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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. I honestly don't know anyone local that is into Datsuns. Going to meet up with bilzbobaggins this Saturday but that will be the first person I have met with a passion for these vehicles. Sadly everyone around my area drive hondas... but I can't say much as I also have a 95 civic that I will be using as a dd once this build gets to the full body work/ possible engine swap. Hope to eventually sell the civic to fund a 510 four door or goon project, or if I happen to completely luck out, a 610 coupe. How is that engine? I am slightly torn between keeping the old school feel with a carbed L series or breaking the bank and going KA or SR. If I swap it has to end up with more HP than my old car, so I would be shooting for 250-300 at the crank. But I m really tempted to just enjoy the L18 till it dies, then look at what I should do next.
  2. I am starting to give up on the East Coast. This truck is beautiful and seems to be a steal at $3500, and down the road from me they want $2300 for a 620 that burns oil, has a home camo paint job, and has a horrible interior...
  3. Wow, wanting to do this to my L18 now... Following the topic so I can see what I prefer, KA or L18T :P
  4. Anyone ever used one of those tarp and frame carport/shed things as a paint booth?

    1. DeviousPsycho620


      I've had friends use them. As long as you got a good fan and heater, you're good to go.

    2. Kirden


      Awesome, looks like I have a summer project then :)

    3. Laecaon


      Keeps out the wind (IE bugs and whatnot in the air) Run 2 box fans, 1 as intake and other as exhaust. Place filters over both fans.

  5. Did some work to the 620 today but my camera wasn't charged... Will try to get pics of the hoses ect tomorrow. Found out the PO removed the thermostat, so got a cheapy. Replaced the radiator hoses with flex hose so they weren't kinked because of the shit aftermarkett radiator. Had to flush the radiator because it was full of mud (wtf?), and replaced the voltage regulator. Also, why do parts houses want $60 for a speedo cable? Ordered one from rock auto for $14.60 Including shipping. Thinking of picking up a tach from the PnP untill I can find one from either a 620 or a 1200. Have a hood and cowl coming next week and hopefully the new grill will be here. Spotted a few more dents and dings on the cab and fenders but I think I like them, so may not fix them right away.
  6. Kirden

    620 carpet kit?

