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46 minutes ago, datzenmike said:




A slippery way of blaming the left. I never looked at it as left or right or where it descended from.  It's very hard to define as it has several forms but ..


Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines fascism as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”[9]


 I don't see left or right here. Russians hated the fascist Nazis as much as the west. Fascists only embraced other fascists.


You have got to be joking here. If the left repeats something enough times I guess some believe that it makes it fact. You know that just because they call everybody who disagrees with anything they believe, a "Fascist", "Trans-phobic", a "Racist" doesn't make it so. You are reading the definition of fascism and still you don't realize that every word defines what the left is, and what they're trying to accomplish all around the world.


Open your eyes.


"that exalts nation and often race above the individual" = The Left


"government headed by a dictatorial leader" = The Left, look at all the rights and freedoms they've taken and are trying to take. Something we haven't really talked about is the left's constant push to criminalize parents who don't abide by what the gov says of how they should raise their children. They can take you're kids in some states if you don't "affirm their gender". Government raising your kids sound familiar?


"forcible suppression of opposition." = The Left!  Are you kidding me!!! The left illegally weaponized the DOJ against Trump to forcefully try and get him out of the way.


Edit: Let's not forget what just happened. They forcefully kicked Biden to the curb and "installed" Harris in his place. The people didn't have a say in the matter.


Edited by IZRL
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Trump needs scapegoats, he will turn on the Mexican (and other) immigrants and root them out and send them home. He's a racist at heart remember. Hitler didn't start out doing shit things but there were warnings.


The GOP and Trump....


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.... Edmond Burke

You say that like it is a bad thing. I would set limits on immigration. By nature capitalism is a race to the bottom, I don't want to make the world standards of living, America's standard of living. Racist is one of those charged words, it is a declaration rather than a supposition, we both know Trump is far too pragmatic and self interested to be racist. If hiring a black or Mexican or whatever would further his goals, he would do it. By definition, racists hate others based on race. I have not seen evidence of that by Trump. 

My solutions to the boarder are simple. I don't expect any less or any more security by my country than I do for myself and my family. I want to know who comes in and who goes out. If someone is sneaking in, then I assume they are there for bad reasons and I shoot first. I let people into my house that benefit me and my family, now charity is benefit to the soul but I will not extend food so my family goes without, so knocking on my door looking for a handout could go either way.

Let's talk about what could actually happen, a time table set for all those who entered the United States under the former fuckups term under open boarders to log into the guest books. Now, if you re a multiple felon or gang banger, guest book or not-You gots to go, but I am not going to slam those who came across and signed in, when fuckup said it was ok, because that wouldn't be fair.

I would like immigration shut down after that period and the boarder mined. Our lax boarder, essentially rewards the sneaking asshole and punishes those who try to follow the rules. It won't happen regardless of who is in office, but it would be best. 

NOW, after all that, anyone who is here illegally, rounded up and sent back, there is nothing hateful or Hitler about that and if you really believe it is, then ask your town, city, or country to open the doors and instead of returning them to their country of origin, we will send them to you. But be clear, we'll hold you to the same standard, everybody with a sob story gets to come on through, you can't set numbers. "Why, that could be racist."

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The right then also has elements of fascism


"that exalts nation and often race above the individual"  Trump's racist. Make America Great Again. Can't get more national that that.


"government headed by a dictatorial leader" Well that's Trump alright.


"forcible suppression of opposition." If Trump wasn't so crooked and corrupt nothing would have happened to him.


Biden wasn't kicked to the curb. He was a losing and he and everybody could see that. You know it ans I know it, Trump certainly knew it. He was a shoe in with Biden. Harris wasn't 'installed' she would automatically take his place as she was the VEEP. As it turned out, a smart move that is killing Trump in the polls. She'll kick his ass if he doesn't implode first.




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35 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

The right then also has elements of fascism


"that exalts nation and often race above the individual"  Trump's racist. Make America Great Again. Can't get more national that that.


"government headed by a dictatorial leader" Well that's Trump alright.


"forcible suppression of opposition." If Trump wasn't so crooked and corrupt nothing would have happened to him.


