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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Not supporting Ukraine is the same as stepping aside and letting him walk through the door. If you really don't support Putin's war don't do nothing.


I can't figure out why people feel it's America's duty to "support" Ukraine, or any other country for that matter?  Lets be real, we ain't supporting anything. The US instigated this war to get whatever they're trying to get out of it. And we get the added bonus of Russia possibly nuking the shit out of us for helping Ukraine. And your hard earned money keeps going to unnecessary bullshit.  LOSE LOSE and LOSE. The average American LOSES no matter which way you spin it. If the US was truly doing this for anything other than to further the elite's diabolical agenda, I would say ok, let's do what we can. But that's NEVER been the case with anything we've ever been a part of. Let's put out the fire in Ukraine and let America burn to the ground, YAY!! When this place goes down in flames, at least you will have a good view from your recliner in Canada. Just make sure you stock up on marshmallows, Hershey's, and graham crackers. Cant let a good fire go to waste.

Edited by IZRL
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Oh yeah?? Well, I faked that orgasm!!!!



We discussed this earlier. Putin invaded Ukraine by annexing Crimea in '14. He was already there. Trump did fuck all about it, well, he kissed his ass and allowed it to continue. If he had done something in those four years Putin may well have not moved his troops in in '21. Historically, appeasement of a dictator/tyrant/bully never works out well. 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Oh yeah?? Well, I faked that orgasm!!!!



We discussed this earlier. Putin invaded Ukraine by annexing Crimea in '14. He was already there. Trump did fuck all about it, well, he kissed his ass and allowed it to continue. If he had done something in those four years Putin may well have not moved his troops in in '21. Historically, appeasement of a dictator/tyrant/bully never works out well. 


Whoa, You have a bad case of TDS or is it just Liberalism in general !

Obama was President until 17 WTF could Trump have done? Putin had already been there for 3 years when Trump took office. What about Obama why didn't the Peace Prize winning genius see what was going on and apply his magic to stop it and solve the issues for Ukraine and Russia. Oh I get it, you wanted the one president that hadn't started a war to start one because that's what all the lefties clamored about his entire presidency was how he fucked up America's reputation and started wars.


Edited by Ooph!
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Obama did nothing and neither did Trump, they both ignored it. Oh, a few sanctions. America has pretty much been at war or 'conflicts' (somewhere in the world) continuously since 1776 so what does one more intervention have to do with anything? How could Obama or Trump have started a war when Putin had already started it? Did America start WW2? No it helped clean it up. The initiative was lost and now it's worse.  


If that moron Trump gets back in, Ukraine is likely doomed, and Putin will walk into Poland next and then the Baltic states. Best we can hope for is these old men quickly die of old age. The world would be better off without them.

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11 hours ago, IZRL said:


I can't figure out why people feel it's America's duty to "support" Ukraine, or any other country for that matter?  Lets be real, we ain't supporting anything. The US instigated this war to get whatever they're trying to get out of it. And we get the added bonus of Russia possibly nuking the shit out of us for helping Ukraine. And your hard earned money keeps going to unnecessary bullshit.  LOSE LOSE and LOSE. The average American LOSES no matter which way you spin it. If the US was truly doing this for anything other than to further the elite's diabolical agenda, I would say ok, let's do what we can. But that's NEVER been the case with anything we've ever been a part of. Let's put out the fire in Ukraine and let America burn to the ground, YAY!! When this place goes down in flames, at least you will have a good view from your recliner in Canada. Just make sure you stock up on marshmallows, Hershey's, and graham crackers. Cant let a good fire go to waste.


S'mores that glow in the dark? Well that's Putin's story line anyway. To stop his expansionist aggression, the EU is paying more than twice as much as the US. The bulk of our commitment is our 2nd tear military hardware, which puts money back into our economy via jobs to replace it with top shelf stuff.


41 other countries around the world are supporting Ukraine, because they understand what's at stake, and the dangers involved in complacence. This includes Australia, South Korea, Turkey, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, Taiwan, India, and Iceland. On the other hand, Putin now has ZERO outside support, not even from China, because they understand the broader trade and security implication. Whether you recognize it or not, Russian expansion is a threat to our security, and our economic interests. Isolationism and pretending those dangers don't exist, not only guarantees WW3, it put's power in the hands of our enemy's. That's not elitist, it's as ideologically conservative as it gets. Or, you can vote for Trump, so he can suck Putin's dick some more.      

