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Part Two


When I was 18 I was at my cousins birthday party, as always I was behind with a project,.....

her birthday gift. I was finishing it up, using one of those cone shaped mounted wheels

to grind my way through a glass bottle. I had it in the sink on some towels , water flowing over it.

My future mentor Joe Bokody, (Hungarian guy), heard the noise and wandered into the kitchen.

He watched for a while over my shoulder, then he asked,

"How would you put that stone back in shape now that it's all worn and grooved up?"

I answered, "these only cost a dollar, if it does the job for a dollar I'm happy",.....

"but, I continued, if I had to, I would lock down this drill motor rock solid, spin the stone

and carefully profile the stone with something very hard, like a diamond"


I had given him the correct answer, the "Exact" answer.

It was then he said, "would you like a job?"


He owned and operated J.F.B Precision in Glendale,Ca.

A precision grinding, honing, and lapping shop.

September 1975 I started a 7 year European style apprenticeship.

Next door was a company named, "Precision Machining", (still there, run by the sons).

That is where I learned the turret lathe and the chucker.

 I later in life worked at other companies, learning I.D. grinding at one, Blanchard grinding at another.

At one point I worked at "Santa Fe Machine", "Huge Machines", learned to run them, and to "spray weld".

I worked at "Hawker Pacific", (now Hawker Lufthansa), an FAA repair station that specialized in

overhauling "Landing Gear"

(learning the big machines at Santa Fe Machine really paid off when I applied at Hawker!)


Pretty stressful setting up and grinding parts that belong to a customer, (UPS, FEDX, Delta, etc.),

that are valued at a million dollars or more.


I had my small shop when I was working for Hawker and once in a while they sent me home

with home work. Small tedious jobs that needed close attention.


When I left Hawker they continued to send me work, good close tolerance jobs, for over 20 years.


I've spent the last 9 years or so mostly handling the jobs from one company.

An FAA repair station that specializes in the C-130.

Hamilton Standard stuff most of it.

The owner recently retired and I'm finishing up one last project for him.


In closing, I have never referred to myself as a, "Master Machinist"

As I mentioned before, customers and clients do, my daughter does, but I don't.


The only feather in my cap, or pat on the back I get is when someone with more years

in the trade than I have,.... asks me for advise.


My neighbor, Charlie, Dimension Tool, mostly commercial CNC work.

He is 74, started working in his dad's shop at 14.

He has about 60 years in the trade compared to my close to 50.


A few times a year he asks me for advise.

Hell, Joe, the guy who trained me in precision grinding, my mentor,

by the time I was 40 he called pretty often asking my opinion.


I'm proud inside when that happens, some may say that doesn't mean much.,......

but it means something to me.





I posted some cool pictures in the "1975" thread  if you want to check them out




Edited by MachineMan
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2 hours ago, john510 said:

And then I watch a few minutes of them this morning and whoever it was talking made excuses for Biden and picked on Trump.


I saw a headline this morning but didn't bother reading the article that said "Dems now blaming moderators for Biden's poor performance."  It's always someone else to blame.

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Might as well outlaw homeless going hungry too.


Michael, ..... this is California.

The homeless here are given an EBT card, free medical and mental treatment, free dental, even housing.

"That is why the taxes here are so high!! " 

Cops leave them alone, they sometimes pitch camp right in the middle of the side walk,.... people don't say anything.

People often have to walk in the street in an area with a number of encampments.


My 4Runner has been broken into 4 times.

First time, my "Ray Ban" sunglasses, probably wore them a half a dozen times, $179.00

Also a little 4" dial caliper that I owned for about 20 years.


They broke into my 57', stole the "Pukka Shell necklace off the rear view mirror, and stole all my road tools

from under the seat. Most of those tools I'd had for as long as I have had the truck, about 36 years.


So we give em' all this free stuff,.... and then they damage our property and steal our stuff 


"Michael, ever heard the saying, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" ?


