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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:

No doubt Biden was 'eased' out of the race. It was the smart move. MAGA is a genius term. No real American can argue against it. That would be to deny greatness. Not at all seeing how MAGA is a racist term. However MAGA supporters may be a different story.


Dictator? Well everything was fine when he was in office, well for him anyway. Then he lost 2020 big time and then he lost it big time. Everything changed. He a narcissist so loosing made him do illegal things, he snapped, he's never been the same. Then he lost in court, another loss that he can't come to terms with. He's in a lot of trouble legally and he's losing to Harris who is not only a woman but a black woman, two things his racism and misogyny is choking on. His rallies are failing to draw crowds and why not people are tired of him bitching about how it's not his fault if you can understand him at all.


There goes yer TDS again, implying that MAGA supporters "may be" racist.................😂😲

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16 hours ago, IZRL said:


I can't.... I just can't....so so tired. I'm gonna step aside and let someone else give you a reality check.




Have you not yet figured out that it is IMPOSSIBLE to change the mind of those with TDS!!?? 🙄 Your Office Space meme is PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!! 😂😆😝🤣

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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:


You won't learn anything from John he only tells you what you already want to believe.


Hey, I want to be included in that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂😎 In my view, John & IZRL likely have one of the best, level headed, consistent perspectives on all of this, along with quite a few others!!  TDS is a dangerous thing..............

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Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders was given a primetime speaking slot at the DNC convention, and it was exactly what you’d expect. A call for a big raise in the minimum wage, of the kind that’s shuttering businesses all over California; bigger government; higher taxes; more spending; less freedom. Then he added, “And let me be clear: This is not a radical agenda!” He claimed that “Trump’s Project 2025” and his plans to cut Social Security and Medicare are a radical agenda.

Factcheck: Actually, Bernie’s socialist agenda is radical, and the Trump agenda he described is a fictitious agenda. Two of our Top 10 Anti-Trump Lies were that Trump plans to cut Social Security and Medicare and that Project 2025 is his platform.  Project 2025 has NOT been proven, to be connected with Trump. Bernie worked them both into one sentence.

Wait, does this mean that a socialist lied to us?! Say it ain’t so!

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7 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Not every politician or billionaire is so transparently of such poor character as Trump and many others the facts could at least be argued. He's all that I said, and more. So it comes down to is it worth it to stop the left or will it be worth all the work to undo a Trump presidency after he has fucked things up for the next four years?


Last time he (more or less) had the promise of being a good president, a breath of fresh air and hope but then his henchmen started to fall one by one. Look at how many crooked cronies he placed in high places including his corrupt family members. How he surrounded himself with yes men of poor character and used them up. He quickly became his own brand of political swamp and it's no wonder he lost 2020 to a landslide and a walking corpse. Ask yourself why Americans turned on him if he was so great. There in 16, gone in 20. But he was such a good president!


Losers always have excuses and that's all I have to say.


So you have all the answers as a winner, right? Hell, you don't even live here! Trudeau is your piece of work, and given the shit he pulls, no wonder you hate Trump, he is everything Trudeau is not! 


Landslide my ass if you truly believe that. The left pulled off the swindle of the century and got away, so far, and people still believe it. The guy was a celebrity, not a politician and trusted the experts on what to do, so he hired the so called experts, but then they fell apart and he got rid of them. If you don't produce, you are gone. 


Sleepy Joe just got a load of total meat muppets that do as he says, or whoever is pulling the strings, until they get caught stealing luggage or grooming kids.  And now they elected the main muppet to be the new candidate. What the fuck has she accomplished? 


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27 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Hey, I want to be included in that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂😎 In my view, John & IZRL likely have one of the best, level headed, consistent perspectives on all of this, along with quite a few others!!  TDS is a dangerous thing..............

Well thank you. Sometimes I think I might be extreme and out of my mind. And then I see what the Trump haters post. Makes me feel a little more reasonable. I see a lot of defending of Trump here which seems to be more about attacking the liberal attacking Trump because the vast majority of what they (liberals) claim is just horseshit. The narcissist claim cracks me up. The guy constantly saying that is quite the narcissist himself.  My opinion on Presidents, they're all somewhat narcissistic or they wouldn't be President. The one thing I haven't heard since the assassination attempt is "Trump is doing this for himself" nonsense. Has there been a breakthrough with that subject ? If I'm going to do something for myself I sure don't want it bad enough to get shot at. Nobody wins these arguments. All it does is expose what people believe in.

