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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Tha is not bad at all. I saw the CL add a few times. Even think I put it up in the east coast classifieds a few weeks back. However I thought it was in better shape honestly. Do you plan on doing anything mod wise to it? With the shape the body is in I would be keen to leaving it like it is and enjoying it for as long as the engine lasts. Body work is such a double edged sword because you never know what you will find. On the one hand it will look great and you can put your own touch on it, on the other it can be a money pit if you find out the body is 40% filler. Keep the updates coming, I look forward to seeing you at a local show in it :)
  2. I can't wait to see the welds you get with it. Watching this thread may greatly increase the price of my tool list :frantics: The good thing is usually you only have to make that investment one time and you are set. Where my shop will probably be built, torn down, and rebuilt better when I decide that the whole cheap carport framing route isn't working out anymore. My next big tool purchase is a compressor, but again I will probably get a cheap one just to turn around in a few months and buy a larger one... I never learn.
  3. Its ok, it is a beautiful machine. Checked the price range on it... Yep, my whole shop will probably cost less :P
  4. Very nice. One of these days I will have a home shop. It will probably cost less that that TIG though :P
  5. Yay Monday. Just 4 more days till the weekend

  6. Love the hellaflush sh*t. I laughted at work Friday, old school cvcc pulls up, beautiful car from across the parking lot (can't help it, love cvccs). Got about 20 feels away and bam, herrafrush sticker and peeling tires... Why oh why do that to a cvcc...
  7. Oh wow, I don't usually watch Z cars but this is great. I am not an authority but plenty of ratsun members have nice paint jobs. just keep a peice of the car rusty or get the token rusted "doner car" lawn ornament and you will fit right in :)
  8. lol, yea, it was a good idea to lock it. It kept getting bumped and hogging the spotlight over there. Any new progress? I am on a high note after my weber install (nothing big I know but awesome to me...) so I want to see some mad Datsun wrok :)
  9. Yea, booster should be out when I get the disc brake setup for the front. I don't really like/need the booster anyway :P Also, the more stuff I remove/replace the more blue I remove. Its win win right :) Edit, another update, choke is wired and works great. Thanks to datzenmike and banzai510(hainz) for all the help. Those wiring diagrams on olddatsuns,com really helped to figure out which wire was the correct one. Had to peel the blue off to find the wire colors.
  10. Thanks guys, picked the paint and tied into the blue/white wire. Let it get to temp and ran like a top. Tried to rig the throttle cable and went to back out, throttle cable came loose :P For the 5 feet I got out of it it sounds great and pedal response was better than the old GM unit. I might have to get more creative with the throttle rig. The old choke cable was caught between two nuts on a bolt, held for the entire time I have had the truck so I guess thats what I will do for the throttle till I find something better. I'm happy that I finished this and didn't screw it up. It is much easier than figuring out EFI setups, but it is also scary cause it is all new to me. This truck will be a really fun process :)
  11. Thank you for the info on olddatsuns.com That diagram is awesome. One less thing to figure out so I can take the weber on its maiden voyage :)
  12. Haha, I'm sorry man, I completely read what you said wrong. I thought you meant check for any 12v source, not check those wires. I am kind sleepy stupid at the moment. I will see if I can find my multimeter and check those three wires, hopefully one of them is in fact the 12v source. The relay/fuse thing was only if I couldn't find the original wire. I will check out olddatsuns but I know the links in the sticky do not work, or at least they don't work for me.
  13. Sadly I can't find my multimeter. That was why I was asking if anyone knew the exact stock wire. I prefer not to rig wiring, esp when it is 40 years old. If I can find the original wire I will use that, if not it looks like I will be running new wire from the ignition switch with a relay and fuse between, or running that same setup but going to the hot side of the ballast instead of the ignition.
  14. Hey guys, I have found a lot of different opinions on this so I wanted to get a clear answer. I bought and installed a 32/36 weber with electric choke. I was wondering did my truck come with a stock electric choke wire? It is a 74 620 with the stock L18 but the PO replace the hitachi carb with a manual choke rochester from and old GM. The wiring diagrams sticky did not help because the diagram does not work for me. It says the server is not available. I have seen people suggest wiring the choke to anything with 12v with the ignition on, but as the PO also decided to use an aftermarket hot rod ignition (it is mounted on the kick panel...) I am not sure if ecverything is wired correctly. Another thread said to wire it to the hot side of the ballast, but if my truck has a stock electric choke I want to use the stock wiring. Here is a pic I snapped showing some of the wires that go to now where: This set of wires is between the brake booster and throttle cable hole from the firewall. It comes from the following connector that runs along the firewall from the main harness: Coul one of these wires be the stock wire or am I looking in the wrong place?
  15. As promised, a pic of the newley installed weber: The new fuel pump ended up being bad, so replace it with the old one. Started on the second try :) Now I have to figure out the throttle cable issue and find where the original electronic choke wire is. Throttle cable will probably be captured between a bolt and nut to anchor it to the carb till I can figure something else out. I have seen some people say that you can wire the choke to the hot side of the ballast, but I prefer to find the original wiring and reuse it. Anyone know if one of these wires goes to the choke? They come from the firewal behind the choke right above the area between the master cyl and the throttle cable. Here is a picture of the connector further towards the passenger side.
  16. It LIVES! Now I have to figure out my throttle cable and electric choke wire and I can take the new weber for a test drive.

