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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. is that the same bulb number as the 620 inners?
  2. Chilli in Florida like a BAWSE! 70 degrees.

    1. nismo dr
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Basturd! !! Ollz enjoy the weather mange

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Ollz ... i see u mm47

  3. RIP. I'm gonna go have a drive in the 620 when I get back home in a week.
  4. I don't even have live right now. lol more money for Datto! G/T is DattoMan210. I'll be on BF3 soon
  5. Does he have a pay pal? I wanna send him a quarter so he can call someone who cares.
  6. Damn..... that went right over my head. LOL Touche zilla. Well played.
  7. Sounds like a plan to me! Let me know when you find out the area, and I'll see if some guys have time to meet up for lunch or something. Been meaning to have a short trip around GA anyways.lol 620 style.
  8. Yup! I'm within an hour of Atlanta. We also have Hitch, Lex, CharlieBucket, 70dime, and several others here. EDIT: Squatches and Carias as well! A few guys in TN as well.
  9. Attention everybody that was fortunate enough got high end electronics and other expensive Christmas presents: I got a pretty sweet pocket knife. Which I am now going to use to rob you. Merry Christmas.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DAT510
    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      .... got a "kindle fire" ..... come at me bro.....

    4. RedBanner


      " the nicka on the left kevin!"

  10. 510freak, your mom doing okay now? I'll keep her in my prayers! To everyone else, make sure to post lots of oics! I'll be blowing it up with some later Enjoy family time!
  11. 3 hours goes faster when drunk. Have one Mike!
  12. As Christmas eve comes to an end on the east coast, I wanna tell you all to have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and remind you all to be safe and drive safe. If you don't celebrate, go have a beer and slag off. Its a good day to relax and enjoy some good food. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od7GUy9XS7c
  13. Yep! Got my girl to do it on my Z20
  14. Sweet, so my next clutch on the 620 is a KA clutch!
  15. Where can you get a GOOD 620 front window seal? I hear some are garbage...

    1. izzo


      Safelite repair, safelite replace!

    2. mike


      Or the ebay ones, just make sure they are the US made ones with a warranty. If your windshield doesnt fit super tight get some of the window sealant stuff from the parts store and run a bead around the inside by the glass and around the outside around the body... I like doing this anyways because it keeps dirt and crap from getting in there and starting to rust.

  16. Still on my desk. I know SOMEONE has to have leaky rear brakes!
  17. To be honest, I'm absolutely astonished that you're having these issues with your Honda. They're always been absolutely amazing to me. I once drug a '73 CB175 from the woods that was seized and far past gone. Spent $100 on it and had it running solid like new. It didn't even have 2500 miles on it.
  18. LOL you got pwned by a Honduh over and over again. NEVER trade a Datsun for a Honda again. Good luck with it mate. I know those aren't too fun to work on :( Apparently not that awesome.
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