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Just in case you haven't heard yet RFK may be planning to drop out and endorsing Trump.

Here is a short snippet of VP candidate Nicole Shanahan talking about it, the long version she gets emotional almost tearing up so its serious. RFK Tweeted he has make an announcement to make on Friday



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28 minutes ago, Logical1 said:

Wow, I am so out of the loop I had to look up what T.D.S. is an abbreviative for...🤣 




Are you sure you got it right?? 🤣

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17 minutes ago, yenpit said:

Are you sure you got it right?? 🤣


That it is an abbreviative and not an acronym? 😁 Or that in this context it stands for: Trump Derangement Syndrome? I must say I was going back and forth with that or: Total Dissolved Solids... 😜

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30 minutes ago, Logical1 said:


That it is an abbreviative and not an acronym? 😁 Or that in this context it stands for: Trump Derangement Syndrome? I must say I was going back and forth with that or: Total Dissolved Solids... 😜


hahahahahaha 🤣 yes, Trump Derrangement Syndrome!!  It is always fun, to attach that label to liberals, progressives, libtards etc, cuz some of them get SO MAD!!!!!!!! 😂 Mike kinda just ignores it, so he tends to steal my fun away from me!!!!!!!!!! 🤔

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Well thank you. Sometimes I think I might be extreme and out of my mind. And then I see what the Trump haters post. Makes me feel a little more reasonable. I see a lot of defending of Trump here which seems to be more about attacking the liberal attacking Trump because the vast majority of what they (liberals) claim is just horseshit. The narcissist claim cracks me up. The guy constantly saying that is quite the narcissist himself.  My opinion on Presidents, they're all somewhat narcissistic or they wouldn't be President. The one thing I haven't heard since the assassination attempt is "Trump is doing this for himself" nonsense. Has there been a breakthrough with that subject ? If I'm going to do something for myself I sure don't want it bad enough to get shot at. Nobody wins these arguments. All it does is expose what people believe in.

You saying calling him a narcissist is wrong?  Or that he is, but its okay and to be expected? 

My biggest issue with Trump is his pointless and persistent lies.  They are purposeful and effective.  But not representative of the leadership we should strive for. 

My second biggest issue with him is his kindergarten level name calling.  I'd honestly expect anyone qualified for leadership to be beyond that level of mockery.  

My biggest issue with his base is that they ignore literally anything suggesting he is not perfect.  Too quick to suggest it is media lies or deep state corruption.  

Trump doing this for himself?  I think he's doing this for his father.  Or rather, to satisfy the voice in his head that his father left to never accept defeat.  That, and the idea that if he is elected, the chance of him actually serving any sentence for his crimes goes away.  That's gotta be a pretty good motivator.  And I do think he would do this even considering the risk of being shot at.  I think he fears diminished adoration more than physical harm.  In fact, at his age I wouldn't be surprised if the idea of such a memorable death appeals to him.  Getting old sucks, and he's still got some good years left, but no one wants to the care-home diaper phase of life.     


The TDS label is pretty clever.  I remember in like 3rd grade we used to say SBS to refer to sweaty ball syndrome.  Maybe it was 2nd grade...

It's a great way to dismiss the broad spectrum of criticism without any attempt to comprehend what or why his actions are being brought up. 


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1 hour ago, Logical1 said:


That it is an abbreviative and not an acronym? 😁 Or that in this context it stands for: Trump Derangement Syndrome? I must say I was going back and forth with that or: Total Dissolved Solids... 😜

Total dissolved solids could be possible also. Maybe describing the brain matter of a certain side in politics ? 

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23 minutes ago, tr8er said:

You saying calling him a narcissist is wrong?  Or that he is, but its okay and to be expected? 

My biggest issue with Trump is his pointless and persistent lies.  They are purposeful and effective.  But not representative of the leadership we should strive for. 

My second biggest issue with him is his kindergarten level name calling.  I'd honestly expect anyone qualified for leadership to be beyond that level of mockery.  

My biggest issue with his base is that they ignore literally anything suggesting he is not perfect.  Too quick to suggest it is media lies or deep state corruption.  

