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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Gimmie a few months and I'll have a set over here ;)
  2. Hang, thats my new avatar! LOL Give me about 20 minuets and I'm setting it. To everyone else, it's just very stressful. And Hitch, I'm not selling the truck so don't come beat any sense into me Her dad called today, and tried to tell her that she was over reacting. That was the end of the line with him. I don't think I need to go into detail, but I think she is solidly disowning her father. Very sad, but I think it will be a wake up call for him... She's moving back down to Florida with her mom in the next few days. She's going to be able to graduate on time, be around people she loves, get her drivers license, a car, and a job. She's going to be supported financially, and emotionally. Bananahammuck, I wish i could say that I had the patience for years or even months away from this girl, but I know right now with the situation she's in she needs me. I'm the only person that's been there for her and knows how she feels, so I need to stay close. I am, however going to be away from her for a few months while she finishes high school and I can get the truck more road worthy. Her mom has offered to borrow an F350 and a flat bed trailer to pull the truck the 8 hours to Daytona where she lives and offered me a spot. There's an Autozone 5 minuets from the house that I'll be looking at transferring into. She's offered to pay my bills until I can get back on my feet if transferring isn't an option, but I'm no free loader. I refuse to let her do that, because she's done so much for me already. I feel so bad for this girl. I can't look at her and tell her that it's going to be a month or two before I move down there because she'll cry. It's hard because I know she doesn't understand, and maybe I don't either. HRH, she HATES cold weather so I know she wouldn't be up for that. I'd love to, but now's not the best time. Pretty much roasted ANY hope of Canby. My birthday is the day of Canby. Either way, DTP, Banana, HRH, Hitch, Mike, and EVERYONE you all give solid advice. BTW DTP, she's got me making her sammiches now Fawk lol
  3. I have the SAME dizzy on my truck. I didn't get the module, so I used a module from a matchbox dizzy. If you want wiring patterns, I can tell you how to make it work efficiently. It was pretty easy to wire. Fun actually...
  4. Stress levels on maximum.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DAT510


      lol dragonball Z


    3. bonvo


      ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!

