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Ticket rant


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About two weeks ago I was driving my 620 around. It was loading up, so I decided to clear it. I hit around 4500 in 3rd and I saw a cop sitting behind a corner 4 lanes away. I knew he would get me so I pulled over and denied nothing. He stated I was doing 80-85 which I knew was off and would have been impossible since there was a suv ahead in my lane and I had plenty of time to stop. He also made me pop the hood and asked if I had and mods to which I replied intake and exhaust. He told me I should count my blessings that he does not send to to the b.a.r. I really did not say much or deny any thing. He wrote me a ticket for vc 22349a which is the lowest speeding ticket you can get it is 5-20 over, but he did not fill out my speed. I just received a letter of correction to my ticket today in the mail that says 92 mph radar. Wtf 92 in third I wish my Lz22 could rev to 7400 rpm(as calculated by gears ratio sites), so I am now pissed that it went from 80 to 92 with traffic on both sides of the road(4 lanes) while I am coming upon a vehicle in front of me. I know I was speeding I never denied that, but be real that speed is bs and I was never going that fast. I wish I knew what I could do, but I believe I am screwed.

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lol whats up with your engine exactly... because in my 620 l20b with weber, header exhaust, a87 head.. advanced timing an i run 92 octane i can only do like 55-60 in 3rd gear... and i think 4500 rpms in 4th is like 75ish.. i got a ticket my self ones in my 620 for speedin.. 72 in a 55 i was in 4th between 4000 an 4500 stock gear ratios an all that also...

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I would go to court. Hopefully you still have your copy of the ticket. Seems to me that if you can prove that nothing was filled in, with your copy, then they might lower the fine or possibly throw it out because paperwork wasn't done correctly. Definitely BS to fill it in after the fact.


I agree with Paula.

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My Xwife is a city cop and I got a ticket once and the fine wasnt filled in. She said go to court and they will throw it out for not being filled out corret. I am sure what happen is the cop went back to the station and noticed it wasnt filled in and then sent you the corection...ahh, to late if you cant do it right the first time....SOL...good luck

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Thanks for the replies guys. First me engine is fine it is my carb that is not right. I believe I need bigger idle jets. It starts to get pissed at part throttle and likes to be opened up every once and a while. I am definitely going to court, but I am not sure what chance I have. When he told me I was doing 80 I thought he was crazy, but I did not want to argue. I was in third gear I have a 77-79 280z trans and a stock 4.37 rear. Not only that but there was traffic and a car in front of me, so I know I was speeding by maybe 10 over, but do I admit to that or just stick to the I was not going that fast? I found this guy I am going to call him in a bit http://traffic-ticket-lawyer.com/index.html.

Edited by cg78
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Thanks for the replies guys. First me engine is fine it is my carb that is not right. I believe I need bigger idle jets. It starts to get pissed at part throttle and likes to be opened up every once and a while. I am definitely going to court, but I am not sure what chance I have. When he told me I was doing 80 I thought he was crazy, but I did not want to argue. I was in third gear I have a 77-79 280z trans and a stock 4.37 rear. Not only that but there was traffic and a car in front of me, so I know I was speeding by maybe 10 over, but do I admit to that or just stick to the I was not going that fast? I found this guy I am going to call him in a bit http://traffic-ticket-lawyer.com/index.html.



You need to find out at what speed the charge becomes criminal.Second-is there a reputable shop you know that will write up something to the effect that 90 in your truck is mechanically impossible except off a cliff?Forget the traffic issues.It'll boil down to a you said/he said thing.


Was this a local or "AAA with a gun"?


Also,the "fill-in-the-blank" speed ain't gonna fly in court.

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The way it works in traffic court is that you have to plead guilty or not guilty to the clerk of the court before your court date. If you plead not guilty, you must be not guilty or the judge will fry you however he feels like it. If you signed the ticket then you have already agreed that you broke the law. Paying the ticket is just forfeiting your bail money.


If you really thought you were innocent, then you should not have signed the ticket and let him arrest you and try to arraign you. As soon as the ticket gets processed into the system, you can go to the clerk of the court to get traffic school, pay the fine/bail amount or sign up for traffic court. Read the ticket, because there is a way to do it by mail too.


You can also request that the officer be present at the trial. Best case; he doesn't show up and your case gets kicked for lack of prosecution. Worst case is that he shows up; Your team of lawyers have sixteen eye witnesses, all with calibrated radar guns and a multi-media powerpoint presentation, explaining the laws of physics and the chemical make up of the universe as it relates to Datsun gear ratios noterized by Pulitzer Prize winning astro physicists... the judge will always believe the cop and proceed to take all your money.


If you plead guilty with an explanation, it is Nolo Contendre, or no contest. You can tell any tired-ass, lame story you can concoct and they will reduce the bail/fine to about one third. He will also ask you if you can pay that now. The answer is no. He will ask if you can pay in 30 days. The answer is no. He will then say you have 90 days to pay. Next.


It is always worth going to court unless it jeopardizes you job or you are making so much money that watching all the other lame fuggers tell their sob stories is just cheap entertainment. If you want a quick education on how this works, go sit in traffic court some morning for an hour and it will all make sense.


The factor for me usually is how many points do I have against my operators permit, if any, and how will that impact my insurance premiums.