Trump doing this for himself?  I think he's doing this for his father.  Or rather, to satisfy the voice in his head that his father left to never accept defeat.  That, and the idea that if he is elected, the chance of him actually serving any sentence for his crimes goes away.  That's gotta be a pretty good motivator.  And I do think he would do this even considering the risk of being shot at.  I think he fears diminished adoration more than physical harm.  In fact, at his age I wouldn't be surprised if the idea of such a memorable death appeals to him.  Getting old sucks, and he's still got some good years left, but no one wants to the care-home diaper phase of life.     


The TDS label is pretty clever.  I remember in like 3rd grade we used to say SBS to refer to sweaty ball syndrome.  Maybe it was 2nd grade...

It's a great way to dismiss the broad spectrum of criticism without any attempt to comprehend what or why his actions are being brought up. 


Calling him a narcissist is hypocritical. Is that a label that only applies to Trump ? I don't think so. Look at any famous person/politician. Ever heard one admit they were wrong or that their idea was a bad one ? That's the old pot meet kettle thing at it's finest. And please stop about the kindergarten level name calling. He's outnumbered 1,000 to 1 as far as that goes. What was the DNC about these last few days ? Calling Trump names so please stop. He's Hitler and he will destroy democracy. As they hand pick their candidate from a group of one. The whole convention was about Trump ! Does the lefts name calling bother you ? It all bothers me but I say what goes around comes around. I do wish Trump would take the high road but that isn't his thing. I can respect that somewhat. You know I've never heard anybody here say Trump was perfect ? I've never heard a Trump supporter anywhere say he was perfect. He's far from it. Trump doing this for his father is a new one. You'd be the first person I've heard say that. The TDS label comes from the years of irrational, illogical prediction and behavior from the left. None of it came true yet they still say it. What can you do ? You can't tell these people to slow down and take a deep breath to think about what they just said. It doesn't work. It's like dealing with a two year old. In 2nd or 3rd grade I'd never heard any of the talk you speak of. That would have been junior high for me. From what I've seen on your opinion/assessment of Trump supporters I'd guess you don't know even one and are just using the generic description of them because you don't know any better. 

Edited by john510
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It's heart breaking to see what's happened to the Republican Party. The conservative party that rose above the Democrat's novelties. When I was a kid, Republicans held the moral high ground with honor, lead by example, anti-monopoly champion of fair competition to serve the greater good of all, showed respect for the constitutional concept of equal branches of government and that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.", while at the same time exuded pride in our country no matter who held the rains of power. Both sides of my family grew up with these values and past then on to their kids. Today, the GOP has abandoned the high ground along with their values, and blames the DNC's corruption for rolling in the corporate swap with them. My life long Republican father sew promise in Trump and voted for him in 16. His words, "I won't make that mistake again, but I'll never vote for a Democrat." Whether Americans see it or not, we stands on the brink of corporate plutocracy, and neither party is talking or doing a fucking thing to stop it. The only whistle blower is that "socialist wing nut Burnie" because he doesn't need their quid pro quo money to get reelected. 

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14 minutes ago, paradime said:

It's heart breaking to see what's happened to the Republican Party. The conservative party that rose above the Democrat's novelties. When I was a kid, Republicans held the moral high ground with honor, lead by example, anti-monopoly champion of fair competition to serve the greater good of all, showed respect for the constitutional concept of equal branches of government and that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.", while at the same time exuded pride in our country no matter who held the rains of power. Both sides of my family grew up with these values and past then on to their kids. Today, the GOP has abandoned the high ground along with their values, and blames the DNC's corruption for rolling in the corporate swap with them. My life long Republican father sew promise in Trump and voted for him in 16. His words, "I won't make that mistake again, but I'll never vote for a Democrat." Whether Americans see it or not, we stands on the brink of corporate plutocracy, and neither party is talking or doing a fucking thing to stop it. The only whistle blower is that "socialist wing nut Burnie" because he doesn't need their quid pro quo money to get reelected. 

You sure it's the Republican party that's changed so much ? Do you think the Democratic party hasn't ? I see the right as attempting to hold onto traditional values and failing for the most part. I see the Dems going all in on some crazy stuff and having some success. The side I like is losing IMO. 

