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Status Updates posted by izzo

  1. Dickbutt.

    1. flatcat19


      That's where it goes, yes.

    2. 510freak


      ^^^heard it here

    3. Dattokai


      Everybody loves dickbutt.

  2. In need of a naps Z24 weber adapter...

  3. Will be rolling to canby in something new to me this year :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. izzo


      Two of the above. Not saying which two, either.

    3. INDY510


      used underwear and implants FTW!


      at least they're 'new' to you

    4. flatcat19


      Used underwear and implants is 3. I say fresh boobs.

  4. i kinda sorta purchased a honda CR 2 stroke tonight.

  5. Teaching the gf to drive stick today. Oh fuck

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Guest_kamakazi620


      Let her practice on your "stick" make grinding noises....

    3. Kirden


      Hah, I to teach my ex to drive a stick in my old integra, 2 innovative engine mounts and $150 later (clutch) I gave up...

    4. RedBanner


      B210 5 speed= tough as shit. Brakes.... not so much. Shes quick, and smart. She will get it quick.... well if your an ok teacher....

  6. looking for a couple grant steering wheels...

    1. Eagle_Adam


      style? ive got a couple left


    2. DRIVEN


      I've got one in the classifieds. Brand new - $40.

    3. freaky510
  7. Anyone know where the guide is for down draft jet guides? Not the DCOE one...

  8. In need of an automagic car real soon... VERY soon.... halp!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DatWifey


      teach her to drive manual..... REAL soon! ;)

    3. izzo


      ^^ Hahah Jen, you nailed it. Guess I could teach her on the B. Would need the trans and everything attached to the trans, like the car lulz.

    4. DatWifey


      Haha, I figured that's what you were referring to. Honestly, it's not that hard to learn on these old cars. Just take her to an empty parking lot and let her kill it a few times and figure it out. She'll thank you later ;)

  9. Anyone have a 510 manual gas pedal?? Automatic one sits too close to brake pedal :\

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. H5WAGON


      Me and Draynor did it awhile back...we were like WTF. He still is using the Auto one.

    3. izzo


      Correct. The gas pedal is way close to the brake pedal. I'll post a pic soon!

    4. izzo
  10. I was waiting for her to poop in the poop and then all of a sudden penis

  11. Hory shet. International shipping took a huge jump!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bananahamuck
    3. Jayden71
    4. Z chopper

      Z chopper

      too bad most of the parts us Canucks want or need seem to be more plentiful in the states

  12. Any pdx folk have a good 521 4sp they dont want? PM me!

    1. Eagle_Adam


      whats wrong with the dog leg?

    2. jrock4224

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE



      indeed !

      Well done...


  14. Paging bananahamuck

    1. bananahamuck


      Mr Herman,,, Paging Mr. Herman

    2. jrock4224


      paging seymour....... seymour butts

    3. RedBanner


      Paging ips, ips you have a call holding on line 3.

  15. Lol@ the prices people list their shit for in cali.

    1. freaky510


      huh I should list my smog intake and exhaust in cali lolz


  16. Just realized I broke 90% of my smokes from working on the car last night. Awesomeness!

  17. I accedentally the whole thing

    1. Kirden


      purposely half here, I'm a slacker

  18. In the market for another datto...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      of course you are

    3. izzo


      lol. 1200 coupe. also, found a red KC on craigs list imma check out tomorrow

    4. danfiveten


      You know u want the wagon ;)

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