Edited by paradime
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No fucking shit!!! Fuck that walking corpse Biden too. Doing nothing is way worse than going something. Let me ask... if you were a one of the former Warsaw pact countries would you be satisfied with Putin moving in as a neighbor in Ukraine?


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Trick question. The WP ended 30 yrs ago with Gorbachev's policy of Glasnost in the early 90s. Most of those Eastern European countries Joined NATO to keep Putin from taking over the wjhole F'n neighborhood again. Can't speak for any of them, but I have Bulgarian friends who would happily pay to have Putin assassinated.


I thought you said both walking corpse shit piles were a Trogon Horse to get their VP in the door? 

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7 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Whoa, You have a bad case of TDS or is it just Liberalism in general !

Obama was President until 17 WTF could Trump have done? Putin had already been there for 3 years when Trump took office. What about Obama why didn't the Peace Prize winning genius see what was going on and apply his magic to stop it and solve the issues for Ukraine and Russia. Oh I get it, you wanted the one president that hadn't started a war to start one because that's what all the lefties clamored about his entire presidency was how he fucked up America's reputation and started wars.


His judgement is clouded from the TDS. 

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Judgement be damned it's an opinion.


36 minutes ago, paradime said:

I thought you said both walking corpse shit piles were a Trogon Horse to get their VP in the door? 


What KaMalla??? image.png.2cf14563bcd8376bf79d2175d0cc8826.pngimage.png.f7e7e06e7d68e21aaeaf9c6cb6aebaf2.png yer killing me here. She only good at laughing inappropriately. Trump doesn't even have a VeeP because he isn't going the distance.

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Arm Chair opinions of the tertiarily informed. 


the Re-Barfing of the TV fearmongering has me laughing. 


Russia wants the Donbass region. They (Russia) took the region during the Obama initiated overthrow of the Ukrainian government. Putin then said they got what region they wanted. Putin said it was over, and Ukraine agreed to a cease fire. The Ukrainians didn't stop shelling the region though, and with the assistance of the CIA kept going into the region killing Russians and leveling infrastructure. Putin put off any type of retaliatory response, because Obama (caught on a hot mic incident) gave Putin all sorts of leeway over the captured land and promised withdrawal of a US missile defense systems in the region. 


Russia amassed assets at the border as soon as the November election was finished in 2019. He knew a weak easily purchased man was about to take office. Ukraine was and is a huge slush fund for the top political class (Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry, Clinton, and so on.) , and now the defense contractors.  Ukraine had a puppet government put in place by the CIA and that same government has refused to hold elections since then. 




Edited by Mattndew76
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41 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:







Here's a fact... EVERYBODY speeds. EVERYBODY. Up here it's accepted that 10km (6mph for Americans) over the posted limit the police wont give you a ticket. The police won't admit this because that would be illegal or criminal to admit. It is probably not worth the bother to argue exactitudes of speedo/radar error in court. The fact that everyone does it does not change the fact that you are committing a ticket-able offense. The fact that these bozos say everyone over values their property doesn't excuse anything. The fact that sellers over value their property means zero. Over valuing your assets for a loan is.


Trump had every chance (and certainly enough money for a legal defense) to prove he didn't, or get an appraisal of his worth to justify everything. Obviously he didn't because he can't and the charges stuck. Doesn't matter if the loan was paid back or the banks were completely on side with this. The laws of NY state say you can't. I guess the lesson learned here is be squeaky clean in a Dem run state.

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21 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Doesn't matter if the loan was paid back or the banks were completely on side with this. The laws of NY state say you can't. I guess the lesson learned here is be squeaky clean in a Dem run state.


Wouldn't a lender (particularly for millions of dollars) inspect and do their own valuation of someone's collateral against a loan?  


In my experience, it seems the banks and financial institutions are WAY more shady than any borrower.





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I guess they could for sure. Maybe they just accept the word of the lendee? and it's up to him to obey the letter of the law... 99.9% of the time there's no problem. But if there is a default you end up seizing an undervalued collateral property that doesn't cover your loss.  

