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Everything posted by Braden

  1. i have used fat mat in my stereo applications, works good, not too expensive either, once its stuck on though its STUCK!!!
  2. the two filters sounds like a must, what i wanna know is how does the electric fuel pump pressure vary? why does it put out 4 to 7 psi??? why isnt it constant?
  3. call zippo, ask for their historian, she is a nice lady and she will tell you everything you need to know, she is very helpful
  4. thanks skib, i will look into it more tonight while im at work, i still may go with a mechanical pump if i can get the beck arnley original style pump
  5. http://www.mr-gasket.com/pdf/12S_42S.pdf doesnt call for a regulator, it says run it straight to the carb, what do you guys think?
  6. that pump is designed for carbs only, it runs 4-7 psi, wouldnt the carb needle valve be able to hold back 4-7 psi? i beleive they make a pump with higher volume but less pressure like 3 to 5 psi, the question is how many pounds does a stock mechanical pump push, i will be running mikunis sometime this year
  7. hey guys, its time to change my fuel pump, its been in the single digits here in ky and i went to start the ole 620 yesterday and no fuel!!! i blew 60 psi of air through the lines to clear any gelling or icing and hooked them all back up, i left the hose to the carb loose to see if i was getting fuel, NOTHING, i then went and got a heat gun and heated the fuel pump and primed it trying to get it going again, after much struggle and still getting no fuel i found a nice size rubber mallett!!! i tapped on the fuel pump for about a minute then cranked her over one last time, a filthy squirt of orange colored (im assuming rusty) fuel pours into the carb and she fires right up!!! i just cleaned, painted, and reinstalled my fuel tank so i know it wasnt dirt or rust from there, the fuel filter is good as well, so it had to be from the pump i am thinking of switching over to this http://go.mrgasket.com/ProductDetails.aspx?brandId=1&modelNumber=12S&productID=10573025&majID=225&minID=2255&selection=7&minselection=1 what electric fuel pumps have you guys used??? and if any of you used the mr gasket pump was it worth a count??? i also need a block off plate for the mechanical fuel pump, unless you guys reccomend using the electric pump as a booster for a new mechanical pump
  8. i love america but i would rather have a jap bike all day long, not to support any other countries but damn the japs make good shit, i have had kawasakis and suzukis all my life and i love them, we all obviously love japanese motosports anyways lol, get a kawasaki, and try and get a used 2 stroke, they have almost phased them out and they are all switching to fuel injected four strokes, no klotz oil or mad hornet sounding bikes anymore, i have a kx 125 and im determined to keep it going forever, fuck the epa!!!!!
  9. well im a negative 7 yaaaaahhhhh!!!!! can anybody give me the award for lowest rep??? i guess everybody hates me lmao!!! oh well fuck it, atleast im good at losing points i guess ill stick with it and see how low i can go!!!!!
  10. Braden

    620 grill

    why would it chip? prep the surface correctly and use a paint with some give to it and it should never chip, correct me if i am wron but arent they factory painted? i know there is some sort of grey coating on them
  11. i was on my way to buy a tire the other day when i came to this stoplight, my fast idle circuit hadnt shut off yet so the truck was running probably 2 grand, when the light turns green this soccer mom hoe in this caravan floors it, i stomp first and hit second then third popping off a plug wire!!!, lmao i still made it around her and made my turn, bitch didnt think my old rusty ass truck would move like that, lol long live the l20b!!!! (stock hitachi)
  12. Braden

    Whats up?

    welcome how about you "hit us up" with some pics!!!!
  13. what tires are you running?? i like the tread pattern, what size also?
  14. yeah i liked it when it was simple, its not too horrible, but its defenitely more difficult to use, sometimes too many new features outweigh the benefeits of the features themselves
  15. now that i see how it works i think i like it, as long as you post relevant info someone might rep you up, if you post bs off topic crap you will get repped down, this would save some of us the trouble of reading pointless posts, good feature, now lets see if we use it to its full potential
  16. you can get some bitchin hose at the autoparts store, it has like 5 layers and a steel wire core, its about 12 bucks a foot
  17. So now that we have switched forum software we now have a reputation score, mine was 10 yesterday now it is 9??? wtf??? i see some people are 11 and some are up to 16!!! nobody so far have i seen below 10 besides me, how and what is the scoring criteria for reputation?? update, it is now down to 8 and probably 7 since i am posting this, i vote we get rid of reputation, totally lame, it gives our forum a nasty social class ok i figured it out, its that gay little plus sign, wtf you can adjust your own reputation?????
  18. western minilite with 2 extra spokes
  19. they werent kidding about datsun saves!!!!!
  20. you shouldnt feel bad, its a datsun dude not a ford or a chevy, no matter how crappy it may seem its a datsun!!!! it used to be datsun saves, now its save datsuns!!! now post more pics of the interior, bed, hood, engine bay etc.
  21. wouldnt it need a lock up torque converter?
  22. here is the link thomas, thanks for all your hard work on this, it will take some getting used to this new forum but change is inevitable i guess http://community.ratsun.net/index.php?showtopic=10169
  23. ok i take it back!!!! the link is fixed but the pics in the link are not!!!!!! help!!!
  24. thomas fixed it asap!!!!! awesome dudes!!!!
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