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25 minutes ago, john510 said:

Calling him a narcissist is hypocritical. Is that a label that only applies to Trump ? I don't think so. Look at any famous person/politician. Ever heard one admit they were wrong or that their idea was a bad one ? That's the old pot meet kettle thing at it's finest. And please stop about the kindergarten level name calling. He's outnumbered 1,000 to 1 as far as that goes. What was the DNC about these last few days ? Calling Trump names so please stop. He's Hitler and he will destroy democracy. As they hand pick their candidate from a group of one. The whole convention was about Trump ! Does the lefts name calling bother you ? It all bothers me but I say what goes around comes around. I do wish Trump would take the high road but that isn't his thing. I can respect that somewhat. You know I've never heard anybody here say Trump was perfect ? I've never heard a Trump supporter anywhere say he was perfect. He's far from it. Trump doing this for his father is a new one. You'd be the first person I've heard say that. The TDS label comes from the years of irrational, illogical prediction and behavior from the left. None of it came true yet they still say it. What can you do ? You can't tell these people to slow down and take a deep breath to think about what they just said. It doesn't work. It's like dealing with a two year old. In 2nd or 3rd grade I'd never heard any of the talk you speak of. That would have been junior high for me. From what I've seen on your opinion/assessment of Trump supporters I'd guess you don't know even one and are just using the generic description of them because you don't know any better. 


Narcissistic Personality Disorder



A grandiose sense of self-importance

A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions

A need for excessive admiration

A sense of entitlement

Interpersonally exploitive behavior

A lack of empathy

Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her

A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes


Not hyperbolic if that shoe fits Trump to a T.

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6 minutes ago, paradime said:


Narcissistic Personality Disorder



A grandiose sense of self-importance

A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions

A need for excessive admiration

A sense of entitlement

Interpersonally exploitive behavior

A lack of empathy

Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her

A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes


Not hyperbolic if that shoe fits Trump to a T.

Only Trump shows that behavior right ? That fits so many to a tee. What's your point ? The self importance is kind of funny. He was the President and is running for the spot again. 

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57 minutes ago, paradime said:

It's heart breaking to see what's happened to the Republican Party. The conservative party that rose above the Democrat's novelties. When I was a kid, Republicans held the moral high ground with honor, lead by example, anti-monopoly champion of fair competition to serve the greater good of all, showed respect for the constitutional concept of equal branches of government and that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.", while at the same time exuded pride in our country no matter who held the rains of power. Both sides of my family grew up with these values and past then on to their kids. Today, the GOP has abandoned the high ground along with their values, and blames the DNC's corruption for rolling in the corporate swap with them. My life long Republican father sew promise in Trump and voted for him in 16. His words, "I won't make that mistake again, but I'll never vote for a Democrat." Whether Americans see it or not, we stands on the brink of corporate plutocracy, and neither party is talking or doing a fucking thing to stop it. The only whistle blower is that "socialist wing nut Burnie" because he doesn't need their quid pro quo money to get reelected. 


Bern's doin' pretty fookin well jus' bein' Bernie since his college days. 'Shit-Clown' ain't hit a lick at a snake his whole fookin life like most progressive fux; they'd walk themselves to death cause they couldn't change a flat fookin tire. Professional activists and community organizers have been given too much leash since the 60's or so. Bout time to take off the leash and put on a choker-chain. Yank that chain; they learn real damn fast !! I wanna watch !!

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47 minutes ago, paradime said:


Narcissistic Personality Disorder



A grandiose sense of self-importance

A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions

A need for excessive admiration

A sense of entitlement

Interpersonally exploitive behavior

A lack of empathy

Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her

A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes


Not hyperbolic if that shoe fits Trump to a T.


Schumer (Bi-Focal Beak)

Pelosi  (rip up the SOU)

Bamm'O' (the 'Brown Messiah')

Killary ( ______ You fill in the blank)



Askin' for an enemy.

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2 hours ago, tr8er said:

You saying calling him a narcissist is wrong?  Or that he is, but its okay and to be expected? 

My biggest issue with Trump is his pointless and persistent lies.  They are purposeful and effective.  But not representative of the leadership we should strive for. 

My second biggest issue with him is his kindergarten level name calling.  I'd honestly expect anyone qualified for leadership to be beyond that level of mockery.  

My biggest issue with his base is that they ignore literally anything suggesting he is not perfect.  Too quick to suggest it is media lies or deep state corruption.  

