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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. No offense, but you might want to re-think your price. You can buy a reman dizzy for $112 on rockauto last I saw..
  2. Don't change the distributor without the need to. No shaft play is okay. Just put in fresh points/condenser and go! If you need a good points dizzy/coil just let me know! I have some spares that are perfect sigging around off my truck. Also, any Weber 32/36 rebuild kit will work. Easiest carb you'll ever work on! Before you do that though, get a fresh set of points, condenser, plugs, etc in there and see how she runs. Don't forget to set timing. Point gap is .19 to .21 I think? Don't quote me on that... I'm not 100%. Chances are the carb is fine. If anything, clean the idle jets on the sides (small brass screws pull the jet straight out) and clean them and the passages with carb cleaner. Welcome by the way! I'll be moving to Daytona FL soon in the coming months. Good to know I won't be the only Datsun.
  3. With a funny new interview! I'm not the biggest block fan, but this is just funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32Op8mUVJvc#!
  4. Some bitch hit my truck in a parking lot right near the tailgate. Fresh deep dent and scratches.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ripetomatoes


      hmmm... maybe that truck would be safer with me. :P

    3. I'm BLUE
    4. ripetomatoes


      all joking aside, sorry to hear some stupid bitch hit you :(

  5. Thanks man! haha It'd be done already, but it's been raining. Looks kinda funky right now.
  6. The following is provided by 'StopTech' technicians. I typically hand this out at Autozone to customers buying full ceramic Cmax brakes. So far, they seem to be the most satisfied customers with their brakes. Stay tuned. More bed in information will be posted in this thread. Pad and Rotor Bed-In Theory, Definitions and Procedures Removing the Mystery from Brake Pad Bed-In by Matt Weiss of StopTech and James Walker, Jr. of scR motorsports ----In order for any brake system to work optimally, the rotors and pads must be properly bedded-in, period. This process can also be called break-in, conditioning, or burnishing, but whatever terminology you choose, getting the brakes properly bedded-in and keeping them that way is critical to the peak performance of the entire brake system. However, understanding why the rotors and pads need to be bedded-in is just as important as the actual process. If one understands what is happening during the bed-in process, they can tailor the process to specific pads, rotors, and/or driving conditions. For this reason, we present this generic bed-in overview pertaining to all brake systems, but follow with links to application-specific bed-in procedures to fit most every set of circumstances. Bedding-in Street Performance Pads ----For a typical performance brake system using street-performance pads, a series of ten partial braking events, from 60mph down to 10mph, will typically raise the temperature of the brake components sufficiently to be considered one bed-in set. Each of the ten partial braking events should achieve moderate-to-high deceleration (about 80 to 90% of the deceleration required to lock up the brakes and/or to engage the ABS), and they should be made one after the other, without allowing the brakes to cool in between. Depending on the make-up of the pad material, the brake friction will seem to gain slightly in performance, and will then lose or fade somewhat by around the fifth stop (also about the time that a friction smell will be detectable in the passenger compartment). This does not indicate that the brakes are bedded-in. This phenomenon is known as a green fade, as it is characteristic of immature or ‘green' pads, in which the resins still need to be driven out of the pad material, at the point where the pads meet the rotors. In this circumstance, the upper temperature limit of the friction material will not yet have been reached. As when bedding-in any set of brakes, care should be taken regarding the longer stopping distance necessary with incompletely bedded pads. This first set of stops in the bed-in process is only complete when all ten stops have been performed - not before. The system should then be allowed to cool, by driving the vehicle at the highest safe speed for the circumstances, without bringing it to a complete stop with the brakes still applied. After cooling the vehicle, a second set of ten partial braking events should be performed, followed by another cooling exercise. In some situations, a third set is beneficial, but two are normally sufficient. What is brake pad “bed-in” anyway? ----Simply stated, bed-in is the process of depositing an even layer of brake pad material, or transfer layer, on the rubbing surface of the rotor disc. That's it. End of discussion. Ok, not really, but although bed-in is quite basic in definition, achieving this condition in practice can be quite a challenge, and the ramifications of improper or incomplete bed-in can be quite a-a-n-n-o-o-y-y-i-i-n-n-g-g. Abrasive friction and adherent friction ----There are two basic types of brake pad friction mechanisms: abrasive friction and adherent friction . In general, all pads display a bit of each, with abrasive mechanisms dominating the lower temperature ranges while adherent mechanisms come more into play as pad temperature increases. Both mechanisms allow for friction or the conversion of Kinetic energy to Thermal energy, which is the function of a brake system, by the breaking of molecular bonds in vastly different ways. The abrasive mechanism generates friction or energy conversion by the mechanical rubbing of the brake pad material directly on the rotor disc. In a crystalline sense, the weaker of the bonds in the two different materials is broken. This obviously results in mechanical wear of both the pad and the rotor. Consequently, both pads and rotors are replaced when they are physically worn to their limit and are too thin to endure further service. The adherent mechanism is altogether different. In an adherent system, a thin layer of brake pad material actually transfers and sticks (adheres) on to the rotor face. The layer of pad material, once evenly established on the rotor, is what actually rubs on the brake pad. The bonds that are broken, for the conversion of Kinetic to Thermal energy, are formed instantaneously before being broken again. It is this brake pad-on-transferred brake pad material interaction on a molecular level that yields the conversion process. With the adherent mechanism there is much reduced rotor wear as compared to abrasive mechanism, but it's not a free lunch – pads now become the primary wear element in the braking system. And even though rotors are not mechanically worn down with adherent systems, they still will need to be replaced on a regular basis due to cracking reaching a point of failure if they are exposed to intense, repetitive thermal cycling. This is why race teams throw out rotors that are actually as thick or thicker than when they were brand new. It's due to the an adherent brake pad transfer layer! The all-important transfer layer ----As stated above, the objective of the bed-in process is to deposit an even layer of brake pad material, or transfer layer , on the rubbing surface of the rotor disc. Note the emphasis on the word even, as uneven pad deposits on the rotor face are the number one, and almost exclusive cause of brake judder or vibration. Let's say that again, just so there is no misunderstanding. Uneven pad deposits on the rotor face are the number one, and almost exclusive cause of brake judder or vibration. It only takes a small amount of thickness variation, or TV, in the transfer layer (we're only talking a few ten thousandths of an inch here) to initiate brake vibration. While the impact of an uneven transfer layer is almost imperceptible at first, as the pad starts riding the high and low spots, more and more TV will be naturally generated until the vibration is much more evident. With prolonged exposure, the high spots can become hot spots and can actually change the metallurgy of the rotor in those areas, creating “hard” spots in the rotor face that are virtually impossible to remove. Bedding fundamentals ----In general, bed-in consists of heating a brake system to its adherent temperature to allow the formation of a transfer layer. The brake system is then allowed to cool without coming to rest, resulting in an even transfer layer deposition around the rotor circumference. This procedure is typically repeated two or three times in order to ensure that the entire rotor face is evenly covered with brake pad material. Sounds easy, right? Well, it can be if you have the proper information. Because the adherent temperature range for brake pads varies widely (typically 100°F-600°F for street pads and 600°F-1400°F for race pads), each bed-in needs to be application-specific. One could try to generate a one-size-fits-all procedure, but too little heat during bed-in keeps the material from transferring to the rotor face while overheating the system can generate uneven pad deposits due to the material breaking down and splotching (that's a technical term) on to the rotor face. In summary, the key to a successful bed-in is to bring the pads up to their adherent operating temperature in a controlled manner and keep them there long enough to start the pad material transfer process. Different brake system designs, pad types, and driving conditions require different procedures to successfully accomplish the bed-in. The recommended procedures below should provide you with the information you need to select the bed-in procedure appropriate for your application.
  7. Thanks man! She's in an odd direction for sure. To be honest, as she sits it's far from where I want it to be. I envision it tucking some stupid flush wide wheels, but $$$ is keeping me from doing so. I got it in such interesting form already, so she was already 10 steps ahead of where I expected to be for what i spent on it. I'm really happy with the way she looks right now. I just need to get a few small elements finished and she'll be perfect. She's dead reliable right now and I'm really happy for that.
  8. Bumblebee by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Oldies... by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  9. Edit-1-6 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Edit-1-5 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Edit-1-3 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Edit-1-2 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Edit-1 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  10. http://importalliance.org/ Import Alliance will be hosting their meet at Turner Field this year on April 22nd. Don't have much info yet, but more will be released. NOW, with that we ALSO have Southrnfresh hosting a Welcome to Atlanta meet for everyone rolling into town for IA this year. I will be attending the WTA event, but I'm not sure if I'll make it to Import Alliance. It's located at Mainstream Performance (site of Nopi 2009?) in Dallas GA. If you'd like to meet with me and head out, i'd love to have a roll out! Hitch, this is right in your back door so I expect you to be there!! All details are below.
  11. +reps Take care of your woman. looks like you two get along great! BIEBER FEVER!!!
  12. As always thanks for the support guys. Jrock, that vid was more for lulz then anything. Guess no one else found it lulzy. Anyways, things have been okay. Not bad for our second Valentines day 9 hours apart. I'm trying to get a lot done so I can move down there in a few months. This girl never fails to impress me. She's working her ass off in school down there trying to get out. I know that if things keep up, one day I WILL marry this girl. She sent me this today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sprh9ibbGDs Made my day. Hell, made my YEAR. The last 10 seconds of the video were PURE GOLD. Reminds me of the time I surprised her on new years day 2011 on her way back from Florida. She thought I was at work LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5Xy0XVe6is
  13. I got your pic below man. Try hosting from photobucket. Drain and refill with FRESH fluid. If it was incorrectly filled with GL5, then the corrosive sulfur will eat the brass parts. I use Pennzoil GM Synchromesh in the yellow bottle. It's yellow metal safe. I think about 2 of those quarts should top it off. You can buy it for about $7 a quart @ Autozone.
  14. Welcome Keith! You might be surprised! There are some pretty quick A series cars killing stock Honduhs. lolol Don't hold your breath. They rarely ever die unless abused! Hurry up before everyone else wakes up! We're all pic whores. No sir! Check your fluids. GL-4 yellow metal safe ONLY!!
  15. Welcome! Be sure to post lots of pics.
  16. Thanks man! She's a cool little girl Idk man to be honest. I kinda hate them. need to drill the rivets off. Anyways... good bedliner and a brush! Not finished, but here is a start. I have a lot more to update but this is number one.
  17. Dan, check out Rock Auto. You can buy a ring/piston/pin set for somewhere in the neighborhood of $35. They had some on closeout a few months back. I had a set on the side a while back but sold them.
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