These ungrateful people literally do.



If you don't see the incredible injustice of this, then you have yet to be exposed to it.




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7 hours ago, frankendat said:

I feel the same way, until they become pests. I didn't aspire to be a bear hunter and find the meat greasy, but the incompetent Fish and Game (Federal and State) made bear harder to hunt for those who do and as a result...more bear. Why was that so hard to predict? Anyway, a buddy of mine put up night cams on a ridge we often hunt and we counted a half dozen. Damnitt. Now I'm a reluctant bear hunter. I am a sort of reluctant wolf hunter, because I could have lived my life without seeing or killing a wolf and been happy, but since Fish and Game re introduced them to Idaho (amazing stupid) I hunt them. The difference is, I don't mind bear and feel bad they are overpopulating and getting into the sheep and trash, but they are, so bear need to be thinned out. Wolves are land sharks. I would happily wipe them off the face of the planet. The time for wolves has passed. Ask those who live in the country in Canada, ask any who live in Siberia, the Russian satellites, or anywhere in the cold Asia, wolves are bad to have around. We (the USA) are morons. The assholes that love wolves, do not know wolves. I would love to re introduce a dozen wolves into central park. C'mon they would only be living and protecting their young, nature will find balance, leave the central park wolves alone.  


I heard about this introduction of wolves. Being the official "conspiracy theorist" of the forum. You know what the first thing that came to mind when i heard about this? These gov MFer's are trying to thin out the big game populations so that if shit hits the fan. We won't have a food source to survive on. So we'll have to submit or die. Give me another good reason why they would do such a stupid move. What benifit does this have for anything? If the goal was to thin out the game populations. They could've given out more tags for humans to benefit from this. God knows there's a long line of people who get denied of a tag every year. But no, let's introduce a new predator that has absolutely no business being there. That provides absolutely no benefit and that will fuck with the order of things in the area....😤.


And you guys thought I was fresh out conspiracy theories. I'm the gift that keeps on giving 😘



Edited by IZRL
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5 hours ago, IZRL said:


I heard about this introduction of wolves. Being the official "conspiracy theorist" of the forum. You know what the first thing that came to mind when i heard about this? These gov MFer's are trying to thin out the big game populations so that if shit hits the fan. We won't have a food source to survive on. So we'll have to submit or die. Give me another good reason why they would do such a stupid move. What benifit does this have for anything? If the goal was to thin out the game populations. They could've given out more tags for humans to benefit from this. God knows there's a long line of people who get denied of a tag every year. But no, let's introduce a new predator that has absolutely no business being there. That provides absolutely no benefit and that will fuck with the order of things in the area....😤.


And you guys thought I was fresh out conspiracy theories. I'm the gift that keeps on giving 😘



They didn't need wolves to thin out game populations. Us human beings did it just fine. To the point where it had to be regulated and controlled. Like it needs to be.

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6 hours ago, IZRL said:


I heard about this introduction of wolves. Being the official "conspiracy theorist" of the forum. You know what the first thing that came to mind when i heard about this? These gov MFer's are trying to thin out the big game populations so that if shit hits the fan. We won't have a food source to survive on. So we'll have to submit or die. Give me another good reason why they would do such a stupid move. What benifit does this have for anything? If the goal was to thin out the game populations. They could've given out more tags for humans to benefit from this. God knows there's a long line of people who get denied of a tag every year. But no, let's introduce a new predator that has absolutely no business being there. That provides absolutely no benefit and that will fuck with the order of things in the area....😤.


And you guys thought I was fresh out conspiracy theories. I'm the gift that keeps on giving 😘






The predators were here first and it was humans that upset the order.

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These articles are nuts.  Again, just a headline, but apparently the Dems might be in a quandry because Kamala has a lower approval rating than Biden, and most of the somewhat suitable replacement nominees are white males.  Again, they are afraid of being perceived as being racists.  I find it amusing because they sure love to use the race card at every possible opportunity. 