    4. NOTES...


      Marijuana will bring that down to 420 stress level... ollz

  5. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ^^Most important factor in moving Sucks mang. I would hate having to do that to her. She's going through a rough patch and I have to be there for it.
  6. Thanks guys. It's nice to have all your support. Everything that happened today turned out worlds upside down. Her dad kicked her out and told her to "get the fuck out and take your stuff with you" after her REAL mom in Florida called him and went off. Her mom is currently trying to make arrangements to get her to Florida and enroll her to finish off the school year so she can graduate. She's fighting it though, since she refuses to move to Florida without me. I know that she has no permanent home here, and if she moves to FL she won't be able to concentrate because she refuses to be away from me. I'm looking at possibly selling my truck and parts stash off in the next few days at stupid prices to fund a move down there. Hopefully I can find an AZ in the area to transfer to that wouldn't force me to get rid of the truck. I love my Datsun, but I love my girl more and when it comes down to it, she is far more important. There are hundreds/thousands of good looking trucks on this coast... only one girl like mine.. Funny thing, she's got bruising on her right arm that looks like thumb prints that just showed up, so I'm hoping that some others surface as evidence. I know her neck still hurts, so I have a feeling we're gonna see something.. Monkeygirl is her Ratsun name After she started spending more time with me working on mine, she's fallen for them. She doesn't post much, since she's busy with school. She's depressed in that house. I know the situation hurts her, but after it's all sorted out I know she's going to feel a lot better. Dude, I'm ready to convoy over to her house, shove a flag pole up her ass, and claim that whale for France!
  7. reps for cool stickers. will be talking with you soon
  8. Yup! That's exactly what was done. I had my nice big expensive Nikon on the dash While we were raiding her house, her uncle pulled up pissed off not knowing what was going on. We talked for quite a while and were calm when we left. He was neutral and made it very easy to talk to him. While I was playing watch out in the front yard, I decided to play with my expensive toys.... _DSC0655 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Thanks for the support guys. Your advice is the best guys. nice to know I'm not the only one whose dealt with this situation.
  9. Damn I'm PISSED!! The local Sherrifs office told us that we can only make appointments between 8-5 on WEEKDAYS so unless theres an altercation, we won't be meeting with an officer. this is about to go down like a flash mob. Got bags, boxes, and tie straps in the 620 and we're rolling 5 deep
  10. She's about to turn 19. Gonna get a crew together, call the sherrifs department, and ask them to meet us over at her house and she's moving out in the next hour. We've been getting threatening texts from her step-mom's side of the family so we're gonna bust some ass over this.
  11. Yup. Exactly. Bieber is about to go rambo on her family. She's on the phone with her dad right now, and he's accusing her of lying.
  12. She has a few scratches on her face, but nothing other then that. Cops noted that and I have some good pictures. Her dad is FURIOUS because I called the cops. Her step-brother just tested her threatening me, so I guess this is gonna be one wild day She's going to be pressing charges for assault, battery, and possibly attempted murder.
  13. I'm SO upset right now. Just trying to get it all out. I was on my way to pick up Monkeygirl this morning to go job hunting when she called me to see where I was. We were on the phone for less then 2 minuets and I heard her bitch ass step mom confront her arguing. Out of nowhere I hear scrambling and screaming and a lot of frantic yelling and choking noises. I floored it in the truck and blasted through every turn trying to get there. I didn't get any response on the phone so I called the cops on the other line. She finally picked back up the phone and told me that her fucking mom choked her and tried to suffocate her before she was able to get out of the house! I'm so fucking mad that I can't possibly comprehend what happened. When I got there she was hysterically crying. We stopped a few houses down to wait for the cops and calm her down, and her mom took off up the road. When they got here and we talked to them she was nowhere to be found and we couldn't get her on the phone. Now her Dad and family are trying to take her step-moms side because they weren't there to see it. They're super pissed at me for calling the cops and kicked me off the property. Her blood mother on the other hand wants to strangle the bitch. All I wanna do right now is slap her so hard she feels like she kissed a freight train. That crap just came out of nowhere and I have NO idea what to do for her. But I know what I did was right.
  14. I've NEVER been this mad in my life...

    1. Zeusimo


      Did Someone Bump Into You And Made You Spill Your Drink?

    2. Laecaon
    3. Farmer Joe

      Farmer Joe

      well youre still typing correctly... you cant be that mad..

  15. I'll take the steering column cover. How much shipped to 30127?
  16. Dim is the only reason for upgrading mine. lol I figure, If I go LED on every bulb short of the headlights, I'll have reduced current draw by a fair amount. Volt and oil pressure lights are important Paging wildmanid
  17. 3 We cannibalize one Leave the rest parked hiding somewhere, and put it back together on the way back
  18. innovation and bragging rights. That's a seriously cool L addition.
  19. *cough cough* wait uh what? Pack your bags everyone, we're moving to Washington.
  20. Just wanna update this since It's been a while.. Still haven't solved this issue, It's gotten better and is flowing a little bit. I got rid of my breather filter for a hose run to the Weber for now, but it's still not 100%. Gonna possibly pull the engine in a month or so since I'll have a crane and some hands ready to go. I need to repaint the engine bay and replace the pan gasket anyways.
  21. Not any big issue, but I'm failing to understand why they're acting like they are. Brake light comes on whenever there's anything plugged in cig lighter. Just noticed realized when I was reading about the LED conversion that my battery light and oil pressure light don't come on with IGN on and engine off. I've disconnected the oil pressure switch and have the same issue. I checked the bulbs for continuity and verified they're good, and even swapped in a known good bulb and still don't work. Clean contacts and no sign of corrosion. Would rather not go fiddling with modifying something that doesn't already work. Any input would be nice.
  22. YUP! lol if you're using the green wire, that's exactly why it's acting funky Didn't even think to ask where you had it wired
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