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7 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I would have been all for live rounds Jan 6. They only used one that I am aware of. People out of control destroying other people's or public property I really have no sympathy for. This is just my personal view because I am a builder. Not commercially but I have built most of my own furniture, some of my outbuildings, restored most of my vehicles and boats from others discarded and abandoned projects. Lots of work and labor of love. If some asshat came by throwing molatav cocktails at my stuff trying  to make a political point I have no issues gifting them a 7.62x39 hollow point to the chest. I was at the south central LA greyhound station in 1995. Never understood why you burn down your own neighborhood then complain you live in a shithole and somehow it is somebody else's fault. Same thing with people complaining about living in a "Food desert" keep ripping off the local stores then claim racism when businesses leave or won't build build there. Ye shall reap what you sow.

So how does destroying property paint anyone's grievances in a positive light?

You make a good point from a personal context, and I hope you get mine was a historical context from a societal level. Like I said, "When it comes to harming others with violence vandalism and looting, NONE of it is justified IMO, but it's never that simple." Honestly, in the same Molatav scenario I would do the same, and I would expect most gun owners would as well. When there were riots in Oakland after BART cops were acquitted for shooting Trevon Martin, my guns were cocked unlocked and loaded. But local, state, federal police, or the National Guard using live rounds to stop a riot is a whole other kettle if fish. You and I have the right to use lethal force to defend our own when justified. When people's lives are in danger, police have the same protection, and that is often violated without justification. The shooting at Fruitvale BART station is just one example. I would NEVER want to give my government the power to shoot rioters who aren't using lethal force to kill others. That's a slippery slope of another color. Let your imagination run with that and see where it goes.

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14 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Lets just agree that the education system has been ignored and has fallen into decay. It's fucked no doubt. Maybe the left pushes harder than the right but where were you? What were you doing while the rug was being tugged out? All I hear is blah blah the left did it. All anyone here does is fuckin BITCH! aaaand bitch

What? I'm not going to agree with a lie,  the educational system is currently shit because it's leaning radically left.


There's a reason why "all you hear is blah blah blah the left did it". It's BECAUSE the left did it. "Everybody is saying it so it must be a lie 🤣".


So all im doing is bitching? Half of your destruction posts are of you bitching about Trump. 

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:



I’ll tell you who I’d prefer to have as neighbors.  As a bonus, kids growing up there would pick up on some French.  My kids a bilingual and one is trying to learn Spanish now to be trilingual.  Cool as hell.  

so, from my vantage point, the interviewed Springfield residents are pretty damn racist aside from the sneaker shop guy.  

But many of the issues are understandable.  immigrants are often terrible drivers so I don’t think that part is unfounded.  I’d expect they don’t have come with much experience in comparison.  Housing availability and cost are impacted for sure.  Cat eating is some racist crap.  Growing up it was the Chinese food trucks selling cat manapua.  Just kids being racist because they do eat cat in some places in the world.  And maybe they will find one person or case to point to people are weird.  Geese are far more believable.  Like kinda shitty Turkey.  

what’s crazy is that a presidential candidate chose this as worthy of his brief time addressing the nation.  The expected decorum of that office would ensure verified and nationally impactful information be used to drive home points.  And I know MAGA doesn’t care.  Decorum and considered speech is not high on their importance list.  But it is negatively impacting our international station.  They are laughing at him and as such us.  Again, maybe you don’t care.  But you should.  International relations and leading our military are two of the presidents main responsibilities.  It matters.  

that video was fun to watch though.  Was he meaning to make the longtime residents look terrible?  

oh, and there’s a klan march in there for you John.  The U.S. almost got rid of that virus but now they are coming back,  

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Goose is more like prime rib than turkey. Hunters call it "Ribeye in the sky" I don't know about a goose that's been living in a community pond though eating bread. I think Trump's comments about the cat eaters was totally uncalled for and did him no good. Bad idea. More of the truth will come out at some point regarding that and we just might find out it is happening on a bigger scale.  If it's true is it racist because it's not accepted as normal or just not appropriate for our American culture ? I missed the part about a klan/clan march. I'm probably busy that day anyway at a Proud Boys/BLM get together at the Capital building. We're having a mostly peaceful riot with bonfires, tear gas and fireworks. 

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:



Tyler puts out great content! Little dude is fearless! Definitely look up his vid on the Florida pedo only trailer park somehow situated next to an elementary school! He strolls in, knocks on doors and just trolls hard! I believe he was an LAPD officer at one point....?

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9 minutes ago, difrangia said:

I'm too busy/lazy to research it, but how many border crashers are being sent to Alaska and Hawaii ??

That's a good question. I checked into it. About 20% of Hawaii's population are immigrants. Legal ones. 45% of those are from the Philippines. The rest are from various pacific islands. No Hispanic, African or Europeans show up in the information I found. 

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1 hour ago, IZRL said:

What? I'm not going to agree with a lie,  the educational system is currently shit because it's leaning radically left.