I gotta say that I do enjoy seeing this stuff get turned around.  Reminds me of preachers who get caught with hookers.



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5 hours ago, john510 said:

They didn't need wolves to thin out game populations. Us human beings did it just fine. To the point where it had to be regulated and controlled. Like it needs to be.


Right but that's what's gonna happen, they're gonna thin it out. In other words they bring no benefit to us as things are today IMO. 

5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

The predators were here first and it was humans that upset the order.


I'll reply to you with the same video😆.

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28 minutes ago, IZRL said:


Right but that's what's gonna happen, they're gonna thin it out. In other words they bring no benefit to us as things are today IMO. 


I'll reply to you with the same video😆.

I guess my point is we have a lot of people thinking/believing we need mankind to make sure the natural balance of things stays balanced. Which IMO is nonsense. Mother nature took care of herself long before we got involved. All we've done is screw up the balance. I'm not anti hunting at all. It's just not my thing. I do fish and love it but only take what I can consume. No more feeding the whole family and neighborhood when I catch a limit of Tuna. It took some years to realize but I now know that over doing it with what I was allowed to take was a bad thing. 

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Oh Canada,..... what on earth is wrong up there?



What ever is wrong up there, "Please Keep It Up There!"

We have enough headaches and problems with the liberal lefties on our own soil!


While you're at it, keep all the radical muslim troublemakers, that you treat like "Honored Guests",......

Keep them up their too.

The last one coming down here had a trunk full of dynamite and was planning to kill a lot of innocent people.








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13 hours ago, IZRL said:


I heard about this introduction of wolves. Being the official "conspiracy theorist" of the forum. You know what the first thing that came to mind when i heard about this? These gov MFer's are trying to thin out the big game populations so that if shit hits the fan. We won't have a food source to survive on. So we'll have to submit or die. Give me another good reason why they would do such a stupid move. What benifit does this have for anything? If the goal was to thin out the game populations. They could've given out more tags for humans to benefit from this. God knows there's a long line of people who get denied of a tag every year. But no, let's introduce a new predator that has absolutely no business being there. That provides absolutely no benefit and that will fuck with the order of things in the area....😤.


And you guys thought I was fresh out conspiracy theories. I'm the gift that keeps on giving 😘



I have one. One of the biggest groups that support the 2nd Amendment, besides the NRA, is the hunting lobby. The hunting lobby has more money than the NRA. The groups supporting the re-introduction of wolves want nature to be a bio-dome. They believe that if nature is left alone it will find "balance" and all of us will live happily ever after. This is a silly fairy tale, balance is a impossibility, it will never happen-NEVER. For a multitude or reasons, the easiest and quickest to explain, America is based on capitalism and expansionism, which demands continued growth. There are more, but that is the simple slam dunk. 

Anyway, the groups supporting the re-introduction of wolves dismiss those facts and believe in a balance between wolves and deer/elk/antelope and wolves, making hunters and hunting not necessary. The anti-gun assholes like this because it would damage the NRA and the 2nd Amendment. AND as the Democratic party is both anti gun and pro increasing environment regulations/restrictions, it is a easy marriage. 

So, my conspiracy is similar to yours in that it is about impacting game, but I take it further as a play against the 2nd Amendment.  

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

I guess my point is we have a lot of people thinking/believing we need mankind to make sure the natural balance of things stays balanced. Which IMO is nonsense. Mother nature took care of herself long before we got involved. All we've done is screw up the balance. I'm not anti hunting at all. It's just not my thing. I do fish and love it but only take what I can consume. No more feeding the whole family and neighborhood when I catch a limit of Tuna. It took some years to realize but I now know that over doing it with what I was allowed to take was a bad thing. 