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


Here's a fact... EVERYBODY speeds. EVERYBODY. Up here it's accepted that 10km (6mph for Americans) over the posted limit the police wont give you a ticket. The police won't admit this because that would be illegal or criminal to admit. It is probably not worth the bother to argue exactitudes of speedo/radar error in court. The fact that everyone does it does not change the fact that you are committing a ticket-able offense. The fact that these bozos say everyone over values their property doesn't excuse anything. The fact that sellers over value their property means zero. Over valuing your assets for a loan is.


Trump had every chance (and certainly enough money for a legal defense) to prove he didn't, or get an appraisal of his worth to justify everything. Obviously he didn't because he can't and the charges stuck. Doesn't matter if the loan was paid back or the banks were completely on side with this. The laws of NY state say you can't. I guess the lesson learned here is be squeaky clean in a Dem run state.


Again you don't know shit about the case. The Judge ruled he couldn't present any evidence to prove innocence - fucken look it up.. The judge sequestered speech and a trial. It was a directed verdict and you're then at the behest of the seated judge(that means NO TRIAL but a Bench Trial.) He then ordered that Trump pay his fine before any such appeal could happen or allowed. The penalty to sell or conduct business in NYC was immediate thus preventing him from being able to leverage any of his property to a lender to cover his "Fine" 


I'm beginning to think you are either intentionally obtuse or extremely fucken stupid.





Edited by Mattndew76
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I know very little about the case. I'll point out the obvious. If he's so innocent why is he guilty? Where's the rioting in the streets? Where's the outrage? The indignation? the storming of the Bastille? What are you going to do about it to fix this? Call me an idiot??? Good luck with that.


He has property in Scotland and elsewhere. Oh yeah Britain is after that as well. He said he "has so much money you wouldn't believe it" So pay and appeal. Borrow the money Donny.

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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

We discussed this earlier. Putin invaded Ukraine by annexing Crimea in '14. He was already there. Trump did fuck all about it, well, he kissed his ass and allowed it to continue. If he had done something in those four years Putin may well have not moved his troops in in '21. Historically, appeasement of a dictator/tyrant/bully never works out well. 


Talks about admitting Ukraine to NATO started back in 1991. In 1998 people were already expressing concerns that NATO's move to admit Ukraine would at minimum provoke things into a cold war with Russia, And at worst an actual war. In 2008 George w. Bush pressed NATO to admit Ukraine but it didn't happen cause France and Germany didn't like the idea. But it was made known that Ukraine would be admitted at some point. In 2013/2014 the US was caught meddling to remove the pro-Russian Ukrainian leader Victor Yanukovych. Which lit Putin up even more. In 2022 Kamala Harris publically told Ukraine's leader Zelenskyy that we wanted him to join NATO. This happened days before Russia moved its troops into Ukraine.


Russia has been expressing their disapproval of this move the entire time. Everyone knew this would provoke Russia. And still we kept pushing this shit. There was really no benefit to anyone, for us to admit Ukraine, other than to provoke Russia.


Imagine what the US would do if China or Russia agreed on a military alliance with Canada or anyone else in the America's? We'd go to war immediately. I'm starting to sound like a broken record. But Americans need to stop justifying all the bullshit the US does. They need stop looking at the world through the eyes and mouths of our politicians. And start analyzing things more impartially (this doesn't make you an idiot traitor of your country like you believe, its actually the opposite). 


As a side note, in response to your other post. I did say in a previous post on this thread that WWII was probably the last war, we actually did some good for us and the rest of the world. 



Edited by IZRL
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10 hours ago, paradime said:

Whether you recognize it or not, Russian expansion is a threat to our security, and our economic interests. Isolationism and pretending those dangers don't exist, not only guarantees WW3, it put's power in the hands of our enemy's. That's not elitist, it's as ideologically conservative as it gets. Or, you can vote for Trump, so he can suck Putin's dick some more.  


"Economic interest", seriously 🤣? Those economic interest you're talking about don't benefit you in the least. Broken Record Alert: We are getting shafted as the average American! Apparently some people enjoy it and don't have a problem with it. Let me know when you're able to pay for groceries and fuel for your family with those "Economic interest" you speak of.


