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45 minutes ago, john510 said:

Ukraine isn't our problem and we shouldn't be paying for it period. Let Europe deal with it. If it mattered all that much we'd have boots on the ground. I don't want that either but throwing money at stops when ? 5 years ? 10 years ? Putin wants his land back, I don't blame him. And that doesn't mean I support his effort to get it back. Why would you assume I don't know of Trump's indictments ? You'd have to live on another planet to not know. I know I know, he's a felon, you hate him and he's destroying democracy. In that case the indictments are all good. Why do I feel like I have to keep pointing out I have no better choice on who to vote for ? It's funny how you guys all attack Trump constantly but never support his opposition. Got a better suggestion on who to vote for ? Two choices period. 

If you value free market capitalism and private trade, Putin's expansion agenda with military aggression is our economic security problem PERIOD. If you want America to stay on top, protecting our economic interests never stops. After Bush spent $6 trillion, and the lives of 7,000 service members in Iraq and Afghanistan to take control of their oil and strategic position, the fact that we don't have boots on the ground in Ukraine is lesson learned F'n brilliant. You ignore why Trump was convicted, and that my hatred of him began when 40 years ago when he was a democrat. We both know, in Cali our choice doesn't matter, so spare me the mellow drama. All it does is underscore that there is no critical thinking on Trump's MAGA planet.

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22 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Kelly believes in Jesus and Santa Claus?????? Santa was white, historical jesus  would have been brown-ish. Persian/Arabic likely 


St. Nicholas was from Anatolia.


Jesus was Jewish as noted in his family tree.  At that point in time very few "Arabic" people were any where outside the Arabian peninsula.  Even today most that speak Arabic language are not Arabian ethnicity.  Another ethnic misnomer misused and misunderstood by modern historically ignorant people.

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19 hours ago, tr8er said:

You are asking the right questions, but sadly making those assumptions you keep accusing me of.  Trump is compromised.  Russia is all up in his shit from way before day one.  He’s not America first.  Have you read Art of the Deal?  Apply that to his campaign and beyond that his presidency.  This isn’t rocket science.  You don’t trust the DOJ and Trump is certainly glad to affirm that position.  But you trust Trump.   Because all of the evidence against him is easily coined as political bias by those libtard assholes who are trying to destroy the country.  

russia is famous for interfering with elections.  They have entire cyber espionage branches working on multiple fronts.  Watch interviews.  Sure, it could all be fabricated but it would make way more logical sense if it wasn’t.  Russia has a fuck ton to gain with a Trump presidency.  The guy who wants to drop NATO.  Wants to drop ICC charges.  Wants to let Russia take Ukraine.  This election, with AI accounts online I hate to imagine how much bullshit is getting louded.  

sorry John, our media influencing our election compared to foreign governments influencing our election are not compatible.  Especially if we are willing to admit that Russia is an adversary.  

Russia is a FRIENEMY, like China, like Trump, all three play, so long as, they believe it is more in their benefit than not. The minute that changes, no longer friends. It is not a hard concept to understand. There are people that I have known for decades and like, but I would never lend them money. There are people that I know socially and have enjoyed a beer with, that I don't like. It is a sick sad situation, but the best thing about Trump is that Trump has proven time and time again,Trump will act in the way the benefits Trump. He understands, that the policies and agenda of the Democrats is to further a socialist/communist agenda in the United States and destroy the America that has existed in the world. Trump has capitalized on the America that has existed in the world and it is to his benefit that it continues. I find many problems in the America that has existed in the world, but the Democrats went off the rails and my problems with America have become meaningless and moot. The Democrats want the destruction of America, they are pushing for civil unrest, to usher in their communist agenda. If you can't see that then you are a fool. The terrible thing is that the Republicans are not united and extremely against this agenda. There are rich Republicans willing to make concessions and looking at compromise, which will take from citizens. Neither party is in opposition of control by the rich, but the Democrats want to create a stale, third world out of my country. Trump understands, although he probably would be fine, he would lose much, in a fallen America and so he wants to get more by prospering and keep America from falling. Anyone who wants the same things, benefits under Trump.  It is that simple. 

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15 hours ago, iceman510 said:


St. Nicholas was from Anatolia.


Jesus was Jewish as noted in his family tree.  At that point in time very few "Arabic" people were any where outside the Arabian peninsula.  Even today most that speak Arabic language are not Arabian ethnicity.  Another ethnic misnomer misused and misunderstood by modern historically ignorant people.


Turks are brownish I guess. The jews tend to keep to their ethnic roots which would be Persian brownish. Mixed marriag offspring would be  indigenous people (Palastinians ?) then, Medeterranian  and Persian mixbrown.  My Jesus portrait is white with beard.