Mother Nature will never find balance without human intervention because humans will not stop intervening on Mother Nature. I just responded to IZRL providing one of the reasons why this "fairy tale" balance will never, ever, happen. Go back in this thread where I posted on the "Destruction of Idaho" pictures of areas that were full of deer now subdivisions. Mother Nature cannot act that fast, nature deals with change slowly. 

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6 minutes ago, frankendat said:

Mother Nature will never find balance without human intervention because humans will not stop intervening on Mother Nature. I just responded to IZRL providing one of the reasons why this "fairy tale" balance will never, ever, happen. Go back in this thread where I posted on the "Destruction of Idaho" pictures of areas that were full of deer now subdivisions. Mother Nature cannot act that fast, nature deals with change slowly. 

That's kind of what I said. Developing land is part of the problem. That's us not nature causing the loss of habitat and animals. Compromise needs to be accepted from those that think they aren't part of the problem. Typically the pro hunting and fishing crowds that constantly deny they have any impact on fish and game populations. The solution is regulation and they don't like it. I have this discussion on a fishing website. You should hear these meat hunters denying that fishing the same kelp beds year round every day has any impact on fish populations. I've been fishing there for 50 years. It isn't what it used to be that's for sure. Not even close.

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1 hour ago, MachineMan said:

Oh Canada,..... what on earth is wrong up there?



What ever is wrong up there, "Please Keep It Up There!"

We have enough headaches and problems with the liberal lefties on our own soil!


While you're at it, keep all the radical muslim troublemakers, that you treat like "Honored Guests",......

Keep them up their too.

The last one coming down here had a trunk full of dynamite and was planning to kill a lot of innocent people.








What's wrong up there ?  Justin Trudeau

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:

I have one. One of the biggest groups that support the 2nd Amendment, besides the NRA, is the hunting lobby. The hunting lobby has more money than the NRA. The groups supporting the re-introduction of wolves want nature to be a bio-dome. They believe that if nature is left alone it will find "balance" and all of us will live happily ever after. This is a silly fairy tale, balance is a impossibility, it will never happen-NEVER. For a multitude or reasons, the easiest and quickest to explain, America is based on capitalism and expansionism, which demands continued growth. There are more, but that is the simple slam dunk. 

Anyway, the groups supporting the re-introduction of wolves dismiss those facts and believe in a balance between wolves and deer/elk/antelope and wolves, making hunters and hunting not necessary. The anti-gun assholes like this because it would damage the NRA and the 2nd Amendment. AND as the Democratic party is both anti gun and pro increasing environment regulations/restrictions, it is a easy marriage. 

So, my conspiracy is similar to yours in that it is about impacting game, but I take it further as a play against the 2nd Amendment.  


Yes this ⬆️. Also, the general public who agree with this don't take humans into account. Without humans this plan might have been a good idea "maybe". Wolves don't have any natural predators. So they're gonna take over. Ranchers and farmers are gonna have an even harder time trying to protect their livelihood and what will be the food they provide for us. Which is probably another reason for this introduction.


Like you said, hunting will be prohibited because of the extreme reduction in big game. When this happens people will say "maybe they didn't know wolves would disrupt things this bad before they introduced them".  BULLSHIT! These government agencies aren't stupid, they know exactly what's gonna happen. It's being done purposefully. If an average dumbass like myself can figure it out. You know they already know the ending of this fairytale.

Edited by IZRL
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1 hour ago, john510 said:

That's kind of what I said. Developing land is part of the problem. That's us not nature causing the loss of habitat and animals. Compromise needs to be accepted from those that think they aren't part of the problem. Typically the pro hunting and fishing crowds that constantly deny they have any impact on fish and game populations. The solution is regulation and they don't like it. I have this discussion on a fishing website. You should hear these meat hunters denying that fishing the same kelp beds year round every day has any impact on fish populations. I've been fishing there for 50 years. It isn't what it used to be that's for sure. Not even close.

I misunderstood. I thought your position was "let Mother Nature work it out" which is impossible. Unless we humans nuke ourselves out of the equation, then Mother Nature will work it out--eventually. 

