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i got screwed - Beware of Cheetos808

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i hate to do this but...


watch out for Cheetos808


he wanted my stock 620 steering wheel,cool. he sent me a check, witch i didn't like but i went ahead and out it in my account and sent it off the same day. so a few days later i see im missing 35 dollars out of my bank account i wounder what this could have been i don't remember spending 35 bucks. so i get a bounced check in the mail and what do you know its his! so i give him a call and he says he will send a money order right out. well its been more then 2 weeks and nothing so im just going to count it as a loss and be thankful its only 35 bucks

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wow that sux dude, altho i gotta add that i got a 300zx model kit from purple.. took me 2 weeks to get it.. altho he paid for 2 day shipping.. so sometimes epsecialy lately the mail can run way behind.. i hope everything works out...


and so u know i still need those parts but bein that my ol lady has the only working car its hard for me to get anywhere...


almost thinking about paypaling you $30 an maybe you could send them.. i know its lame since its right accross the bridge an all.. but an extra $10 compared to a 500$ no insurance ticket plus the possibility of them impounding our car "from what i heard in oregon is they impound ur car if you dont have insurance" anyway wedensday i will have money on the card an will beable to use it.. i would ofcourse wait the 3 days while it "clears" so you know the moneys there for sure..

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yeah i texted him tho and got no reply so...yeah im just gonna count it as a wash and be more careful next time, just sucks for everyone else that buys from me because now im going to have to wait tell things clear before i ship

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i always wait for things to clear anyways...never can trust anyone. i dont care if its your best friend/mom or dad...money is money :blink:


true that....im just glad it was only 35 bucks if it would have been 300 i would have definitely pursued it more

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Washington/Oregon no insurance.



Not sure about today, but. I know for a fact in washington they will take your car to impound for no insurance, here in oregon they just gave me a ticket and made me walk. Car would sit there for a few days until it got taken for being mistaken as an abandon vehicle. Could be different now tho, either way.


Lynch, whatever you do dont drive without insurance! I made that mistake, my first ticket was 708 dollars there in Vancouver, i couldnt afford it so later on my license was suspended, i drove around for 7 years with no insurance and a suspended license!!! I got pulled over many of times, lost a lot of good cars.


I finally got all that taken care of, 4500 dollars in fines later, i have my license back and i pay my insurance every month on time, never missing a beat



:fu::fu::fu::fu: COPS

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usualy here in vancouver its a 500$ ticket.. thats it.. never heard of anyone having to walk or gettin they're car impounded..


basicly we're in over our heads every month.. havin to pick an choose which we can pay now an which we can pay later.. its really hard to live now days, especialy with only 1 of us workin, i been tryin to get ins. jus havent had the cash.. but with income tax comming we're prolly going to insure both vehicles for 6months prolly only cost 5-600 which isnt bad for 2 vehicles an 2 drivers..

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usualy here in vancouver its a 500$ ticket.. thats it.. never heard of anyone having to walk or gettin they're car impounded..


basicly we're in over our heads every month.. havin to pick an choose which we can pay now an which we can pay later.. its really hard to live now days, especialy with only 1 of us workin, i been tryin to get ins. jus havent had the cash.. but with income tax comming we're prolly going to insure both vehicles for 6months prolly only cost 5-600 which isnt bad for 2 vehicles an 2 drivers..


I can say first hand, in Oregon, if you do not have current PROOF of insurance with you, and they cite you for failing to carry PROOF of insurance, they impound your car because it is illegal to drive an uninsured vehicle. PERIOD! I actually had insurance, but my card was expired about a month. I had just bought the white 620. He didn't believe I actually had it, he cited me and impounded the truck.


I went to court, the levied the full fine, because I did indeed not have valid proof of insurance.


Here is the real mother fucker. Not having insurance is an infraction. LYING about it is a crime. They put you in cuffs if they catch your or have reasonable doubt you are lying about it!


DON'T FUCKING DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE!! If something happens you could have severe injuries to yourself or others and lose every damn thing you have.

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you mother fu#$%rs totally stole my thread lol :poop:
He mailed you a bad check - that's mail fraud. You can initiate a mail fraud complaint here:




...or speak to someone at your local post office. Sure, it's "only" $35, but do the next guy that deals with this deadbeat a favor and start the paper trail. You might even get your $35!

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He mailed you a bad check - that's mail fraud. You can initiate a mail fraud complaint here:




...or speak to someone at your local post office. Sure, it's "only" $35, but do the next guy that deals with this deadbeat a favor and start the paper trail. You might even get your $35!


i might just have to do this...thanks for the info!

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Sorry. You did get screwed. Twice now it seems :D




I spent the night in jail for driving without insurance, had to pay 3 years of SR-22 insurance too, and they impounded my car! That was in South Carolina though.... you can't spit on the sidewalks there.:blink:


As a side note, don't ever steal a watermelon in SC, even if its a joke. Trust me.

Edited by datto510
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I'd try & locate his CO (commanding officer),in NC.

If you have a photocopy of the check,or any paper trail,

you might be able to have his wages garnished.

I don't know if it will work,but it's worth a try.


- Doug

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I'd try & locate his CO (commanding officer),in NC.

If you have a photocopy of the check,or any paper trail,

you might be able to have his wages garnished.

I don't know if it will work,but it's worth a try.


- Doug


damn that would sure piss him off lol

but it might be just a little extreme for 35 bucks

i just hope i can save others from him

or at least maybe he will sign on and see this then do the right thing

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damn that would sure piss him off lol

but it might be just a little extreme for 35 bucks

i just hope i can save others from him

or at least maybe he will sign on and see this then do the right thing


Do it! The military in general, and the Marine Corps especially, come down hard on members who pass bad checks and run out on debts. It is a matter of integrity and the culprit will feel the wrath of his CO and especially his sergeant for a long time. "Duty, Honor, Country" does have meaning. This jerk has just put a blotch on the honor of the Corps and his CO really does want to know about it.

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Guys! You haven't heard the other side... maybe he's been posted somewhere and isn't aware of a problem at home.


yea like couldnt pay his bills and is living on the streets.If I was closer i would go collecting for you :mad:I hate people like that.an it gives us real datsun guys a bad name. shit i got parts out i hope i dont get screwed :lol:


i break his foot fot 20 lol:


heres his email we should all tell him what we think of him and flood his email untill he pays lol midnight280zx@gmail.com

Edited by freaky510
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