Biden wasn't kicked to the curb. He was a losing and he and everybody could see that. Harris wasn't 'installed' she would automatically take his place as she was the VEEP. As it turned out, a smart move that is killing Trump in the polls. She'll kick his ass if he doesn't implode first.


AGAIN, Trump has 4 years under his belt, the fact that he's not a dictator now, shows that people who say that are just talking out of their asses and are saying this only as an irrational fear tactic. The left has proven with their actions that they have dictator/Tyrannical aspirations (Not just in America but all around the world, CANADA included). To think you live in Com-ada and you still go to bat for the side that is pushing us in the direction where youre already at.


The fact that "Make America Great Again" is considered a racist term for the left, should raise a huge red flag to what the left's intentions are for this country, Buuuut somehow it doesn't.


There is proof that Biden was forced to step down by those who wield the most power in that party.


Edited by IZRL
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5 minutes ago, IZRL said:


AGAIN, Trump has 4 years under his belt, the fact that he's not a dictator now, shows that people who say that are just talking out of their asses and are saying this only as an irrational fear tactic. The left has proven with their actions that they have dictator/Tyrannical aspirations (Not just in America but all around the world, CANADA included). To think you live in Com-ada and you still go to bat for the side that is pushing us in the direction where youre already at.


The fact that "Make America Great Again" is considered a racist term for the left, should raise a huge red flag to what the left's intentions are for this country, Buuuut somehow it doesn't.


There is proof that Biden was forced to step down by those who wield the most power in that party.


I don't think these leftist nuts are using the "dictator" nonsense as a scare tactic. I think they really believe it because the media trained them like a dog to think that way. After four years they can't name one fucking thing Trump did that resembled being a dictator. Not one ! You can ask all you want, you get crickets. Because they have nothing. And you're right about the left having the dictator like qualities. It baffles me they see it in Trump but don't see it from their own party ? We can give examples of left wing control all day long. Start with the Covid thing. 

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No doubt Biden was 'eased' out of the race. It was the smart move. MAGA is a genius term. No real American can argue against it. That would be to deny greatness. Not at all seeing how MAGA is a racist term. However MAGA supporters may be a different story.


Dictator? Well everything was fine when he was in office, well for him anyway. Then he lost 2020 big time and then he lost it big time. Everything changed. He a narcissist so loosing made him do illegal things, he snapped, he's never been the same. Then he lost in court, another loss that he can't come to terms with. He's in a lot of trouble legally and he's losing to Harris who is not only a woman but a black woman, two things his racism and misogyny is choking on. His rallies are failing to draw crowds and why not people are tired of him bitching about how it's not his fault if you can understand him at all.

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1 minute ago, john510 said:

I don't think these leftist nuts are using the "dictator" nonsense as a scare tactic. I think they really believe it because the media trained them like a dog to think that way. After four years they can't name one fucking thing Trump did that resembled being a dictator. Not one ! You can ask all you want, you get crickets. Because they have nothing. And you're right about the left having the dictator like qualities. It baffles me they see it in Trump but don't see it from their own party ? We can give examples of left wing control all day long. Start with the Covid thing.


You're right they wholeheartedly believe that Trump will be the end of democracy. Yet they're so mind numbingly stupid that they preach that socialism is the way. So they're eating up and regurgitating the Marxist ideology they're being taught in schools, and in the same breath they say that Trump will be the end to democracy.


The left runs our education system where a majority of students believe that Socialism is the way. Do you think that's a coincidence? It's hard to grasp how twisted these people's minds have become. 

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5 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

His rallies are failing to draw crowds and why not people are tired of him bitching about how it's not his fault if you can understand him at all.


I can't.... I just can't....so so tired. I'm gonna step aside and let someone else give you a reality check.



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7 minutes ago, IZRL said:


You're right they wholeheartedly believe that Trump will be the end of democracy. Yet they're so mind numbingly stupid that they preach that socialism is the way. So they're eating up and regurgitating the Marxist ideology they're being taught in schools, and in the same breath they say that Trump will be the end to democracy.


The left runs our education system where a majority of students believe that Socialism is the way. Do you think that's a coincidence? It's hard to grasp how twisted these people's minds have become. 


