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Yeah, if you have a political opinion why not keep it to your self unless asked? When I was growing up (and they probably still do this) neighbors would place signs on their lawns proclaiming who they vote for. Like that will make anyone opposed change their minds? Intimidation? popularity contest? Across the street one would put up a sign followed by his neighbor putting up 3 or 4 followed be the first one calling a campaign headquarters and a truck with volunteers arriving and hammering a picket fence of signs on the front lawn. My immigrant parents would always shake their heads in wonder.    

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Maher spent four years bashing our last President.When that was over with he jumped off the leftist ship just to keep his show somewhat popular.The guy's all over the place for ratings.I agree with a lot of what he says recently but believe he's just doing it for the attention.

Edited by john510
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Showbiz and politics are one and the same. Both contort reality to sell a story and get attention. Trump is a power hungry attention seeking whore and a master showman. His party tick is changing his spots like a chameleon and it's made him the most powerful prostitute in modern politics. With his complete lack of honor integrity, I've always had zero trust or respect for his demigod schtick, but his theatrical talent is very impressive. He's earned his Academy Award, but after slapping everyone in the face for  not being an obedient servant, he's more than earned what he's getting. Now he's playing the victim role for all it's worth to stay in power and his obedience fans are playing along. 

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5 hours ago, john510 said:

Maher spent four years bashing Trump.When that was over with he jumped off the leftist ship just to keep his show somewhat popular.The guy's all over the place for ratings.I agree with a lot of what he says recently but believe he's just doing it for the attention.


Well that's kind of the name of the game. He isn't reading the news. You're not much good if not popular. Bashing the guy who's down is always good but poking the eye of the guy in power, specially if a hypocrite or is in a scandal or has a relative who's a douchebag is too. Hmmm actually works for the guy who's not in power also. Everything is fair game and worth a chuckle. As for your 'guy' being run down by Maher... you should be big enough to able to take a joke. If you become all butt hurt maybe it's you. (not you John just speaking in generalities)

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

My bad for responding?

No not at all.I went back and edited a little so there's no mention of that word that seems to trigger things.You posted about Maher.I responded about Maher and shouldn't have used the name of the last President in my reply.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


Well that's kind of the name of the game. He isn't reading the news. You're not much good if not popular. Bashing the guy who's down is always good but poking the eye of the guy in power, specially if a hypocrite or is in a scandal or has a relative who's a douchebag is too. Hmmm actually works for the guy who's not in power also. Everything is fair game and worth a chuckle. As for your 'guy' being run down by Maher... you should be big enough to able to take a joke. If you become all butt hurt maybe it's you. (not you John just speaking in generalities)

The thing about Maher,I know what his game is,attract attention by saying ridiculous things whether you really believe them or not.I take his opinion as seriously as I do of those cackling hens on "The View"

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

No not at all.I went back and edited a little so there's no mention of that word that seems to trigger things.You posted about Maher.I responded about Maher and shouldn't have used the name of the last President in my reply.


Well that's a strangely familiar accusation John. Reading back through this, it appears that I posted something that had NOTHING to do with Trump. It was you who brought him into this.


Your cheep edit trick is weak sauce, so stop trying to make me look like a snowflake for explaining my thoughts, when it's Maher that obviously trigged you. Why not stick to your word like meant it, and explain why I shouldn't talk about Trump's character in an election year. Or is there no space for discussing crazy political stuff like that if you don't agree with it?

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

You know who I'm talking about.That name triggers you also ? 

I don't get triggered, none of this really matters much to me, things are going well in my world. What I don't understand is the rabid loyalty to Trump? You seem to be the perfect candidate for this question. So what's the appeal? The guy is a chronical liar, obnoxious, an attention whore and seems to be a pied piper for? After the first 4 years you think things will be  "different" this time. This country is seriously fucked with the way things are going now for the last 20 years and now this Assclown was the icing on the cake! Storm the capital! The elections are rigged! Let's just spew the nonsense and watch how many are believers.

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3 hours ago, john510 said:

The thing about Maher,I know what his game is,attract attention by saying ridiculous things whether you really believe them or not.I take his opinion as seriously as I do of those cackling hens on "The View"


He's a comedian and should never be looked at seriously but for entertainment. Making fun of politicians and their peccadilloes, (or major fuck ups for that matter) their foibles, their dress, manners, orange color, mental acuity are all grist for the comedic mill.



