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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. That speaker is great. Would love those for myself, but I saw the dibs called. Guess I still have a f to give about stepping on toes... And great find, love to see what you are going to do with the truck.
  2. Anyone have a brochure or link that shows the factory color options for the 76 B210 sedans?

    1. DeviousPsycho620
    2. RedBanner


      White. And white with decals lol

    3. Kirden


      Thank you, looks like the one I am trying to buy is 221 Yellow Green / Olive Green

  3. I would have said geo, but have you guys seen that geo metro build in the non Datsun vehicles? That thing is nice. and I kinda always liked the geo trackers...
  4. I won't drive HHRs, PT cruisers, aztecs, Cubes, Souls, ect. and those silly Mini Cooper Roadsters. The one box car I make an exception on is the original xB, but that is because I'm a big guy with a child and that thing has a ton of room and reminds me of A/V vans for competitions :P Other than that if its free I will drive it, but I would usually pass if anything 2000+ is gonna cost me money to get. I prefer ODB1 and older. Most hated manufacturer would have to be either Ford or lincoln, but I would honestly drive some of the old Ford's (mainly the 40-50s trucks).
  5. I like that glove box idea. Might have to swipe idea :)
  6. PM Sent, Want 2 dark blue, 1 baby blue, and one mustard yellow.
  7. Haha, yea, Atleast the more parts I replace the more blue I remove. I couldn't believe they even painted the fuel lines and plug wires... Lines have been replaced, wires will be replace in a few weeks (next pay check). For some reason all old cars/trucks down here come with the token ford blue engine bay. My just to happens to have come with the special edition house paint rolled onto the exterior and dash as well...
  8. I got my ratsun.net badges from dave. If these are indeed the same material they are great quality pieces. If I am able to pick up that B210 Saturday I will be ordering one of these new badges for it. As far as the badge I already have (ratsun.net), it is heavy and well made. The mounts are threaded perfectly for the mounting hardware and the finish is precise. I would suggest people grab these if you want a quality grill badge for your Datsun.
  9. Got a deiseling issue, yay me...

  10. Well, decided to do atleast one stupid thing today (but the day isn't over yet!). Drove the truck to work. Keep in mind I have not done a test drive since installing the weber... So, this is what I found on the 28 mile trip (18 miles hwy, 10 miles town). The good: The truck seem to have a lot of pep now. It takes off without any hesitation and no bogging. I get up to speed a lot quicker in gears 1-3, 4 is still rough but that is how a 40 year old 1.8 is right? Summary of good, all around better drivability over the GM rochester carb (who woulda thunk it). As far as getting to speed in 4th, this really doesn't become a problem till 55+, so I just figure it is because these engines don't have the amount of power I am used to. Loving the truck, feels like a brand new ride. The bad: I have a deiseling issue, but not as bad as the rochester. The throttle pedal has no stiffness to it. Summary- The deiseling issue is something I really need to work out. I am going to try to pick up a wideband so I can effectively tune the carb, or atleast a decen a/f meter. The throttle cable feels like there is no return pressure. I don't know how these pedals are supposed to feel but it feels like the clutch, maybe even a little less pressure than that. It isn't really an issue, but it worries me when I take off cause it feels like the cable has broken or came loose from the carb. I hope that my new pedal will stiffen if up a bit but we will see. Side note, when I hit my brakes I hear a pop or click under the dash. I haven't been able to inspect it but I think I also have a brake fluid leak in the cab (noticed some moisture in the carpet below the pedal). I will check it out either tomorrow or Friday but off the top of your heads do any of you know if this could be my booster? I hope it isn't the master but if it is the booster that is fine because I want to remove it anyway.
  11. That car is absolutely beautiful. The weekend needs to hurry up so we can see progress :)
  12. WTB food... Starving and ready to leave work.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      I just got home at 5am from work. LONG day.

