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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Wayno, what's the issue with your pump? Like DTP mentioned, on-off kills them. We had an issue with one a few years back on ours, but rather then replacing, found a blown out seal on the pump outlet. Tore it apart (pretty basic) and replaced it with a generic o-ring. This was about 5 years ago.
  2. I guess me and you share the same thought bubble? Maybe because I prefer THIS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzkr4F_4Xlo Over THIS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPQtgieyEMc
  3. Anyone got any particular muffler recommendations? Trying to pick one out soon.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. bonvo


      details: L20b with a weber 32/36 top end performance header 2.25 from the header back threw magnaflow muffler


    3. chester


      i think spintech. I have it on my truck. with 2.25 piping. theres a vid in my build thread with out a tail pipe and just the L16

    4. Digi7al Trauma

      Digi7al Trauma

      lol ive used cherry bombs and flowmaster 40's on my l20b.. ive layed quite abit of fat mat tho

  4. Not gonna lie Fig, I posted this when I was dozing off. You raise some good points, but you can't sway my opinion. Here's my short response: For every good story, there's a bad one. No doubt, the days back then sucked too. Doesn't it seem like all this great technology has put us at a great disadvantage though? Sure, we can cure just about anything and blow up ANYONE in our way, but have you not noticed where the world is going? Egypt, North Korea, this economic pitfall, Katrina, OBAMA, etc? Now look at the youth of America: everyone strives to be the biggest 'gangsta possible, and sell as much drugs as possible so they can afford the dub ''24's on their '87 Caprice. Maybe that's Atlanta talking, or maybe it's cuz my generation fails harder then Two and a Half Men without Charlie Sheen. In 20 years, my generation will be looked at for what they are. I don't think I need to tell you much about that. On to the military... don't have much to say except I tried to join and was rejected for medical reasons. And no it wasn't all that Dr.Pepper I've been drinking. All my friends that came through it have been happy with their decision, no matter how tough it was on them. It always helped them become better people in the long run. Seems like some of the happiest people I know grew up in those days. Whenever I hear an old guy talk about his life, I don't hear him complaining that he got fucked in Nam, the depression sucked, etc. I hear him ramble on about how much fun he had as a kid and different it was from today, when they went to the beach in dad's old Packard and got stuck in the sand for hours digging it out. I'd LOVE to live back in the days where your TV was in b/w (if you even HAD one), read the paper, and helped dad on the farm. I don't care for the way things have turned out. Music these days (IF you can even call some of this shit music) isn't really that great anymore. Some of my favorite bands were from the 70's. I don't get to see them live anymore. Black Sabbath would NEVER be what they were then. Dio was the GOD of Metal and I'll never be seeing him play. Lady Gaga? Fuck that. Give me some Van Halen and I'll be contempt. I'm stuck living in a society where Honduh's are the shit because...???0 (idk how to answer that.. they suck) Every vagina with a a drivers license drive's an egg looking Civic with poser wheels and mad camber (yo.) Although, every once in a while a guy pulls up next to me at a light in a 'Cuda or a BMW 2002. You know what I do in my spare time? I go antiquing. I find it's much more interesting then going to the mall with my friends talking about the new Iphone. New technology sucks. I'd rather cruise around listening to 8 tracks. Either way, you deserve a +1 for that well informing post NOW, with all that said, tell me... This? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmSt1oEIshE Or this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H0fy73jQaI
  5. Looking great man! Totally missed this thread over the years.
  6. I went through the same ordeal when i was setting up my gauges a while back. Most aftermarket tachs only read a square wave signal, which these old Datsun ignitions don't read. You can use THIS, or get an aftermarket IGN box with a tach output wire..
  7. watched these before. Dudes right. Knowledge IS power. Keep yourself up to date on your local laws. It will help you down the road when a nasty cop tries to give you shit for something retarded.
  8. metalmonkey47

    New engine

    240SX. 89-94 The KA24 came in two variants. The KA24E which is a SOHC and the KA24DE which is DOHC. They are directly related to the L series motor. Just remember, it's not a bolt in swap. There's a lot to consider when planning a swap. This motor produces over TWICE the power of the original motor. Bigger brakes, tougher suspension, proper tires are all factors that come into play. It is a heavier engine.
  9. metalmonkey47