1 minute ago, bottomwatcher said:

I don't get triggered, none of this really matters much to me, things are going well in my world. What I don't understand is the rabid loyalty to Trump? You seem to be the perfect candidate for this question. So what's the appeal? The guy is a chronical liar, obnoxious, an attention whore and seems to be a pied piper for? After the first 4 years you think things will be  "different" this time. This country is seriously fucked with the way things are going now for the last 20 years and now this Assclown was the icing on the cake! Storm the capital! The elections are rigged! Let's just spew the nonsense and watch how many are believers.


Calls into question the mental acuity of MAGA believers and their Pied Piper.  

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14 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I don't get triggered, none of this really matters much to me, things are going well in my world. What I don't understand is the rabid loyalty to Trump? You seem to be the perfect candidate for this question. So what's the appeal? The guy is a chronical liar, obnoxious, an attention whore and seems to be a pied piper for? After the first 4 years you think things will be  "different" this time. This country is seriously fucked with the way things are going now for the last 20 years and now this Assclown was the icing on the cake! Storm the capital! The elections are rigged! Let's just spew the nonsense and watch how many are believers.

It's not a rabid loyalty to Trump.We're going to have two choices for a President.Neither is the perfect choice.One of them is a complete tool that doesn't seem to even know what he's doing or where he's at half the time.The other is an obnoxious jerk that can't keep his mouth shut often enough to seem more professional as a politician.One of them wants to put America and it's citizens first while the other is putting Americans at the bottom of his list of those to take care of.To me it's a very simple choice.So basically I have four choices.Biden,no way in hell.Don't vote.Vote third party (why bother wasting my time) or Trump.I live in America and want the President to stand up for Americans,not stand up for the rest of the world and their problems and then bring them here for us to deal with.What were our problems with Trump vs. our problems with Biden ? Mean Tweets ? Trump couldn't stop Covid ? Biden didn't stop it either.What was it about him that makes him so bad as far as how this country and the rest of the world was operating ? We basically had world peace,a strong economy,low unemployment and reasonable inflation.And now ? Pay attention to the results not the personality.Now can I get a Trump hater to tell us what the positives are about our current President ? FWIW,I'm no fan of this "MAGA" term because it's used out of context.Why would any American have a problem with making America great again ? When a guy gets 75 million votes I wouldn't call that a cult.

Edited by john510
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Even rabid leftist Michael Rappaport did a twitter video in which he said, "with Biden, even a vote for pig-dick Trump isn't off the table."  Whoever is running the WH is shitting in their messkit at every opportunity and they are shedding support at a surprising rate.  And with the release of the J6 footage, blatant contradictions to the whole J6 commission's biased findings are already damaging their narrative.  That could be a telling reversal, as J6 is to leftists as the holocaust is to Jews.  Of course anyone who watched Nick Searcy's documentary a couple years ago already knows this; he remarked that if they lose this sacred cow they will become even more dangerous, as all trapped and wounded animals are.

I agree with Ted Cruz, who was on Bill's show a couple weeks ago, Bill hasn't changed - he's an old school liberal who's party has rocketed to the left and aren't happy with his not towing the line.  He remains true to his convictions, and while I don't agree with them, you have to respect him for not folding.

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5 hours ago, john510 said:

It's not a rabid loyalty to Trump.We're going to have two choices for a President.Neither is the perfect choice.One of them is a complete tool that doesn't seem to even know what he's doing or where he's at half the time.The other is an obnoxious jerk that can't keep his mouth shut often enough to seem more professional as a politician.One of them wants to put America and it's citizens first while the other is putting Americans at the bottom of his list of those to take care of.To me it's a very simple choice.So basically I have four choices.Biden,no way in hell.Don't vote.Vote third party (why bother wasting my time) or Trump.I live in America and want the President to stand up for Americans,not stand up for the rest of the world and their problems and then bring them here for us to deal with.What were our problems with Trump vs. our problems with Biden ? Mean Tweets ? Trump couldn't stop Covid ? Biden didn't stop it either.What was it about him that makes him so bad as far as how this country and the rest of the world was operating ? We basically had world peace,a strong economy,low unemployment and reasonable inflation.And now ? Pay attention to the results not the personality.Now can I get a Trump hater to tell us what the positives are about our current President ? FWIW,I'm no fan of this "MAGA" term because it's used out of context.Why would any American have a problem with making America great again ? When a guy gets 75 million votes I wouldn't call that a cult.