The clerks of the court usually open at 8AM. Get in line as early as you can. I have seen a hundred people in line already and the parking lots full at 7 o'clock. The court docket is set on a first come first serve. You could be out of there by ten, or if you don't get in line until eight, lucky to not waste the whole day.


Good luck on this one... tell us how it all came down and



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The way it works in traffic court is that you have to plead guilty or not guilty to the clerk of the court before your court date. If you plead not guilty, you must be not guilty or the judge will fry you however he feels like it. If you signed the ticket then you have already agreed that you broke the law. Paying the ticket is just forfeiting your bail money.


If you really thought you were innocent, then you should not have signed the ticket and let him arrest you and try to arraign you. As soon as the ticket gets processed into the system, you can go to the clerk of the court to get traffic school, pay the fine/bail amount or sign up for traffic court. Read the ticket, because there is a way to do it by mail too.


You can also request that the officer be present at the trial. Best case; he doesn't show up and your case gets kicked for lack of prosecution. Worst case is that he shows up; Your team of lawyers have sixteen eye witnesses, all with calibrated radar guns and a multi-media powerpoint presentation, explaining the laws of physics and the chemical make up of the universe as it relates to Datsun gear ratios noterized by Pulitzer Prize winning astro physicists... the judge will always believe the cop and proceed to take all your money.


If you plead guilty with an explanation, it is Nolo Contendre, or no contest. You can tell any tired-ass, lame story you can concoct and they will reduce the bail/fine to about one third. He will also ask you if you can pay that now. The answer is no. He will ask if you can pay in 30 days. The answer is no. He will then say you have 90 days to pay. Next.


It is always worth going to court unless it jeopardizes you job or you are making so much money that watching all the other lame fuggers tell their sob stories is just cheap entertainment. If you want a quick education on how this works, go sit in traffic court some morning for an hour and it will all make sense.


The factor for me usually is how many points do I have against my operators permit, if any, and how will that impact my insurance premiums.


The clerks of the court usually open at 8AM. Get in line as early as you can. I have seen a hundred people in line already and the parking lots full at 7 o'clock. The court docket is set on a first come first serve. You could be out of there by ten, or if you don't get in line until eight, lucky to not waste the whole day.


Good luck on this one... tell us how it all came down and



This first bit of info is false. Signing the ticket in California is only an acknowledgment that you were sited and agree to appear before a judge, or pay your bail and forfeit the case, it does not infer guilt in any way. Of course it's a guilty until proven innocent system in practice, but simply signing the ticket, again, is not an admission of guilt. The rest is pretty solid, though.


I wouldn't try to contest it by writing, this is just a waste of your time. If you're going to fight it, do so in court. I got a ticket for 101 in a 65, which has its own vehicle code (over 100mph). The cop only sited me for speeding in excess of 65mph (a different v.c.) so I was saved from the penalties of excess of 100mph and just got the max fine/points for over 65. The judge wasn't very pleased, but at least I have a license and insurance and wasn't running stop signs unlike 90% of the illegal aliens in the court room.

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I don't know how it is in California, but I know how it is in Washington.


If you have an option and are under 25 with even one ticket before this one, I would highly suggest finding a lawyer and having them legal beagle you out of it, regardless of the fact you will pay more.


Around here, I do some name dropping and any speeding ticket I have (provided it's not a school zone or construction zone) is negotiated to an expired tabs ticket for $101. The good part of that is expired tabs tickets are not reported to insurance, hence no rate increase. Bad part is my lawyer (John Clark in Spokane, WA) wants $175 to fix the ticket. So I pay 276 bucks total, but WEELLL worth the lack of poor insurance rates, even at an unmarried 28.


Washington will also allow you to pay the fine and not report to insurance if you don't get another ticket within a year after the first ticket. CA might have something similar and you can bet a stater won't tell you about the program.


Basically it comes down to either:

1. Get screwed.

2. Make the system work FOR you. :)

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In california if you haven't had a ticket for 18 months you usually get the option of doing traffic school which will keep you from getting the point(s) on your DMV record and thus no insurance hike, assuming your offense isn't severe. I was not given the option to do traffic school for my 101 in a 65 :D I have for my other bs tickets, though.

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i did collections for san diego courts and i can only tell you that going to court is your best bet. The clerks are assholes most of the time, they just dont wanna deal with you so they say you cant see the judge and what not.. they want your money!!! Get past the clerk and your fine will probably be reduced. get community service, half ass it and fuck the feds!

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Okay I have an update. I have been busy researching speed trap laws, talking to lawyers, and studying the cvc codes. This morning was my court date. I went there knowing that the officer has not yet turned in the ticket. I get there hoping for the best only to realize that cops have up to a year to still pursue you with a ticket. As of now I am just waiting and deciding weather to fight it or try to get in knocked down. Thanks for your help fellas. I will add to this when I have any thing new. Btw if you would like to see what I have found, and live in California, just ask.

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This morning was my court date. I went there knowing that the officer has not yet turned in the ticket. I get there hoping for the best only to realize that cops have up to a year to still pursue you with a ticket. As of now I am just waiting and deciding weather to fight it or try to get in knocked down.

WTF!?! a year??? :fu:

you went to court (dated on the ticket or arriagnment from the not-guilty plea) and the cop wasnt ready? dismissed! NEXT!

thats total BS. you had a ct date, were there and the cop wasnt ready? DONE! OVER!

you have the right to a speedy trial...365 days aint speedy!




i just had my red light camera ticket dismissed for the cop not being prepared! :D

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