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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. YESSSSSS may have a job superior to AZ.

    1. metalmonkey47


      Working on my resume now... GTR race shop ftw!

    2. josh_t


      i really hope you get it dude. me and my friend know all about that place. the guy that was with me when i came over that one day. he told me about them and i told him you might be workin there and he looked kinda impressed. thats a rare face for him to make.

  2. ..autozone sells points for L series. About $7 for a good set of Wells brand points. Want a part number? EDIT: Scratch that, AZ P/N is JA1 click for link. Autozone also has Spectre radiators for around $110. Find where it's leaking and solder it.
  3. You're kidding.... That sucker must be really in there. Maybe tap on the old carrier bearing to try and draw the driveshaft backwards? Wish you were closer. Id love to lend a hand if I didn't have a busy schedule. :mellow:
  4. Just unbolt the carrier bearing and pull it out as one piece dude! Then put it all back together off the vehicle. If the rear driveshaft is still bolted to the front, you can pull it out easy.
  5. Video = click... also... Valve cover got more shinier :D Still far from finished. Header is now on..
  6. "They will never find kony i see atleast 7 africans that look just like him in Atlanta" via my stupid friend. LOLOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DAT510


      Someone say Carlos?

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Coocoo for kony puffs! !!

    4. josh_t


      there are some mini kony's at my school.

  7. Cleanest original 620 EVER. What are the plans for it?
  8. Yessir! Just gotta make sure that if they're poly bushings to drill holes in them so they can flex.
  9. Devon, welcome! Glad to see more datto love in Georgia. They surface from time to time on craigslist, so keep an eye out!
  10. I was actually gonna call you Saturday and give you the details.. we're planning a datto roll out!
  11. you need to post more brotha!

  12. Sebring FTL. Shittiest car known to man. To be honest, the easiest battery I've ever done was on an '88 Porsche 911 Turbo. Right up front in the trunk. (I guess?) You had a ground switch to shut off power to the car, a single 8mm tie bar, and two beefy clamps. Took me about 10 minuets, only because I was being extra careful and bullshitting with the customer.
  13. I'll start updating this as I rebuild her after the accident.... for now... I need to fix my tape lines.. but here's my 15's. Wide little girls.
  14. Ditto on that man! Same as the Chevy Venture, Grand Am, etc. CHEVY ftl.
  15. Those kinds of people... I've never let a customer put in there own battery. It ALWAYS comes around on me some way or another. I've put batteries in everything to S/C mercs to 1988 Turbo 911's
  16. Damn I was hoping they were A starters :( Oh well. Still a good buy!
  17. I think.... FWD SR20 drivetrain... would pull a premium one week before race wars. Looks cool man.
  18. Well worth the money,,, not sure if it fits what you're looking for though... http://community.ratsun.net/topic/35171-1972-datsun-510-shag-wagon-sr20det/
  19. ^^good steps taken so far. Might as well order a new clutch line as well, should be a VERY cheap one.
  20. ^^We've already been through this. Very curious about this motor. Any more pictures OP?
  21. John510 rocks. Traded my long tube header for a shorty. He sent me two.
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