    New engine

    ^^^ This. L motor is so reliable it should be illegal. If you MUST do a mega swap, the 5.3 Vortec is a cool motor.
  10. Yup. We're pretty fucked. Seems funny, why such a HUGE difference in price within such a short distance? Our gas prices fluctuate inconsistently. I used to hate ATL. I don't really mind it now to be honest, but some of this stuff has really gotten insane.
  11. I second that. Everyone was blowing up over $1.25 gas prices. Now it's getting near $4 a gallon here. Like Ron Paul stated in a debate, "the low and middle class see it, but the politicians and CEO's don't see it." Just last year (2011) a few days before the new year, I payed $2.93 for gas. Man was I happy. I could afford to snatch a few parts from the store for the truck, and had a little money to stash. Only a few weeks later and gas is near $3.50 with no justifiable cause. The world we live in now is shit, hence the reason I felt obligated to share my point of views in this thread: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/39543-dreaming-of-the-glory-days/
  12. HOLY HELL just read through this whole thread and it seems like we had a generation war going on for a while I wish I could say I have a good consistent 40 hour a week job. I've been busting my ass all over town trying to find another job, or a new job but this job market SUCKS without experience. I wanna go to school and learn a trade, but I can't because I can't afford it. My hours at Autozone keep dropping, but we're being thrown the same work load. Go figure. It sucks, and I hate to say it, but we kinda do have it hard these days. I'm not saying it's impossible to live these days, but It's hard. It takes good parents and a good education to get where you wanna be.
  13. Under 25, little driving experience, no passive restraints/airbags etc. I've got a squeaky clean driving history, 20 years old, and still pay just about the same for insuring mine.
  14. Can you get me pics of it? Wanna confirm shape but I'm very interested. Also shipped to 30127?
  15. Funds are so tight over here. If i was gonna go, I'd have to fly. May be going to Florida for a good portion of the summer. I am DYING to go to Canby. I know monkeygirl is I'm hoping my situation makes a 180 before June. Oh and by the way, my birthday is June 11th
  16. I have an old license plate on my truck that I bought for $5 from an antique shop for Pye Nissan in Dalton GA. According to them, the plate days back to late 80's. They don't even put metal plates on their cars anymore. wild.
  17. Sooooooo I doubt my ass is making it this year :(
  18. Drove a friends 2011 Altima tonight. It was NICE. LED cluster, keyless entry and remote start, but I couldn't dig it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it but It wasn't my thing. Hell, I'm 20 and everyone else my age is driving Sentra SE-R's, 240's, and Civics. Kinda thought of Hitches thread.. I got back in my 620 and enjoyed my all drum brakes, carb'd pickup all the way home with John Denver playing over my tiny '4 speakers. I think my obsession with Datsuns stems from my obsession with the older days. As a kid, I dreamed of climbing into an Olds 442 Cutlass and racing between stoplights going to the drive in movies to watch the new movies. I don't really know why I'm so old school, because I didn't really grow up on it. I heard the stories and watched the movies, but my dad didn't drive a '67 C10 with a wild 427. The oldest I'd ever worked on was an old Chevy G20 with a 305 and TH350. A lot of people tell me that I'm an old man in a kids body, and I can really see that lately. Theres just something about new cars that doesn't quite to it for me. I think the simplicity of old shit just astounds me. It's so easy to take some old POS from the woodline somewhere run again, but for some reason people throw away a perfectly good early 2000's car because of a list of simple issues. I suppose it just speaks for the quality of newer cars. Perhaps it's just simply because people these days don't take pride in their cars like they used to. If you had told me 5 years ago that on this day, I'd be addicted to driving old ass imports I would have laughed. I spoke to a guy tonight that shared the same feelings on this topic. He approached me at work looking for parts for some Jeep. I kinda chuckled and mentioned something about how cars aren't like how they used to be. He countered that mentioning that he remembered the days when if your car didn't start, you kicked the starter, changed the plugs (or whatever related to the problem) and before he finished his sentence, I interrupted him rambling off things like point gap, condenser, and the other obvious things. He laughed and mentioned that the little banana outside must be mine. We talked for a little while, shook hands, and went our ways. After that, one of my regulars came in with this cool little '85 Plymouth Reliant. Explained his issue after installing the new reman carb. I grabbed a pack of vacuum caps off the shelf and pulled off his air cleaner. He explained that his car was running like crap. He couldn't get above 30mph and is was running like shit under throttle. I capped two extra vacuum ports (weird little Holley) and sent him on his way. He called me ecstatically telling me that I'm the shit and It was exactly the issue. I kinda smiled. Everyone else thought the car was a POS but I think it's a neat little thing. The car world is WILD these days. Everyone thinks they're an enthusiast and expert, but can't gap a set of points or even understand how points work. Simplicity is out dated so are the 'real' enthusiasts. We're all being replaced by punks in Honda's and douche's in 240's who thinks they're old school. In a few decades, all the TRUE OG's will be gone and we'll be thinning out like my grandpa's hair. I guess the best I can do is keep trying to understand how all this old shit goes together, because in a short few decades no'one's gonna be left to show us how. Hell, in 100 years, everything we have now will be rusted away and just pictures in the pages of a text book. I think the reason I'm addicted to Ratsun the most is because Ratsun is a community of people that seem to share similar ideals. Maybe I'm just a little crazy, but I think in the 60's we were better off then we are now. I'd like to say that I have faith in humanity, but I think where we're at RIGHT NOW is the best it will ever be again. I see the world for what it is. I'm generally pretty happy with my life, but I can't help but reminisce. My childhood was the shit.
  19. I think that no matter what you drive this forum will always be accepting. That's what makes Ratsun great. As long as you share a love for Datsuns then that's all that matters.
  20. Thanks for posting Zeuisimo!!! Gonna do that ASAP! Laying frame.... Step 1: New rims that tuck. CHECK. coarse steel wool and brake parts cleaner = clean surface. cheap primer and low gloss rattle can = pretty installed new(ish) rims = teh sex. MOAR LOW coming to a thread new you soon!
  21. Got the grill badge?? Can PP $ tonight for a good price :) Also could use tail light lens. Both sides
  22. As far as trans oil, I've used GM Synchromesh in my L20B 4 speed. Pennzoil in the yellow bottle! You can buy it in an 80w-90 and it is confirmed yellow metal safe. From what GM told me about it, it IS a GL4 safe fluid and the only thing that makes it different from a traditional GL-5 is the fact that it's yellow metal safe, since some 90's GM 5 speeds use brass synchro's.
  23. Only a few months away... hmmmmmmmmmm
  24. I hate driving new cars They feel sooooooo cheap. Datsun ftw! Just can't get away from that good old datsun smell.
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