Fair response. I am guessing neither will be on the ticket a year from now. Biden is so toxic the dems will shed him. I think they are just waiting to see if Trump gets the nomination. Then they will be in the clear to switch him out.

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6 hours ago, john510 said:


I heard on the radio a scenario in which Biden stays in the race until all of his electoral votes are gathered for the Democratic nomination.At that point he can bow out and give those same votes to a candidate of his choice which looks to be Gavin Newsom at this point.I'm not sure if that's even a realistic scenario but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it worked like that.Newsom seems to be campaigning for a reason.

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2 hours ago, MikeRL411 said:


What we need is a "none of the above " option on the ballot!


Which is OK if those in office see this as what it is, a rejection of them. Perhaps they will change their tune and woo your vote. Specially if the numbers increase. Otherwise it's one less vote for the opposition.


What you need is an actual party with someone saying "You don't like GOP and Dem? Here's what I will do for you..." 'Course you could end up with one party siding with the third party in a coalition against the second party. Compromise, and therein lies madness.  

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12 hours ago, MikeRL411 said:


What we need is a "none of the above " option on the ballot!


For me, when the only choice is which pile of shit I have to step in with the expectation that this time I'll get what I want? I say F that, I'm looking for another option. I don't want to see a rerun of the last Geriatric Hunger Games, so last week I placed this job ad on craigslist.


Job Opening For: Leader Of The Free World - Must apply immediately to reachech the last round of elimination.


Job Description:

Great fringe benefits and retirement program. Set your own working hours, some travel required. Freedom to hire your own staff to help you manage two other equal branches of power, 15 executive departments, 96 independent executive units, 220 components of the executive departments, a large number of independent agencies and committees, 2.87 million employees serving over 300 million customers with an annual budget of $6.3 trillion, and $33 trillion of debt left by previous incompetent employees in this position. (Open to new ideas for reducing waste relating to excessive product cost, improving quality, accountability, and product delivery for individual customers. 


Application Requirements:

The preferred candidate is someone who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal with a positive perspective that is facing forward to meet our future, rather than a negative perspective that is facing backward towards the past to recreate a future past. Someone who is not morally, and or cognitively deficient and not in danger of becoming incapacitated in the next 2-4 years. Must be willing to submit proof of having reasonable moral physical and mental competencies adequate to perform the duties of this position. In order to be considered, this thorough examination must be complete by licensed medical professionals (a note from your mother will not be accepted), a colonoscopic forensic audit of all personal financial statements filed over the past 33 years, a full criminal background check by the FBI, NSA, and The Girl Scouts of America, and a date tabulated list of past business associates including family members, all sexual contact beginning with your first kiss to "inappropriate" extramarital affairs with Interns, Russian Hoes, and or Porn Stars (of any gender, be it biological, chosen, reassigned, farm animals, or otherwise) who could produce compromising video, or DNA evidence for means of attracting global attention, profit in the erotic industry, spousal extortion, or personal blackmail that might get you fired, or influence your judgement and ability to make logical decisions, and or choose trustworthy friends. 


Job Requirements:

To be accepter for this job, you must be 33 years or older, and the ability to behave like you are at least that age. Demonstrated ability to express complete thoughts and stories using common English words with clear linear sentence structure. Communicate in a way that can be understood by people who aren't from Scranton or Queens during the 1950s. Must have the ability to enter into domestic or international contractual agreements and a basic understand of the responsibility to honor said contract for someone other than themself. This includes a verbal and signed oath for upholding the rules in your employee handbook The US Constitution, and not use it to wipe your ass with. If religious, this position requires actually living by the teachings of your own faith, and not as an assumed position for passing judgement, or forcing your beliefs on others to live by. The Leader of The Free World must respects everyone else's right to not live like the same as you. You must serve and protect our capitalist democracy and all it's PAYING CUSTOMERS, because these are the people who vote you into power, and not serve just the greedy corporations who want to buy your power.


So far, the only response I got was from a guy trying to sell me a toaster oven that runs on puppy farts. Dude's name is Gump and he seems like a strong runner, so I'm interviewing him on Tuesday. I'll keep you posted.

Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Sometimes it seems that the best person for the job is someone than does not want it.


May just  be my ancient memory overreacting and I don't have the spare time at the moment to re-research it, but seems I recall that being the sentiment of George Washington when approached with a call for him to be the first president. He just wanted to catch up on his farming, etc.

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