You won't learn anything from John he only tells you what you already want to believe.

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34 minutes ago, IZRL said:


I can't.... I just can't....so so tired. I'm gonna step aside and let someone else give you a reality check.



 I did see what you're replying to here. It's just a troll job to stir up a reaction. What you do is just ignore the asinine comments and move on. 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


EVERYONE is done with this extreme leftist ideology, censorship, and gov overreach/ infringement, not only in America, but around the world. 


Javier Milei won the Presidency in Argentina in 2023 for this reason. The leftist can call Trump every name in the book and try to demonize him but it won't work. People on both sides of the isle have realized that Trump is not the greatest but literally ANYTHING is better than what we just had. 


 I think you will enjoy this video (Only 2 ½ mins long). Milei eloquently expresses his thoughts on the left.



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America needs Javier ! That is one of the most entertaining (and true) things I've ever heard a politician say. I've read he's turned some things around also.

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4 hours ago, IZRL said:

 People on both sides of the isle have realized that Trump is not the greatest but literally ANYTHING is better than what we just had.



Now you're talking. As long as you realize that ANYTHING is a terrible terrible risk and price to pay.



Javier: nice '70s hair cut.

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13 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Well first of all it's true and not at all a cheap shot, plus he's a convicted felon, a misogynist, an adulterer, morally bankrupt, divisive, a fascist leader, a coward and has narcissistic personality disorder.... but hey you think he's great for a president. What does that say about you????   


It says that I don't fall for the bullshit agenda set by the left. And honestly, you just described pretty much every billionaire or politician out there. And yes, he was a good president. 


I can see you are one of the "Grab Them By The Pussy" types. Regurgitating the same shit over and over about the man. Yup, we give  you a bit too much credit around here for some of the things you say. 


The convicted felon is a bullshit political charge they managed to get him with since nothing else would stick. But hey, they got him! On a paperwork charge! Oooh! The fucking joker is quaking in his fucking boots! LOL! 


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Not every politician or billionaire is so transparently of such poor character as Trump and many others the facts could at least be argued. He's all that I said, and more. So it comes down to is it worth it to stop the left or will it be worth all the work to undo a Trump presidency after he has fucked things up for the next four years?


Last time he (more or less) had the promise of being a good president, a breath of fresh air and hope but then his henchmen started to fall one by one. Look at how many crooked cronies he placed in high places including his corrupt family members. How he surrounded himself with yes men of poor character and used them up. He quickly became his own brand of political swamp and it's no wonder he lost 2020 to a landslide and a walking corpse. Ask yourself why Americans turned on him if he was so great. There in 16, gone in 20. But he was such a good president!


Losers always have excuses and that's all I have to say.

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I’ve been reluctant to post in this thread because - well - it’s political . 
all I got to say is take time to listen to a Trump rally - if you can last all the way thru it . He has no policy but a blatant agenda . Yeah all politicians embellish their record ,  but no president lies as much as Trump . He plays both sides of the coin so he can always be right . Ever been around one of those peoples that are always right ? Or that person that has done everything better or can do anything better than you ? That person that talks just to hear themselves talk? I bet most would walk out of a room or ignore that person . 
As a veteran - fuck Trump. He doesn’t stand for anything . He admitted not even knowing what NATO was until recently and now he knows “ everything he needs to know” about NATO . And in the same breath he congratulates Putin for being a smart guy and leveraging us with hostages . Same breath he likes dictators because he “thinks” he can out maneuver him or get a better deal ?

Look at his filings “ yes HIS filing” in order to have Truth social which is failing . How businesses did he own that went bankrupt ? It’s laughable . Look to see how many Fortune 500 companies have endorsed him compared to any other Republican candidate. Hardly none have except for Mr Pillow who is not a Fortune 500 company .

No health plan

No infrastructure plan

No plan but to play golf and spew ignorance .


when he first came on the seen I knew very little about him or his show and I thought - maybe a business man could do better . Now - just by listening to him - no media - just listen to what he says . Reading about his past and seeing what a childish bully he is and the constant lying - this guy does not need to be in the Whitehouse again .