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Foreign policy is on my back burner, because domestic policy is causing grief, at the local, State, and Federal levels. 


As far as Ukraine, I propose the same thing I proposed for Iraq, even before the first invasion. BEFORE, spending resources and risking American lives, some kind of treaty or contact or pact, must be written and in place that guarantees the payback of the citizens of the United States. Freedom isn't Free. The payback could come from money, or resources, or favorable trade agreements. We should own a big chunk of the oil in the Middle East. As said by philosopher AC/DC:
See a blind man on the street
Looking for something free
Hear the kind man ask his friends
Hey, what's in it for me 

It's dog eat dog 

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35 minutes ago, frankendat said:

Russia is a FRIENEMY, like China, like Trump, all three play, so long as, they believe it is more in their benefit than not. The minute that changes, no longer friends. It is not a hard concept to understand. There are people that I have known for decades and like, but I would never lend them money. There are people that I know socially and have enjoyed a beer with, that I don't like. It is a sick sad situation, but the best thing about Trump is that Trump has proven time and time again,Trump will act in the way the benefits Trump. He understands, that the policies and agenda of the Democrats is to further a socialist/communist agenda in the United States and destroy the America that has existed in the world. Trump has capitalized on the America that has existed in the world and it is to his benefit that it continues. I find many problems in the America that has existed in the world, but the Democrats went off the rails and my problems with America have become meaningless and moot. The Democrats want the destruction of America, they are pushing for civil unrest, to usher in their communist agenda. If you can't see that then you are a fool. The terrible thing is that the Republicans are not united and extremely against this agenda. There are rich Republicans willing to make concessions and looking at compromise, which will take from citizens. Neither party is in opposition of control by the rich, but the Democrats want to create a stale, third world out of my country. Trump understands, although he probably would be fine, he would lose much, in a fallen America and so he wants to get more by prospering and keep America from falling. Anyone who wants the same things, benefits under Trump.  It is that simple. 

In recent weeks the DOJ and Biden administration with help from the media have gone back to the "Russia" thing which might explain some of the comments here regarding Trump and Russia. The only thing missing is Adam Schiff telling us he has indisputable evidence proving it. I'm thinking he won't make that mistake again considering he was caught lying out of his ass. 

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:

Russia is a FRIENEMY, like China, like Trump, all three play, so long as, they believe it is more in their benefit than not. The minute that changes, no longer friends. It is not a hard concept to understand. There are people that I have known for decades and like, but I would never lend them money. There are people that I know socially and have enjoyed a beer with, that I don't like. It is a sick sad situation, but the best thing about Trump is that Trump has proven time and time again,Trump will act in the way the benefits Trump. He understands, that the policies and agenda of the Democrats is to further a socialist/communist agenda in the United States and destroy the America that has existed in the world. Trump has capitalized on the America that has existed in the world and it is to his benefit that it continues. I find many problems in the America that has existed in the world, but the Democrats went off the rails and my problems with America have become meaningless and moot. The Democrats want the destruction of America, they are pushing for civil unrest, to usher in their communist agenda. If you can't see that then you are a fool. The terrible thing is that the Republicans are not united and extremely against this agenda. There are rich Republicans willing to make concessions and looking at compromise, which will take from citizens. Neither party is in opposition of control by the rich, but the Democrats want to create a stale, third world out of my country. Trump understands, although he probably would be fine, he would lose much, in a fallen America and so he wants to get more by prospering and keep America from falling. Anyone who wants the same things, benefits under Trump.  It is that simple. 



Pick yer poison, commie left or commie right under Trump when you pull out of Ukraine and it topples, slowly the rest of Europe falls like dominos. Good luck, It'll be too late or too hard to fix when Russian. I guess you could fight Russia along your southern border with the wall and everything. Without oil from communist Canada. Good luck again on your fortress island of Trump legacy faschist democracy. Trump's behind you alright. How convenient for slipping his dick in if he were to win. Rebuild the GOP without him and go all out in '28. Ohhh... again the right just can't play a long game and would throw away everything on a chance with the devil. 

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3 hours ago, john510 said:

In recent weeks the DOJ and Biden administration with help from the media have gone back to the "Russia" thing which might explain some of the comments here regarding Trump and Russia. The only thing missing is Adam Schiff telling us he has indisputable evidence proving it. I'm thinking he won't make that mistake again considering he was caught lying out of his ass. 

I mean, everyone lies at some point in time, so I'm not going to say he never lied, but what lie are you referring to?  Shiff was pretty calculated in his evidentiary submissions.  I googled his lies and found a blurb about him being accused of lying about recognizing a whistleblower.  A person his staff met, but he hadn't.  I'd assume you had bigger dirt than that though.  What lie/lies are you calling him out on?  