There's a reason why "all you hear is blah blah blah the left did it". It's BECAUSE the left did it. "Everybody is saying it so it must be a lie 🤣".


So all im doing is bitching? Half of your destruction posts are of you bitching about Trump. 

Even when Mike states an undisputed fact about our educational system, you say it's a lie, and more blah blah the left did it. Trump said that, if elected, he'll close the Department of Education, and let the states decide their curriculum. Right, because Newsom and Abbott need total control of it? Trump's Universal School Choice would give educational funding to parents who want to pay for private schools. Looks good saying that it's so kid can have the same opportunity he did. The fact is, funding from the fed pays 11% of the bill, or about $1k per student. The joke is, to attend the NY Military Academy where Trump went to school, tuition costs $56,590 a year, not including room and board. The average annual tuition for private high schools in NY range between $35,000 to $55,000. The National average is $16,866 per year. Multiply that by a family's number of kids and tell me who benefits from his plans. You want to improve education in the US, take 11% of the pork barrel military budget and invest it in our future. 

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1 hour ago, DRIVEN said:

Holy shit, Ratsun is AIDS!  Most of you sound sound like commie lunatics.  D-Mike, you're a fucking idiot.  Ban me, bitch. 


You can't agree with others with different opinion than you, so your argument consists of: calling them names? and I'm the fucking idiot? If you want out of Ratsun to spend more time at MAGA rallies, just ask me nicely, or just go home and don't come back.





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1 hour ago, john510 said:

That's a good question. I checked into it. About 20% of Hawaii's population are immigrants. Legal ones. 45% of those are from the Philippines. The rest are from various pacific islands. No Hispanic, African or Europeans show up in the information I found. 

Huge Hispanic population here to work the coffee farms.  Papaya farms, Pineapple farms (not many of these left though).  The paniolo were the early hispanics brought here to train and work as cattle herders/cowboys.  That's going way back in time, but they are still around.  Now they have generations and generations sized familys here.  If you go camping out country, good chance you will find a group camping out en masse.  And good chance they will come over and try to feed you and your friends at dinner time.  Filipinos are the newest large group to come here.  And Micronesians.  They are largely taking the lower paying jobs and working in care centers and nursing homes.  But there are plenty of them legal and illegal.  Japanese, Chinese, Portugese, Thai populations are significant and have been here a long time.  Largely integrated and not really seen as immigrants at all.  A white man is far closer to an immigrant than a Japanese man in Hawai'i. 


The folks that we have trouble with are mostly are homeless folks with mental health issues that are sent here from the states.  Some states buy them a one way ticket here.  They can be homeless year-round without freezing to death.  So we have way too many homeless folks that need more care resources and metal help but mostly they are not willing or able to seek it out.  Meth is easier I guess.  


Hawai'i has a long storied past with many nations.  Almost all of them were positive and mutually beneficial.  That is until the Sanford Dole decided to utilize the US military to illegally overthrow the monarchy so he could export his crops untaxed.  That was about when our actual illegal immigrants started flowing in.  

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14 minutes ago, paradime said:

Even when Mike states an undisputed fact about our educational system, you say it's a lie, and more blah blah the left did it. Trump said that, if elected, he'll close the Department of Education, and let the states decide their curriculum. Right, because Newsom and Abbott need total control of it? Trump's Universal School Choice would give educational funding to parents who want to pay for private schools. Looks good saying that it's so kid can have the same opportunity he did. The fact is, funding from the fed pays 11% of the bill, or about $1k per student. The joke is, to attend the NY Military Academy where Trump went to school, tuition costs $56,590 a year, not including room and board. The average annual tuition for private high schools in NY range between $35,000 to $55,000. The National average is $16,866 per year. Multiply that by a family's number of kids and tell me who benefits from his plans. You want to improve education in the US, take 11% of the pork barrel military budget and invest it in our future. 

When has Mike ever stated an indisputable fact about education ? Regarding education in grade schools, we know these kids aren't getting smarter. They're lowering requirements to graduate for a reason. They're lowering testing standards. I don't know what the solution is except to maybe stick to what worked for people like us. They've changed things quite a bit and it doesn't seem to be for the better. What was wrong with reading, writing, arithmetic and some P.E. ? History, social studies etc. Even trade classes that have been phased out. 

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1 hour ago, DRIVEN said:

Holy shit, Ratsun is AIDS!  Most of you sound sound like commie lunatics.  D-Mike, you're a fucking idiot.  Ban me, bitch. 

Like a donkey fart in a dust storm. Completely useless, and always passes without stinking up the place.

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26 minutes ago, john510 said:

When has Mike ever stated an indisputable fact about education ? Regarding education in grade schools, we know these kids aren't getting smarter. They're lowering requirements to graduate for a reason. They're lowering testing standards. I don't know what the solution is except to maybe stick to what worked for people like us. They've changed things quite a bit and it doesn't seem to be for the better. What was wrong with reading, writing, arithmetic and some P.E. ? History, social studies etc. Even trade classes that have been phased out. 