We are closer to either getting nuked or starting WWIII now than we've ever been "because" we interfered. Infact WWIII might have already started because of the US government's carelessness & stupidity for all we know. You seriously think that the US pissing Russia off, lessens the odds of a world war popping off? "Trump sucking putins dick" Hilarious to hear a Democrat talk shit about a Republican who is trying to prevent a Nuclear war with Russia. Used to be the other way around. Those idiots currently in the whitehouse, the elites, and everyone else who has a hand in this. Have underground bunkers (more like small underground cities) and a better chance of surviving what they are instigating then the rest of us. Which is why their so cavalier about provoking a nuclear war. You think they give a shit what happens to the rest of you who are skipping along singing their praises? ooooweeeh!!!

Edited by IZRL
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22 hours ago, IZRL said:


I went to phoenix this week and stopped at a Taco Bell. I couldn't believe it. They have self order stations. Big screens where you enter your order while you're standing inside the damn restaurant. First off it took me about 4 times longer to order my food than it would've taken for a cashier to take my order. But most importantly they ask for you to enter your email address or phone number to send you your receipt. No option to print it. I opted for no receipt.  Up until now I've been entering my phone number to get my receipt texted at walmart's self check out thinking, I'm saving that planet one receipt at a time. But for some reason standing at that Taco Bell, it just felt wrong. Now I'm thinking it's just a genius way for America to slowly Amp up their surveillance state. Everyday we lose a little bit of privacy in this country. All in the name of convenience and safety.


What you reminded me of when you said nothing is free. Is from back when Windows 10 was released. Every single Microsoft operating system upgrade before W10 cost you a good chunk of change. All of a sudden after Windows 7. Microsoft announces that they are giving Microsoft 10 out for free. That threw up all kinds of red flags for me. I talked to other people about the fact that I thought something shady was going on and nobody batted an eye. To tell you the truth I haven't really gave much thought about what the play was with this, so I haven't figured it out, but I know it isn't nothin. Like you said, I heard free and I went into high alert.

I will not use Windows 10 or beyond and it causes me problems on the internet. I don't know when it will be impossible to avoid, but for now--fuck'em. The red flag for me was you are neither in control or have the ability to deny updates. I don't like anything I own, doing anything at anytime without my express consent; express consent every time. If I want to "upgrade" then I will upgrade. If I want to be notified about something then I will come to ask, don't assume I want or care to know. The ability to update without express consent provides Microsoft full access to your computer. I have read reports that Windows 10+ can turn on your computer, sign on to the internet, update and turn off your computer automatically, but have been unable to confirm. I have been able to confirm that updates will download without notification in the background while you are connected to the internet and install next time the computer is restarted, again without notification. It took me way to much time and reading to insure my computer would not automatically connect to the internet, every time I turn it on. I finally, worked up a software kill switch. On my list is to make a hardwire internet disconnect, next to my all power kill switch. There might be (likely) other fuckkery with Win 10 and beyond, but that was what shitcanned it for me. 

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34 minutes ago, frankendat said:

I will not use Windows 10 or beyond and it causes me problems on the internet. I don't know when it will be impossible to avoid, but for now--fuck'em. The red flag for me was you are neither in control or have the ability to deny updates. I don't like anything I own, doing anything at anytime without my express consent; express consent every time. If I want to "upgrade" then I will upgrade. If I want to be notified about something then I will come to ask, don't assume I want or care to know. The ability to update without express consent provides Microsoft full access to your computer. I have read reports that Windows 10+ can turn on your computer, sign on to the internet, update and turn off your computer automatically, but have been unable to confirm. I have been able to confirm that updates will download without notification in the background while you are connected to the internet and install next time the computer is restarted, again without notification. It took me way to much time and reading to insure my computer would not automatically connect to the internet, every time I turn it on. I finally, worked up a software kill switch. On my list is to make a hardwire internet disconnect, next to my all power kill switch. There might be (likely) other fuckkery with Win 10 and beyond, but that was what shitcanned it for me. 

https://www.sophiabrueckner.com/killswitch.html On my project list

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