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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Am I likely to break the bed mount bolts? Are they welded to the bed? Meaning I'm fucked if I break the bolts? I need to mount my fuel cell, and It's gonna be a hell of a lot easier if I pull off the bed...
  2. Advanced Edit your original post, and you can change the thread title.
  3. Well, a rolling chassis is the starting point. haha

  4. http://vimeo.com/34210402 BEST video I've watched in a very long time. Hands down.
  5. on another note... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnzw_i4YmKk
  6. ...i mean, what did he expect? Fucking moronic people... do they not understand how much damage/strain they're doing to that drivetrain? I woulda gotten out and bullshitted. lol I bet it would have been hilarious to hear him talk about that poorly built POS.
  7. Rock Auto!!! Can get a reman dizzy for $112
  8. ^^this. Forgot to mention in my posts.. Drive it there. Don't park it with the Dattos
  9. Damnnnnnn I must have missed that PM :( I could have sworn I PM'd you, but I guess not Want me to swing over and take a look? He's in my area within a few min from home (give or take)
  10. Theres not much oil slinging, but the few drops coming out is screwing up my nice clean valve cover Sure do! And it's nice and clean too. That's what I've been doing for a while now. I don't really like pro-longing the inevitable. If I see symptoms of an issue, I like to try and take care of them if possible.
  11. Damn man, If I had a space to park it then I'd be there. Unfortunately, I'm at home with the parents :(. Although, I MAY be able to find it a home around here!

  12. BE THERE. Doesn't matter what you're driving. Canby is for Datto enthusiasts. I'm sure plenty with projects show up in Kia's and Honda Pilots. As long as you're there, who cares? If they give you shit, tell 'em to go fuck themselves That's a Nice TE72. Not a datto, but old school Jap. Yota's are awesome.
  13. HRH, the brake parts cleaner is a good idea! Zero residue cleaner that evaporates quick. Sweeeeeeet. Gonna give that a shot at my next oil change! Actually, yes I did try those tests. I have zero smoke @ the valve cover vent, but still have blow by. NONE @ the tail pipe whatsoever. I've seen new cars that smoke more then this one. When I bought the truck, she smoked @ the valve cover vent on the drive home, but it's the only time she ever did. She sat for several long months before being started again. After an oil change and some drive time, it was gone. I imagine the rings were sticking a tad bit. Hell, the truck even had a timing chain rattle @ high revs when I bought it. Had a Fram filter and some old oil in it. Some Castrol 10W-40 and a Bosch filter and it was the last of any issues I've had with the engine. Until this.
  14. Well, as you guys said, the power increase was invisible. But I am happy to announce it's been reliably running without skipping a beat. I used to have to warm up the truck a little bit when it was cold out, but now I can hop in, and go after a min of running to warm up the oil. I also lowered the idle, since with the points it didn't like to idle very low. I'm very satisfied with how it's running now. NO I didn't gap the plugs, and this brings me to my next question: My cyl 4 plug hole is damaged, and had to be re-tapped with a thread chaser in order to fit the plug back in. I'm VERY un-easy about pulling the plug on that cyl. Is it okay to open the gap on the other 3 without doing it on #4? I don't wanna screw up my good idle.
  15. Watching my GF drag race my Datsun Hot wheels cars across my bed. lolol KEEPER!

  16. I'd love to try and help save her. Good for parts at least! Have you considered parting it out? Should help pay for your move

  17. I'd love to have the Datsun logo on the front, and Ratsun.net on the back with the rats & wrenches
  18. Too bad you didn't get mine when I sold it :( I would have loved to keep it on ratsun. Gave it away for a grand.
  19. lol mannn I'd LOVE to. If I had a place to store it :( I'll ask around and see if I can find it a home!

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