As far as regulation, I am no fan but understand the necessity and live with it. The problem is herds were thinning, habit was being developed and regulations tightening BEFORE wolves were added to the mix. Why any asshole thought it was a good idea to bring back another predator, a predator with no respect for rules and regulations to compete for prey that require an entire yearly published book rules of regulations to avoid extinction is insanity. It makes conspiracy theories plausible, because it is hard to believe that level of chosen ignorance. 

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3 hours ago, MachineMan said:

Oh Canada,..... what on earth is wrong up there?



What ever is wrong up there, "Please Keep It Up There!"


That looks like a tranny to me.  Udderly ridiculous.  

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42 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Who makes this shit up anyway????


Not made up at all, made the mainstream news "Internationally".

(just as it says in the title of the video)


I see you're in Vancouver, yes,......of course, wealthy chi-coms give your local government

some money and they are welcomed in with open arms.


Then they go on to build horrible looking Mandarin palaces that are as out of place as a rice paddy on the moon.

Local residents and tourists can't stand it,.....

it's taken away the quaint traditional look and atmosphere that many held dear.


As a bonus, the real estate market is "Ruined" prices are off the map, now Canadians can't afford a home there. 


I have always known that Canada was a socialist country,

but taking chi-com money and kicking your culture to the curb,..... I never expected that.


Of course the citizens of Canada can't do anything about it,

you allowed your government to take away your guns.


You know, like Hitler did.



Some comments from YouTube under this video,......



Our government should have never allowed This to happen. Due to this an a large majority of an entire generation will probably never be home owners! As well as the generations proceeding the millennials ...







I love all people. I really do. But. I feel like Vancouver is really only for Asian People. This is not really a city for anyone else. After living here 10 years, you can really see and feel Asians do not want other ethnicities. Which feels very sad. Every where u go you only see Asian with Asian. You never see a white person or Latino or any other ethnicity. Vancouver is the only city in Canada that doesn't feel like Canada. Unkind, and only speaking their language. If I moved to Asia. I would respect people and their culture.But Asians here only want to be around Asians . Well this is Canada. It's time to mix and experience other cultures.


To sum it up, Canada shields muslim extremist, gives them a safe place to plan jihad,......

as a bonus they welcome chinese communist into their country with open arms.


 This presents, "a clear and present danger to the sovereignty of the of the United States of America",...... 


Ok, got it, Canada is now an enemy of the United States.


Socialist do not make good friends.

Communist are only useful as a food source for Lions, Tigers, and Bears,...........oh my.





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I don't watch the news. It's funny though... you bitching about how Canada is, on the forum post called Destruction of America with almost 700 pages of items and causes for it's decline. 

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20 hours ago, john510 said:

I guess my point is we have a lot of people thinking/believing we need mankind to make sure the natural balance of things stays balanced. Which IMO is nonsense. Mother nature took care of herself long before we got involved. All we've done is screw up the balance. I'm not anti hunting at all. It's just not my thing. I do fish and love it but only take what I can consume. No more feeding the whole family and neighborhood when I catch a limit of Tuna. It took some years to realize but I now know that over doing it with what I was allowed to take was a bad thing. 


I'm talking about things now. I am aware that humans screwed everything up here, nature wise. No matter which way you look at it, for better or for worse. Humans aren't going anywhere so all we can do is do the best we can to coexist.


Up until now game and fish have done an ok job of keeping a balance between man and beast here in the states. They put out a limited number of tags to prevent over harvesting while giving hunters a chance to scratch that hunting itch and possibly stock the fridge with some good meat.


This introduction of wolves will royally screw this present day human/beast balance. This is what I meant by the "order of things"


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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I don't watch the news. It's funny though... you bitching about how Canada is, on the forum post called Destruction of America with almost 700 pages of items and causes for it's decline. 


Why not, you bitch about the U.S.A. 

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