tel em youve got one s4 and one s5, gimmie 24, nabco please.

    4. josh_t
  12. 14 hour shift at AZ is rough

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      thats a really ... long ... shift ....



      4th gear ?

    2. I'm BLUE
  13. try and tell us how it goes :P
  14. Sold some pistons to Eagle_Adam. Paid quick and very patient. good guy to deal with.
  15. Damn Indy... thats pretty nasty.
  16. zomg I love torsion bars. the 620 is soooo much lower

    1. Laecaon


      more high! Or at least til you find non balloon tires.

  17. Thread jack ^^^^ haha I did some ride height adjustments with the torsion bars... this is where I started... And this is it NOW. _DSC0373 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0370 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0372 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  18. http://community.ratsun.net/user/272-fisch/ He's an artistic GENIOUS that put together the designs you see at the top of it. I'd love to see you guys put together a kickass design like his others. http://www.fischart.com/
  19. Tighten or loosen the 620 torsion bars to lower it?

  20. X2 on the condenser. This is how my L20B ran when I had a shit condenser on it. They're cheap. Might look into replacing it? I drove my truck home 30 minuets running okay. I got it home, took it out for a drive, and it lost all spark. I played around replacing ALL kinda of stuff when the $6 condenser was the problem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAxjnTs8sTU&feature=g-upl This is how it ran with a brand new condenser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlbEr9kEYLA&feature=g-upl
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