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my ol ladys rising sun panties

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Personally I don't think this is very good for the better of the forum. Not only do I find it offensive for me personally, I don't think it something that I want my kids to see. And YES, I have found my loving daughter lurking at some of the pics of you rides. I would be ashamed if she found this. Lets keep it Ratsun, shall we??


No offence Lynch, Just don't find it in good taste.

Edited by Jester
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Personally I don't think this is very good for the better of the forum. Not only do I find it offensive for me personally, I don't think it something it is something that I want my kids to see. And YES, I have found my loving daughter lurking at some of the pics of you rides. I would be ashamed if she found this. Lets keep it Ratsun, shall we??


No offence Lynch, Just don't find it in good taste.



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Personally I don't think this is very good for the better of the forum. Not only do I find it offensive for me personally, I don't think it something that I want my kids to see. And YES, I have found my loving daughter lurking at some of the pics of you rides. I would be ashamed if she found this. Lets keep it Ratsun, shall we??


No offence Lynch, Just don't find it in good taste.


Also agree....

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  • 6 months later...
I agree also.Please don't post anything that you wouldn't

want your Mother/Grandmother/etc., to see.Thank you!


- Doug


dude my mom an grandma are the ones who took the pics..


lol jk :lol: :fu:


it might not be the best but tis mine, an i've seen alot worse :P now go get your lotion bottle an work it out :lol::lol::lol::fu::fu:

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Fragile, greedy, misguided people are so annoying lol....


Is there nudity? No. Foul language? No. Violate any rules? Not really.


I respect 100% peoples right to choose what they or their children are exposed to but just because they feel that way doesn't mean the entire venue should be censored.

It is so greedy and self absorbed to even suggest censoring everyone, an entire outlet because of your own interests, grow up and take responsibility for yourself and minors under your control and not try and get others to do it for you.


You want to get drunk off your ass and post pics of your significant other power to you man. It's your right far as I'm concerned.

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Fragile, greedy, misguided people are so annoying lol....


Is there nudity? No. Foul language? No. Violate any rules? Not really.


I respect 100% peoples right to choose what they or their children are exposed to but just because they feel that way doesn't mean the entire venue should be censored.

It is so greedy and self absorbed to even suggest censoring everyone, an entire outlet because of your own interests, grow up and take responsibility for yourself and minors under your control and not try and get others to do it for you.


You want to get drunk off your ass and post pics of your significant other power to you man. It's your right far as I'm concerned.


well said, an so everyone knows h2theizzo bumped the thread, blame him.. lol

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I don't mean to come accross as a prude,but I've always felt

that if you wouldn't let your 8 year old Daughter view it - then

don't post it.

I'm on another forum that doesn't allow pornography,polotics,

or religion.It keeps a lot of heated discussions from getting out-of-

hand.It also prevents a lot of hurt feelings.It also seems to work very


I know that we have some Christians on here - don't you think

that they're offended by some of the language,pictures,etc. on here?

I'm not a Christian,but I respect their beliefs.

This will probably make me an outcast on here,but I felt like it

was time to say something.


- Doug

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I don't mean to come accross as a prude,but I've always felt

that if you wouldn't let your 8 year old Daughter view it - then

don't post it.

I'm on another forum that doesn't allow pornography,polotics,

or religion.It keeps a lot of heated discussions from getting out-of-

hand.It also prevents a lot of hurt feelings.It also seems to work very


I know that we have some Christians on here - don't you think

that they're offended by some of the language,pictures,etc. on here?

I'm not a Christian,but I respect their beliefs.

This will probably make me an outcast on here,but I felt like it

was time to say something.


- Doug


First....8yo's should not be allowed to surf any area of the web without supervision and if they do it should not be expected that everyone else shoulder the responsibility of keeping the child from viewing inappropriate material. That is their parents or caretakers responsibility. The world in general and online should not be forced to abide by the rules of a 8yo because parents can not properly handle their children. That would be ludicrous to say the least.


Second....There was no pornography, politics or religion posted.


Third....How can you list that then go right into mentioning Christians? Hypocritical much?


4th....It's THEIR belief and they are welcome to it. If a picture offends them they can feel free to not look. If a word offends them they can feel free not to read. They can not feel free however to expect everyone else to bend to their will.


I personally don't think posting that will make you an outcast, because unlike some groups (cough cough religious ignorant bible thumping self righteous unconstitutional conservative right cough cough) the people here do not judge based soley on their "beliefs" but by their character and love for a common ground, Datsuns.


At least that's what I tell myself in order to sleep at night lol.

Edited by 72240z
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I think a warning in the thread title should suffice ...


As most forums do ... ;)



I just opened this thread , expecting to see a pic of some rising sun pantys , not expecting to see a woman wearing them ..


Stupid me i guess , i should have known there would be a butt in a gstring on a car forum :blink:..,


My 9yo daughter looking over my shoulder went eeeeeewwww dad ...



Nice ass tho .. i bet you enjoy it ...

Edited by SUN520
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