    3. jrock4224


      i ll take a saugae egg croiusant from da box if your going....and a large coffee black please

    4. Kirden


      Haha, I work from 4pm to 3:30am, nothing is open when I get off except waffle house :(

  13. Real jobs are overrated. Datsun or bust! :)
  14. :ninja: Stealing ideas for what to do on the B210. Continue :devil: And also, MOAR OICS PLS!
  15. Lol, well see my step dad is disabled, and I take care of him, so when he got an Obama phone from his medical program they sent me one too. It was win win. I believe the program is called safe link. Back to this lovely vinyl work. Have you came up with any leads on those uniform shirts? I really want one with a rats n wrenches logo above the pocket and a standard cab 620 rising sun on the back. While I love the king cab I feel my 620 would disown me for wearing a king cab shirt...
  16. Bah, it never happened then :crying: I work at a distribution center so I don't really take a camera to work, and my phone happens to be an Obama phone. Free 125 minutes every month and they roll over ftw! I have over 1k minutes at the moment (show how popular I am...) I'll throw the camcorder in the car just incase he drives it back to work some day. Then it will be real! :thumbup:
  17. Alright, I have had 2 managers and the assistant director of the DC suggest that I put in for a position. Down side is I probably need to cut my hair... Dat early twenties when you have to decide to grow up or stick with lower wages...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kirden


      One can only hope beiber ODs by then... Yea, it has been decided, hair will be gone. I am not sure if more money + more datsuns = more ladies, I think you have to choose ladies or datsuns cause they both require a lot of time.

    3. Sealik
    4. jrock4224


      ask tendril about lady questions.......he gets blowies and the chick to lay out for a tan in the snow while he works on datsuns...the bastard

  18. Wow, messin up the 510, I'm out! Not really :) I can't wait to see the changes you make. Your car is awesome as it is, but I haven't seen anyone do what you are doing to a 510 yet. IMO keep the power plant under wraps to keep everyone on their toes :ninja:
  19. Thinking that I don't really care about trying to fix the civic before selling it. $1k for 95 civic ex with blown head gasket, new complete head, and new head gasket kit as a package? I might be able to pull that off. If so its time to get that B210 and a KA swap :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. INDY510


      Ratsun is the best place to sell Hondas

    3. Kirden


      Haha, I would never post it here. Redbanner would have a nervous breakdown :P It will hit CL and street signs, that is all

    4. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      I feel the same way about my Lude...

  20. I have thought about the portable car port for a while. That may be the route I go at the house (its a rental) and then throw up a basic shop once my grandmother lets me buy an acre from her. As long as I can keep the bugs out of a basic primer/paint job the shelter has done its job. I can't wait to see the pure awesomeness that comes from this build. I have hopes that one day I will be able to get this kind of progress on my projects, but for the time being I'll watch and dream :)
  21. Wow awesome car. Love these Datsuns that are > 2x my age :)
  22. Why does UPS close from 1pm to 3pm? I mean really people... That is the only time I have each day between when I wake up and when I leave for work.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. h190


      our ups is only open from 1-4

    3. 420n620


      the 2 hr break is so they can have time to see what's in the boxes before they ship them out.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      It's called a banker's lunch. That's when they have their drinks. That's why your shit arrives broken and battered.

  23. You need to work our your issues man. You are getting flamed because you are being childish. Stop being destructive and maybe you will actually accomplish something without ending up in jail. While I do not personally like your car, I respected the amount of work you have done and wish you the best with it, but you really need to get your shit together. Relax and stop thinking you can do whatever you want or you will end up in jail and they will impound your vehicle (if its stupid driving again). Or you could just lose your license and car, and have to pay tons of money to get out of the situation, that works too.
  24. Good deal and great seller. If I didn't still have the 5-speed sitting in my room I would try to pick this up, but I think shipping would be a much different story with the entire engine :P
  25. On no, I meant running condition. I didn't really read the add but I guess I assumed that with the way it looked it must run as well :P The car looks great to me, but then again the previous owner of my 620 painted it with house paint and rollers and didn't sand it, so most Datsuns look great compared to mine.
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