Trump doing this for himself?  I think he's doing this for his father.  Or rather, to satisfy the voice in his head that his father left to never accept defeat.  That, and the idea that if he is elected, the chance of him actually serving any sentence for his crimes goes away.  That's gotta be a pretty good motivator.  And I do think he would do this even considering the risk of being shot at.  I think he fears diminished adoration more than physical harm.  In fact, at his age I wouldn't be surprised if the idea of such a memorable death appeals to him.  Getting old sucks, and he's still got some good years left, but no one wants to the care-home diaper phase of life.     


The TDS label is pretty clever.  I remember in like 3rd grade we used to say SBS to refer to sweaty ball syndrome.  Maybe it was 2nd grade...

It's a great way to dismiss the broad spectrum of criticism without any attempt to comprehend what or why his actions are being brought up. 


Still waiting for you to sell me on why we should vote for the left. All you and Mike do is talk smack about Trump. Not once have you guys given a positive thing the left did for this country during this admin that might give us a reason to consider changing our vote. 


You're only argument is "Vote for the left because we hate Trump and you should hate him too".


Sad part about this, is that the left is only campaigning on 2 things as well. 


1. "Vote for Harris because Trump is the devil".


2. "If you vote for Harris, she will attempt to fix the shit she broke as VP". After Harris fucked up with the border, now she's saying she's gonna up border security a tad >>>"If you vote for me I'll try and put a band-aid on the artery I deliberately severed".


We GET it, you hate Trump. Give us a reason to vote for Harris other than "If Harris is president, that means Trump can't be". 


Edited by IZRL
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7 minutes ago, difrangia said:


Schumer (Bi-Focal Beak)

Pelosi  (rip up the SOU)

Bamm'O' (the 'Brown Messiah')

Killary ( ______ You fill in the blank)



Askin' for an enemy.

Exactly. You forgot Jeffries. There's a very long list of politicians from both sides that exhibit a narcissistic personality. To me the older, career, aint quitting till they're dying ones are the worst. I really consider it an egotistical thing more than narcissistic. If there's much of a difference. They go hand in hand together don't they ? 

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8 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Still waiting for you to sell me on why we should vote for the left. All you and Mike do is talk smack about Trump. Not once have you guys given a positive thing the left did for this country during this admin that might give us a reason to consider changing our vote. 


You're only argument is "Vote for the left because we hate Trump and you should hate Trump too".


Sad part about this, is that the left is only campaigning on 2 things as well. 


1. "Vote for Harris because Trump is the devil".


2. "If you vote for Harris, she will attempt to fix the shit she broke as VP". After Harris fucked up with the border, now she's saying she's gonna up border security a tad >>>"If you vote for me I'll try and put a band-aid on the artery I deliberately severed".


We GET it, you hate Trump. Give us a reason to vote for Harris other than "If Harris is president, that means Trump can't be". 


It's right there in front of them and they don't see it. Four years of Harris and nothing to speak of as an accomplishment. But she'll fix it if we give her another four years. 

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Just incase someone in the distant future wants to see the highlights of what this administration looked like.


Edit: Hillary/Obama/Biden are driving, America is riding in the back,  and Kamala is in the sidecar.


Edited by IZRL
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10 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Still waiting for you to sell me on why we should vote for the left. All you and Mike do is talk smack about Trump. Not once have you guys given a positive thing the left did for this country during this admin that might give us a reason to consider changing our vote. 


You're only argument is "Vote for the left because we hate Trump and you should hate him too".


Sad part about this, is that the left is only campaigning on 2 things as well. 


1. "Vote for Harris because Trump is the devil".


2. "If you vote for Harris, she will attempt to fix the shit she broke as VP". After Harris fucked up with the border, now she's saying she's gonna up border security a tad >>>"If you vote for me I'll try and put a band-aid on the artery I deliberately severed".


We GET it, you hate Trump. Give us a reason to vote for Harris other than "If Harris is president, that means Trump can't be". 



I challenge you to go back through all of my posts and find even one instance where I ever even hinted that you should vote for the left. It never happened. You are right about 'talking smack about Trump' and 'he's the devil' though,... and he is a disgusting piece of shit. As for positive things about the left... as you well know there are none or next to none. So take my name off that list except for the talking smack part. That's why I'm here to show that the emperor has no clothes. "The enemy of your friend does not make me your enemy"


There is almost no way 45 will win, but never say never. In the extremely remotely thin chance he does and everything I warned you against comes to pass in the next 4 years, and the title of this thread becomes true, I'll be here to say I told you so.

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