Just my humble opinion 

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2 hours ago, Madkaw said:

I’ve been reluctant to post in this thread because - well - it’s political . 
all I got to say is take time to listen to a Trump rally - if you can last all the way thru it . He has no policy but a blatant agenda . Yeah all politicians embellish their record ,  but no president lies as much as Trump . He plays both sides of the coin so he can always be right . Ever been around one of those peoples that are always right ? Or that person that has done everything better or can do anything better than you ? That person that talks just to hear themselves talk? I bet most would walk out of a room or ignore that person . 
As a veteran - fuck Trump. He doesn’t stand for anything . He admitted not even knowing what NATO was until recently and now he knows “ everything he needs to know” about NATO . And in the same breath he congratulates Putin for being a smart guy and leveraging us with hostages . Same breath he likes dictators because he “thinks” he can out maneuver him or get a better deal ?

Look at his filings “ yes HIS filing” in order to have Truth social which is failing . How businesses did he own that went bankrupt ? It’s laughable . Look to see how many Fortune 500 companies have endorsed him compared to any other Republican candidate. Hardly none have except for Mr Pillow who is not a Fortune 500 company .

No health plan

No infrastructure plan

No plan but to play golf and spew ignorance .


when he first came on the seen I knew very little about him or his show and I thought - maybe a business man could do better . Now - just by listening to him - no media - just listen to what he says . Reading about his past and seeing what a childish bully he is and the constant lying - this guy does not need to be in the Whitehouse again .


Just my humble opinion 

I got through four sentences and stopped. Trump has no policy ? WTF do you think MAGA stands for to start with ?  I'll call BS on you listening to anything Trump said. This is your typical liberal nut Trump hating post. Talk about parroting shit that's been said before. Do you people ever have an original thought ? Ever not just repeat what the  last hater said ? 

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Nothing I have stated is in dispute. He's all that and more. I'm sure Hitler and Mussolini were the same but the people ignored the faults and hailed them as saviors. Trump is pretty much the definition of a fascist leader. Look up the definition of fascism. Your democracy is in peril. Just look at 16-20 and all the people he appointed that are in jail, out of jail, heading towards jail and now have a criminal record. Like attracts like.   


.............but as you make statements about YOUR opinions (see above "......nothing I have stated is in dispute"!!), you continue to tell us, that an opinion from any one person or smaller group of persons is all hearsay & can NOT be accepted as truth!  This is why we (conservative Trump supporters) struggle to take what you say, with any merit!  I PRAY 🙏 that your TDS is eventually healed!! 😉😏

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39 minutes ago, john510 said:

I got through four sentences and stopped. Trump has no policy ? WTF do you think MAGA stands for to start with ?  I'll call BS on you listening to anything Trump said. This is your typical liberal nut Trump hating post. Talk about parroting shit that's been said before. Do you people ever have an original thought ? Ever not just repeat what the  last hater said ? 


MAGA is not a policy. Call it a movement or whatever, but it's definitely not a policy.


And, for the record, this is coming from someone who voted Trump in 2020 and likely will this year. I'm not a big fan, but he's better than the alternative in my view.

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11 minutes ago, yenpit said:


.............but as you make statements about YOUR opinions (see above "......nothing I have stated is in dispute"!!), you continue to tell us, that an opinion from any one person or smaller group of persons is all hearsay & can NOT be accepted as truth!  This is why we (conservative Trump supporters) struggle to take what you say, with any merit!  I PRAY 🙏 that your TDS is eventually healed!! 😉😏


When dmike is involved just remember ------>


dMike II.jpg

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30 minutes ago, 67_1600 said:


MAGA is not a policy. Call it a movement or whatever, but it's definitely not a policy.


And, for the record, this is coming from someone who voted Trump in 2020 and likely will this year. I'm not a big fan, but he's better than the alternative in my view.

Making a country great again would be a policy IMO. That's only the tip of the iceberg. Border policy, tax policy, foreign policy, the list goes on. To come here and tell us he has no policy ? Give me a break. 

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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:

I watched this the other day, I think it is very informative



And now they hate his guts why ? He was the same guy then as he is now. Behar even called him a social liberal. Now he's Hitler.

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