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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Hey guys, I was looking for something to go on the 620 that sorta matches the rims I had on my old B2200, but I want them to be 15x10. Here is a close up of the old Mazda rims: Just some old Rallys but I really loved them. They were probably my favorite thing on the entire truck. I didn't know if there was a place to get these in custom sizes.
  2. Another night of searching for info on the 620/finding nice projects. Gotta love Ratsun.

  3. That godzilla rocks! I think I need to stay out of this thread. I keep thinking of buying massive dollars worth of equipment but that would leave nothing for the Datsun and no money for bills...
  4. People have issues. My mom listened to me, so today we went and bought her a Jeep with most of my refund. My dad didn't listen, asked me to give him the money out right. Now he has been robbed and has nothing to show for it...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Read this had dumb me more.

    3. Kirden


      Hah, how am I the dumb one? Sounds to me like my dad made the wrong decision. Note to everyone around Macon, if you live in the Pleasant Hill area don't go flaunting your money... In fact, don't flaunt money ever, its bad mojo.

    4. h190


      Flaunting money is dumb, it runs in your family.


  5. Just got confirmation from webercarbsdirect that the WK663 is in fact the K660 kit. Purchased it and it should be here by next week :)
  6. lol, I love it, just needs a new trunk... Let me know when it goes up for sale, I have been looking for an old rwd rolla for a while. Would prolly cost 5-600 for shipping (that was bout what it cost for a broke down civic from indiana).
  7. Datto of gtfo... Just kidding, but really spam and you will be flamed by the hand of the mighty admins!
  8. Tossing the return check into the truck. Fuel pump, filter, weber 32/36, 3 inch block kit with 2 tilt and the rest of the parts for the front disc conversion.

    1. Kirden


      Also looking for fuel tank and radiator. Not liking $250+ at rock auto for the radiator.

  9. Found a few reviews. Looks like I'll be giving webercarbsdirect.com some more business. Going to call tomorrow just to make sure that their WK663 is a rebadged K660 then I'll place my order. I'll update this post when I get the answer. Thanks for the input guys.
  10. I hope you get the brakes done before you ever drive it with the new/rebuilt v6. Even with the low power of my L18 the drums are annoying at times and I fear any and all emergency situations which is why I have order the disc brake conversion for the fronts as well. I learned the hard way that you should always make sure you can stop well before you can go fast (or go at all for that matter) You will probably catch some grief because you asked about a v8 swap or because you have a v6, but it is your truck so I say do what you want with it. Just be safe about it because driving a dangerous vehicle on the road puts everyone around you at risk. Side note, I would love one of the old 620 4x4 conversions that used the v6 engines. Would be the first truck I owned that I could actually use like a truck :P
  11. I was looking at that, as far as I can tell weber and redline use the same kit code, but it seems webercarbsdirect uses a different code. All of their kits start with WK instead of K so I am guessing it is a vendor thing.
  12. I rarely buy anything that goes under the hood from ebay. Not that ebay dealers are any better or worse, but it seems like a lot of people get screwed when it comes to engine parts. Bought a skunk2 manifold a long time ago, it came cracked, took them 2 months to send me a replacement... I know not all dealers are the same but it is hard to tell the good ones from the fakes now days. Edit: And I promptly riced my ex's Kia with the Skunk2 decals... Ah them teenage years :P
  13. Tristin did you go through them? That was where I was going to order mine from but I wanted to make sure they are legit because I have never dealt with them before.
  14. I agree with the above parties, rebuild the buikc or pick up the 4.3 chevy engine. That 4.3 can put out surprising power especially when built correctly and will leave you a lot of room over the v8 swap. However, if you are stuck on a v8 swap, realize that you will possibly lose leg room, structural integrety, and overall driveability compaired to what you already have. Every sbc build I have seen on smaller vehicles just doesn't work out right. You have power but you can't keep it on the ground, and you go through tires/brakes/(insert drivetrain parts) like a woman in a shoe shop. Just know what you are getting into before hand and I wish you the best of luck on your truck with whatever you decide.
  15. So guys, picking up a 32/36 for the truck, was wondering where you guys bought your webers from? I am going with the WK663 kit (weber DGEV) and I am thinking of picking it up at webercarbsdirect.com Anyone used this vendor before? Just want to know if there are any horror stories out there from dealing with them. They offer free shipping for the kit so its 259.95 total. The only other vendor I can think of is redline and I can't get a price from them online.
  16. These look interesting. If I didn't give away most of my return to help the family I would grab a set. I need to photoshop some different styles onto my 620. Not sure which ones I like best yet...
  17. What, another Macon Ratsun member... I think I'm in shock. We should cruise up to the old school meet next month in ATL, esp since it falls on my birthday :)
  18. Thanks datzenmike, you are full of useful info for nubs like me :) I will change the initial post to clear up the confusion
  19. Neither the truck nor civic knock or burn oil, truck is worn and needs a rebuild so I will be replacing it with a L16 until I can rebuild the L18. I keep toying with the idea of an eventual engine swap to something with more power, but if I can get a Datsun car I will leave the L18 alone and build the car for speed.
  20. Lovely car but I can't see paying $5000 for it :( Why are 90% of the cars in the south east either trash or overpriced (or both)
  21. Can't, not enough money to buy anything else and the civic will have to be my dd while the truck goes in for a heart transplant. Not to mention once I throw all the parts I have for the civic on it I should be able to sell it for $4500-5500 around here, which would put me well on my way to buying a 1200/510/610 which is the whole reason for fixing it.
  22. I wish I had storage... Landlord is already bitching about my civic but he can't say anything because it has tag + insurance and it will run, even if I have to use the truck battery to crank it :P
  23. Thanks MM47, If you happen to stumble across a stock radiator in decent shape let me know. That is something else I was looking for but rock auto wants $250+ for one.
  24. I need one of the gurus to help me find a nice Datsun car :P I picked up the 620 cause it was cheap and I loved the looks, but the more I look at all of these cars the more I really want one. Damn this Datsun disease... or is it hole in pocket disease? Hope you find a 4dr soon, those pics were amazing.
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