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30 minutes ago, tr8er said:

I mean, everyone lies at some point in time, so I'm not going to say he never lied, but what lie are you referring to?  Shiff was pretty calculated in his evidentiary submissions.  I googled his lies and found a blurb about him being accused of lying about recognizing a whistleblower.  A person his staff met, but he hadn't.  I'd assume you had bigger dirt than that though.  What lie/lies are you calling him out on?  

 For three years he ran with that crap, until he couldn't any longer. Censured (meaningless) but one of three people in twenty years to have it done. And removed from the intelligence committee. That's his fucking lie and you know it. If he had dirt on Trump where is it ? The guy stood at a podium and told 300 million people he had evidence Trump colluded with Russia to win an election. He stood by it. You believe him, LMAO. Not even his own party believes him.

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50 minutes ago, john510 said:

 For three years he ran with that crap, until he couldn't any longer. Censured (meaningless) but one of three people in twenty years to have it done. And removed from the intelligence committee. That's his fucking lie and you know it. If he had dirt on Trump where is it ? The guy stood at a podium and told 300 million people he had evidence Trump colluded with Russia to win an election. He stood by it. You believe him, LMAO. Not even his own party believes him.

Did you read the Steele Dossier?  Did you read any of Shiffs Report?  Did you read the Mueller report?  I honestly can’t explain his continued support without the assumption that people aren’t actually seeking information.  There is significant evidence that the GOP simply said must be ignored because of x,y,z.  The evidence is still evidence regardless of who is delivering it.  And if it’s all made up, fine.  But look into it and rule it out.  The MAGA response has been discredit, disregard.  Any liberals are just partisan hacks.  And any GOP dissenters are Rinos.  When Hillary was subpoenaed she showed up and answered questions for hours.  No charges.  When Hunter was guilty of owning a gun President Biden didn’t pardon him.  He was convicted.   No delays of trial or discrediting of the court.  

You call Schiff a liar.  Cite his lie.  Or just tell me to do my own research.  But we all know what that means

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:



Pick yer poison, commie left or commie right under Trump when you pull out of Ukraine and it topples, slowly the rest of Europe falls like dominos. Good luck, It'll be too late or too hard to fix when Russian. I guess you could fight Russia along your southern border with the wall and everything. Without oil from communist Canada. Good luck again on your fortress island of Trump legacy faschist democracy. Trump's behind you alright. How convenient for slipping his dick in if he were to win. Rebuild the GOP without him and go all out in '28. Ohhh... again the right just can't play a long game and would throw away everything on a chance with the devil. 

I will be first to admit my Ukrainian experience was superficial, but it was more real than what is shown on television. I met Ukrainian unabashedly proud of their Russian heritage. Could they have been saying that (forced) for the benefit of the Americanski's? Sure, who is to know. I worked with some Georgians that hated and I mean HATED Russians. 


But the kicker is what I have posted before, Putin is off his rocker. Russia "stored" their warships in Sevastopol. Ukraine was basically Russian. Maybe the Ukrainians were fed up and there was some behind the scenes stuff which the world is not privy. Thinking the fall of Ukraine means the death of free market is silly. Ukraine was Russian for a long time and the free market was not impacted, the rest of Europe did not fall. I don't think Russia has the military for a full on WWIII, but I know they will not hesitate to use tactical nukes-Think Harris has the balls to play that game? Even Sun Tzu would say fighting is inevitable at that point. There is a chance a woman leader would be all the extra needed for Putin or some Arab to launch a small nuke into Europe or America, destabilize the Great Satans and test her. The only respectable response would be total destruction of your enemy in a firestorm that would frighten Sodom and Gomorrah. And as mentioned in prior posts, we bomb it, we rebuild it, we own it. Because the United States of America is the greatest on earth, I would not oppose a program for the conquered to earn back their autonomy. Or we could make soylent green out of the losers and end world hunger, either way, I will sleep like a baby. Just get after it, turn the focus of America outward and stop self harm, have the youth sharpen their skills and swords outside to protect the USA. I know many who participated in the Middle East wars, some happy, some sad, some unconcerned, some mad, but all of them, even the pissed off ones, came back with an appreciation of the life that is offered in the United States. 


As for the Canadian Commies, they are all bark. If the world starts splitting up into teams, then I am sure our chilly Northern Neighbors will snuggle up to Uncle Sam like a good bitch. For all the socialist shit up there, they know who butters their bread. Now, if America eats herself and is allowed to fall, like the Democrats demand, then I do not doubt with the new super exchange rate of the CAD, buses from Canada will be showing up and whoring out everything that was great in the United States until we are broken and wasted. 

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19 minutes ago, frankendat said:

I will be first to admit my Ukrainian experience was superficial, but it was more real than what is shown on television. I met Ukrainian unabashedly proud of their Russian heritage. Could they have been saying that (forced) for the benefit of the Americanski's? Sure, who is to know. I worked with some Georgians that hated and I mean HATED Russians. 


