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Everything posted by Braden

  1. have you removed the sending unit to see which one is the real fuel pickup/ use that one, shouldnt have any problems, sounds like you are using a vent tube as a pickup tube dude
  2. get my exhaust done for now, will do it better later on
  3. ah come on its not that damn bad, read the carb worksheet, label your jets and screws and your good to go! dont forget a bucket of carb dip!!!!!
  4. got my exhaust buttoned up on my truck today, welding is shit but what do you expect for 60 bucks, i will get a more permanent setup on this pos later. anyways the thrush turbo is so damn quiet, its a ittle rumbly in the rear but in the cab its quiet, it feels like a tiny truck again!!!!
  5. output, channels, current draw? if its a 500 watt amp or bigger it will draw 50+ amps from your charging system, not so good for a 35 amp alternator, but definitely cool that it is a "620 amp" lol, i have yet to see a cool system in a truck so small!!! i was just gonna run a 400/4 in my truck with 2 6x9 and 2 6's in the kick panels, what did you have in mind for your truck?
  6. good ole 78 king cab running his mouth (talk about ratsun dick heads!!!:fu:)
  7. now ive never done a heater core but im assuming it might hurt a little bit, not to pleasant at all i would suspect:D
  8. i can get you a used l20 cam, i am unsure of its condiditon, probably not too bad, i will go get it for cheap to help you out if you cant find one soon, let me know
  9. dude!!! if you are going to post this sort of stuff you HAVE to include a video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. you could also post this in the appropriate section and probably get more hits
  11. Braden

    Rear Bumper

    fight the ticket, im sure it wouldnt be hard to get it dismissed since your taillights are mounted in what would be the roll pan and since your liscence plate doesnt mount to the bumper, get a bunch of pics of our 620's and present them, explain to them how the bumper is only for trailering items and since you dont trailer you dont have one, i know it sounds corny but any evidence that will conflict with the ticket is helpful, also check your local and state laws
  12. its too bad that the truck on back 2 the future was a yota!!!!!! lol
  13. 720, newer, easier to find, more common in 4wd, king cab or whatever you want
  14. wow man looks awesome, i bet it feels great knowing you have one of the nicest trucks on the forum!!!!! way to go man, sounds good too!!!
  15. be sure to get the greasable u joints to prevent yourself from doing this again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grease them every oil change or when you check your oil or tire pressure!!!
  16. how big is the mounting base on the mirrors? lxw?
  17. Braden

    HHO Generator

    true, maybe a venturi??????? look at other designs on the web many include a venturi so that the varying amount of vacumm varies the intake of the gas
  18. Braden

    HHO Generator

    yes the amount of water loss is the cell is minimal, i ran mine for several hours with no noticeable affect on water level, also depending on altitude the volme of gas produced say one liter at atmospheric pressure is the same from place to place so yes it is a measurable amount in volume terms but no it isnt very much gas, you would not want to store this gas, this is why it is made on demand
  19. finished up changing my plug wires, cap, rotor, and plugs, now that i have that and a fresh carb i have to set my timing and get my exhaust done, hopefully that will make it run like new, it still has a miss or two
  20. Braden

    HHO Generator

    one more thing that we all know is that in a fuel injected vehicle the headaches would far outweigh the gains, i once looked into building an efie circuit and said the hell with it. when you burn hho in a fuel injected the vehicle the 02 sensor detects a lean mix, adding more fuel, thus decreasing your gas mileage not increasing it
  21. Braden

    HHO Generator

    AGREED!!! but infact the only way to satisfy the human mind is to show actual proof (mythbusters style), the scientific method states that after hypothesis comes and experiment bla bla bla, so someone needs to try this shit, hell who knows, if you plan on keeping and driving your vehicle for a long time, the 10 extra miles to the tank or what have you can add up, that is once again if you build an efficient system
  22. Braden

    HHO Generator

    i have infact experimented with hho generators, the system is a very simple idea and with a carburated vehicle is in fact a very very cool idea, i sucessfully built and tested an hho generator on my workbench and it worked quite well, i used 304 stainless sheeting and rubber washers to space the plates, theoretically if an efficient alternator was installed on your vehicle and your generator system was working properly all you would have to do is maybe jet down your carb a little to get somewhat better gas mileage, i have reviewed an hho system on my 620 in my head several times while sitting bored in one of my college classes, the system would consist of the generator itself (stainless plates with alternating polarity) and then a gas feed line into a water seperator (to prevent water from entering your intake), then a check valve to prevent an explosion and from there a feed line directly into a vacumm line on the intake manifold. of course hho has no lubricating properties so running your engine too richly on hho could reduce the life of your engine, in order to get an excess of energy from the reaction, your cell and your charging system would need to be very efficient (remove ac or smog pump) now that i think about it i may try and continue playing with hho and maybe build a small cell and put it in my truck, when i built my bench generator i collected the gas in a graduated cylinder and ignited it with a torch, let me say the shit is explosive so if you do try experimenting with it be very very cautious, i was lighting bubbles about the size of a small gumball and getting a crack as loud as a firecracker and my ears were ringing, so please be carefull im sure this thread will get much criticism but the only real way to see if using hho as a petroleum accelerant works is to build and test a cell, so some of you guys with money and time get your asses to work!!!!!!
  23. Braden

    oh crap, tire help

    go to the parts house with your wheels and one of your studs, tell them you need some stud that are ? long but the same diameter and thread pitch, if they carry dorman studs they should def be able to help you out, also match up your lugs to your wheels, they should be able to help you with that also
  24. Braden


    before you sleeve it tape off all the mating surfaces and sandblast that bitch (yes even in the water jacket!!!!!!) after blasting the block will be clean and ready for the machinist, they can then sleeve it then deck the head!!!!! presto brand new z22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! clean that sucker up after the machine shop work and paint it with some good por15 engine enamel!!!
  25. Braden


    RESLEEVE it, that rids the pits and adds your cylinder wall back.
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