    That kit looks really nice. If I don't do a POR15 + Texture floor I will look into new carpet :)
  7. I plan to wire it back to stock schematic, I just want to use that flex tube wrapped wire to do it. The PO shredded the stock wire trying to splice in the stereo and removing a ton of stuff from the truck. Once I get some good wire I will have to sit down with the book and make a day/weekend out of redoing everything. The reason I liked the flex wrapped wire is it seems really simple, and I loved having a quick disconnect coupler in my old integra for pulling the engine, makes pulling the engine easy cause you just remove the gorunds, disconnect the coupler and pull the engine. The end goal is try to get all the circuits back to stock wiring with only the two headlight relays and the starter relay added in for now, then upgrade the alt, then worry about radio, power locks, DZ-start, and alarm. If I get the flex wire, cool deal, if not, atleast all the wire will be new and connections will be clean.
  8. Alright, thanks. I know this was old but I just want to check everything off my list. I personally like the stock lights so no need to upgrade them for me. Just going to grab some yellow metallic paint for the highs and go for it. Over all I am not sure how many amps I will need but I prefer to shoot for the saturn CS-130 because I plan on a decent audio system, power locks, DZ-start, alarm, and possibly a vintage air A/C when it is all finished. I just want something reliable and somewhat easy. Thank you both for your responses, see you around the forum :) Edit: The pic I was asking for was just the splice wire, so thanks again slodat for clearing that one up. I pretty much have all the info down for the altenator, now its just buy one and do it.
  9. Wondering if anyone can snap a pick of this for a 620? Plan on cleaning up a lot of dead end wiring from the PO and I want to do what upgrades I can before I try to pick up a new altenator.
  10. Haha, I would love to and hope to do that in the future, but for now I have one weekend and limited funds to clean up this nest of bad wiring from the PO. I also have to install my new relays for lows and starter (don't have one for highs, picking it up tomorrow). I saw some really bad ass wire one a thread before but I can't remember where. It was all in flex tubing and had this massive firewall connector/disconnect. That is what I really would like to do once I get the funds.
  11. Alright, didn't know about all those changes. Thanks a bunch man, Also gotta thank bilzbobaggins for telling me we should check to see if it will work before he sold it to me, great guy :)
  12. Hey guys, I have some pretty well fubared wiring under the dash in my 74 620. I have access to a mint condition cab harness for a 75 620. I know the engines are different (L18 vs L20) as well as many other parts. Will under dash harness work on my truck or would I be better off just rewiring the parts of my harness that have been modified (fubared)? Side note to self and other looking at older vehicles, try not to get one off years with unique parts to that body style unless you like digging through all kinds of information to figure out what works...
  13. That looks really nice. Love the progress on this truck. Do you know what color combination you will paint the engine? Pretty much anything on the wheel will look good in that bay :)
  14. Horry Kao,,, 6'8" and you fit in a 521? Like fit fit or clown car fit? :P
  15. bilzbobaggins - Great guy, bought a gas pedal assembly at a great price and it came in the mail fast!
  16. The more I want to keep my L18 the more KAs I see... Lovin the build, keep it going :)
  17. Radim you truck is probably my most favorite truck out of everything I have seen on this entire site. I have been thinking of copying you but with the current headlights you have but I don't want to because my truck has not even made it to "eh, thats sorta cool..." I do like the look of the lights you originally posted with, but honestly I think there may be a better headlight style for the 620. Something a little more square, but not as blocky as the 720s. Anyway, would you mind if I eventually copy some things off your truck? I am thinking mainly the stance, mirrors, and headlights once I get mine to a somewhat cool level :P
  18. So, looks like the PO may have disconnected the reservoir tank and not plugged the holes. Either that or the lines have fallen apart. Went to fill up last night and hear a sudden splash. Look under the truck and about half way between the back end of the tank and the differential there was a small puddle of fuel. After cussing and fussing, knowing that at soon as I started driving I would waste more gas and possibly catch the truck on fire, I eased home. It was 4:00 in the morning so I had no one that could come get the truck. Luckily I avoided catastrophy and spent most of the afternoon before work plugging all of the holes to the reservoir tank. On a good note we will do a slight tear down this weekend to see what kind of body work I am in for. We are going to pull the bed and look under the cab to see what kind of rust damage we are dealing with. The bed of the truck has some holes in it so I'm not really sure what the best route is going to be to replace those. Ideas for now include everything from donor bed (probably not going to find one) to all new sheet metal pan and spray liner wood finish. No idea where I will end up going with it.
  19. Haha, awesome. I have seen a lot of people scoring parts off of the japan ebay retailers but I'm not 100% sure about doing that. I have enough issues getting what I pay for on ebay regularly, let alone going through translators... I will get to work on inventing that teleportation device. Then it would be so much easier to get help and parts :)
  20. Ah ok, thanks for the quick response :) I just don't want to end up with the stock civic green when it is all finished :P The more I look at that blue I am starting to like it. There was a 620 on here that has a blue and white two tone with a shade similar to that. It is really nice but I'm not sure about show car finishes on Datsuns.
  21. I want that green for my civic... Do you happen to know the mix?
  22. I want your tools and experience for a week, cool with you? Really nice job on that strut brace. How did you score those coilovers? The refinished product looks really nice.
  23. Thanks for the measurement, now I know what I am looking for. I'm a little over 6' and the original wheel is a little painful at times. I almost always hit my leg on it when I get in, but I never hit it getting out... Maybe I need to do the old people thing and sit down before I turn to get in. Anyway, sorry for the thread jack, please continue with the build and moar oics! :)
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