    1. Kirden


      Choke wired up? check, throttle? ye... shit. Came off after 5 feet :P

  17. Holy cow. For the KA are you talking about a pick and pull or something else? not that is really matters, I mean I have seen some PnP engines do really well, but I would like to know incase I go that route and want to rebuild it before the install. As far as the carb for the A-series, I will need to see the engine before I know what I need. I have a feeling that the original owner may have replaced the intake mani with something aftermarket or from some other engine, which would explain why the carb won't fit. That or the guy had the wrong carb, but the current owner says he hasn't really had time to check it out. I honestly don't know a lot about these engines, but I know there are a ton of interchangeable parts most of the time and it wouldn't surprise me if the intake mani was something rigged on there.
  18. I'm not sure how long the car has sat. All I know is the engine is a replacement and the owner before the person I am buying it from said the carb won't fit on it. If I can get it running it will stay in the car for a while, if not I have to get it going quickly. Also looking at an L16 and dogleg, so we will see what happens once I have the car in front of me.
  19. I wish I could get my next 6 paychecks now. I could pay all the bbills for those checks and have enough for nice parts. But no, work won'y give me a 3 month advance...

    1. DeviousPsycho620


      Get a 401k loan. That's what i did to buy my bike. And you pay yourself back with interest.

    2. Kirden


      I might look into that, I don't have much in the old 401k, but it might be just enough to get what I need. Thanks for the idea.

  20. Awesome story. I thought we were punished when they shut down that 210 thread, I mean I understand cause it wasn't a buy anymore, but man it was like the teacher popped our hands for passing notes :P Can't wait to see what you do with this one. Oh, and I will probably ask you if you have parts after I get my next check. I don't have a stockpile of my own yet.
  21. Search does work great, use it a ton. He does not want to ship and washington is pretty far from me. Thanks for the info on that one though.
  22. Hey guys, picking up a B210 soon and I am thinking of doing a KA or SR swap. If the car will run with the engine thats in it I will save for the SR, if not I want to grab a KA to get it on the road quickly. Just looking for prices. Would like a DE, ecu, harness, and transmission. Might also look into an E swap, would need the full swap either way. So let me know what you have and/or what these setups usually go for. I hope to post on zilvia later this week. Time frame for the swap is begining of April so I would like to pick up all the parts by the end of March. Thanks and have a great day.
  23. Last update, weber came in, it was packed really well. Had everything you need for the install. The only issue was the instructions for installing the carb are completely wrong for this kit. If you look at the adapters and bolts you can figure it out (thats what I did). I would recommend webercarbsdirect.com for anyone else doing this conversion. Just pay attention to what you are doing. As far as the adapters: The bottom adapter is the only one that matches the four holes in your manifold. Remove your old studs. You DO NOT use the studs with this adapter. Place the gasket that matches your manifold down. Put on the bottom adapter and bolt down with the cone shaped alan key bolts. Place the gasket that has one hole on each side, not the one with holes on each corner. Attach the second adapter using the alan head bolts. Place the carb gasket and put the studs in the remaining holes. It would probably be best to use locktite on all of the bolts and the studs. I also suggest getting a ratcheting open ended 1/2 wrench. It makes life so much easier. Also, for someone who feels really froggy, removing the intake manifold and attaching the weber while the manifold is off would probably be a lot easier. You will find that the two nuts used to attach the weber on the vavle cover side can be a real pain in the ass, esp the rear one. Good luck and have fun.
  24. So another related update. I decided to let curiosity win and cut open the old filter... Ran my finger inside the case, chuck of rust/debris and other dirt. I don't think the filter has been changed in a very long time. Kinda scared of dropping the tank now...
  25. Great work so far. I want a roadster every time I see one... I need to stay off Ratsun for a month or so so I can save some money :P
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