But the kicker is what I have posted before, Putin is off his rocker. Russia "stored" their warships in Sevastopol. Ukraine was basically Russian. Maybe the Ukrainians were fed up and there was some behind the scenes stuff which the world is not privy. Thinking the fall of Ukraine means the death of free market is silly. Ukraine was Russian for a long time and the free market was not impacted, the rest of Europe did not fall. I don't think Russia has the military for a full on WWIII, but I know they will not hesitate to use tactical nukes-Think Harris has the balls to play that game? Even Sun Tzu would say fighting is inevitable at that point. There is a chance a woman leader would be all the extra needed for Putin or some Arab to launch a small nuke into Europe or America, destabilize the Great Satans and test her. The only respectable response would be total destruction of your enemy in a firestorm that would frighten Sodom and Gomorrah. And as mentioned in prior posts, we bomb it, we rebuild it, we own it. Because the United States of America is the greatest on earth, I would not oppose a program for the conquered to earn back their autonomy. Or we could make soylent green out of the losers and end world hunger, either way, I will sleep like a baby. Just get after it, turn the focus of America outward and stop self harm, have the youth sharpen their skills and swords outside to protect the USA. I know many who participated in the Middle East wars, some happy, some sad, some unconcerned, some mad, but all of them, even the pissed off ones, came back with an appreciation of the life that is offered in the United States. 


As for the Canadian Commies, they are all bark. If the world starts splitting up into teams, then I am sure our chilly Northern Neighbors will snuggle up to Uncle Sam like a good bitch. For all the socialist shit up there, they know who butters their bread. Now, if America eats herself and is allowed to fall, like the Democrats demand, then I do not doubt with the new super exchange rate of the CAD, buses from Canada will be showing up and whoring out everything that was great in the United States until we are broken and wasted. 

This whole thing is fucking ridiculous.  The Warsaw pact was an international security agreement.  Russia is literally just taking over countries with disgusting war-crimes in a country that agreed to disarm in exchange for protections.  That brazen disregard for human kind is not something we should be entertaining in the 21st century.  If they succeed they significantly expand their mineral rights, their port access for Navy operations, their manpower for soldiers, and finally their military equipment as they recently invested in a significant volume of defense armaments.  Every time some shithead led a militant expansion it started small and continued to grow.  We've been watching them do this for far too long.  We should have stomped them out when they fucked Georgia.


The guy who wants to end NATO is not about to end Putins reign of destruction.  And every move he takes successfully only strengthens him while lessening his resistance.   I've been against almost all of our military engagements in my life.  This is the most warranted involvement we've seen.  And I don't know if you guys have been on discord watching some of the soldiers uploads but fuck that shit.  those soldiers need to get quartered.  

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2 hours ago, tr8er said:

Did you read the Steele Dossier?  Did you read any of Shiffs Report?  Did you read the Mueller report?  I honestly can’t explain his continued support without the assumption that people aren’t actually seeking information.  There is significant evidence that the GOP simply said must be ignored because of x,y,z.  The evidence is still evidence regardless of who is delivering it.  And if it’s all made up, fine.  But look into it and rule it out.  The MAGA response has been discredit, disregard.  Any liberals are just partisan hacks.  And any GOP dissenters are Rinos.  When Hillary was subpoenaed she showed up and answered questions for hours.  No charges.  When Hunter was guilty of owning a gun President Biden didn’t pardon him.  He was convicted.   No delays of trial or discrediting of the court.  

You call Schiff a liar.  Cite his lie.  Or just tell me to do my own research.  But we all know what that means

You have got to be fucking kidding me. You bring up the Steele Dossier ? Seriously what alternate reality do you live in ? I'm trying to not be condescending but WTF ? That was fabricated made up shit paid for by Clinton. And nobody denies it now that they were caught ! And you think a Trump supporter is gullible and eats up his shit ? And just a reminder, Adam Schiff is a liar.

Edited by john510
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I've learned and I hope even the most steadfast anti Trumper's here learn that if a Democrat says My enemy is guilty of doing these bad things, they are in fact doing what they claim their competition is doing.


"Schiff: There Is “Direct Evidence” of Trump Collusion With Russia"


The House Intelligence Committee chairman has long claimed that plenty of evidence of collusion exists in plain sight, making him a frequent target of Trump’s Twitter tirades. So when Attorney General William Barr wrote on Sunday that the Mueller report “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,”





Edited by Ooph!
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1 hour ago, john510 said:

I didn't think the meme I posted was funny at all. In this case the truth hurts.


Funny, your meme made me laugh, and in this case, that's the truth. 

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