I just did I said:


5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Lets just agree that the education system has been ignored and has fallen into decay. It's fucked no doubt. Maybe the left pushes harder than the right but where were you? What were you doing while the rug was being tugged out? All I hear is blah blah the left did it. All anyone here does is fuckin BITCH! aaaand bitch



 There's an indisputable fact John. OHHH that's right you can't read what I post, or you would know this. 


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11 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


You can't agree with others with different opinion than you, so your argument consists of: calling them names? and I'm the fucking idiot? If you want out of Ratsun to spend more time at MAGA rallies, just ask me nicely, or just go home and don't come back.





More issues here than I care to address, but I'll hit on a couple.  First, as I've mentioned in the past, your opinion on US politics is completely irrelevant.  You left, so fuck off. 

Second, I don't have to agree with others' opinions. They're free to have them and we could respectfully disagree. However, when members are openly promoting the execution of fellow American protesters via live rounds, you might want to at least try to be the voice of reason.  Legally, you might have some exposure, should things go squirrely.  


You don't even know where my political leanings lie, so automatically assuming I'd be at a MAGA rally is pretty funny.  


You've been a loudmouth idiot for years...probably all your life. Is this news to you?  


I don't even own a Datsun anymore.  I just got sentimental and logged in, only to stumble into this retarded thread.  You don't need to ban me, I won't be back.  Have fun linking .ca boot and raising some other dude's kids. 

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1/  It's an opinion and I'm free to have it. An outside view is always relevant


2/  You say they are free to have opinions and then the next sentence you want me to intervene? How free is that? Live rounds on protesters is wrong. Live rounds on insurrectionists only too right. Ohhh you MAGAs  think it was only a protest.


3/  Yes MAGAs are pathetically funny. You want no one to know your political stance? Fine, my opinion is that you are at least Republican and a MAGA 


4/  Yes, everyone has an opinion and when it's different from yours the best come back is I'm a 'loudmouth idiot' Brilliant!


5/  You have no dog in this fight you're just here to act the fool.






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16 minutes ago, john510 said:

When has Mike ever stated an indisputable fact about education ? Regarding education in grade schools, we know these kids aren't getting smarter. They're lowering requirements to graduate for a reason. They're lowering testing standards. I don't know what the solution is except to maybe stick to what worked for people like us. They've changed things quite a bit and it doesn't seem to be for the better. What was wrong with reading, writing, arithmetic and some P.E. ? History, social studies etc. Even trade classes that have been phased out. 

Do you disagree with what Mike said, or just compelled take a jab no matter what? 🤣


States and local governments pay for education, and the wealthier the location, the better the education. Not saying it'll make dumb kids smarter, but in Cali 63% enroll in college after HS graduation. In 1980 it was bellow 50%. 20 years ago VocEd was being phased out in Ca, but they renamed it “career and technical ed” and it's on the rise again in high schools and community colleges. Fact is, they'll likely make more in their first job than most college grads.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

When has Mike ever stated an indisputable fact about education ? Regarding education in grade schools, we know these kids aren't getting smarter. They're lowering requirements to graduate for a reason. They're lowering testing standards. I don't know what the solution is except to maybe stick to what worked for people like us. They've changed things quite a bit and it doesn't seem to be for the better. What was wrong with reading, writing, arithmetic and some P.E. ? History, social studies etc. Even trade classes that have been phased out. 

You lost me at "indisputed" and "fact". Maybe indesputed by a few radicals on the left. What Mike said is partially true. The lie is that woke marxist left leaning pervert/pedophile ideology is not being heavily pushed in the education system. 


For being an "indisputed fact', there are a lot of people disputing it. These things aren't really happening by the way is just our imagination 😆.










Edited by IZRL
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6 minutes ago, paradime said:

Do you disagree with what Mike said, or just compelled take a jab no matter what? 🤣


States and local governments pay for education, and the wealthier the location, the better the education. Not saying it'll make dumb kids smarter, but in Cali 63% enroll in college after HS graduation. In 1980 it was bellow 50%. 20 years ago VocEd was being phased out in Ca, but they renamed it “career and technical ed” and it's on the rise again in high schools and community colleges. Fact is, they'll likely make more in their first job than most college grads.

John’s point was that going to college isn’t in and of itself indicative of a higher educational standard.  In many ways I agree.  First jobs out of college aren’t going to pay what a 4-8year tradesman makes.  And a tradesman who is good with money and ambitious will kill it.  College grads historically move into higher paying fields but that historically part is important to recognize.  If you go to college, especially on loans, you better come out find blazing.  You ain’t special anymore.  And odds of ending up not utilizing your degree have increased over that time.  I’m not encouraging my kids to go.  I’m supporting them if they choose to but it’s their choice.  My wife and I went.  Got into good fields and made it work but the debt is real.  My wife grad with over 250K in school loans.  It can be daunting.  

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